Chapter 26

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Noah skipped his run the next morning. He was feeling better. The headache was gone, but the decision of whether to get out of bed early or stay in bed cuddling with Roni was a no brainer. He turned his internal alarm off and fell back asleep with Roni in his arms.

They slept so soundly that it was already close to ten by the time he noticed Roni wasn't in bed anymore. The bathroom door opened as he walked into the hallway to investigate where she'd gone. She walked out and smiled. Just the sight of her made him breathe in happily.

He pulled her to him after meeting her halfway in the hallway.

"How you feeling?" she asked, touching the side of his face softly with her fingers.

"Much better. No more headache." He pecked her, tasting the toothpaste on her lips. "You getting up now?"

"Actually I was thinking of getting back in bed." Her sly smile with the twinkle in her eyes made his heart speed up.

"I'll meet you there in two minutes." He practically ran to the bathroom, hearing her giggle behind him. After taking care of business, he brushed his teeth and was back in the room in under the two minutes he promised.

She was already in his bed, scrolling through her phone when he walked in.

"I can't wait to upgrade this thing," she said, setting it on the nightstand next to the bed.

He crawled in next to her, slipping his hand over her belly. "When's your contract up?"

"Next week." She smiled big.

"Next week?" he asked, nuzzling up against her ear, making her squirm. "Then you can do it already." He kissed below her ear, bringing his leg over hers. "They usually let you upgrade a few months before your contract's up."

His hand roamed freely around her belly area and made its way up her cotton t-shirt, slowing only as he reached the swell of her breast. Feeling his heart pick up a notch and his own breathing accelerate, he stopped and looked into her eyes for any objection. One thing was clear, any talk of upgrading phones was the furthest thing from her mind now. She brought her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

He kissed her deeply, his hand caressing her breast, and she moaned softly against his lips. It was a sound he'd heard several times this past week, and he loved it. He was so ready to make love to her it was crazy, but there was one thing he'd been going nuts thinking about in case she wasn't ready for that just yet.

"I wanna taste you," he said in her mouth, stopping when he felt her body freeze. Her wide eyes got even wider when he added, "everywhere."

Her audible gulp made him smile. "Have you ever had an orgasm from oral sex?"

She shook her head slowly, making him smile even bigger. "Good, I'll be your first."

Her answer sort of surprised him, especially at her age, but then she had said Kratz had been her only serious relationship. It made total sense that selfish dickhead would be more into self-satisfaction than this. For Noah ever since Tessa, this had become his fetish, one he'd perfected over the years.

He worked his way down her neck, sucking slightly after kissing her soft skin. "No hickeys," she said, squirming.

Oh, there'd be plenty more hickeys coming her way. Putting his mark on her had now become another one of his fetishes. Nothing had been more pleasing than to see his unmistakable marks on her neck after their workouts when the makeup she'd used earlier to cover them up had all come off.

He lifted her t-shirt off her, bringing his lips over her breast. Hearing her moan as he sucked her nipple made him hotter than shit, and he sucked even harder. He'd finally started to work his way downward when he noticed the mark he left on her breast. Why the hell that turned him on so much he didn't know, but he felt ready to burst. He kissed the mark one last time before starting his kiss trail down her belly.

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