Chapter 10 - Part 2

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Relief didn't even begin to describe what Veronica was feeling. She'd finally broken down and admitted to Noah on their way to the gym that she was very nervous about seeing him fight. But she didn't tell him just how much of a wreck she really was. The last thing she wanted was for him to think she didn't have faith in him. She'd heard he was good from his friends and others at the gym, but she still couldn't help worrying.

Veronica had only watched fights on television, but she'd never been a fan, so even when she had, she never really paid attention. Nellie's husband was a fan, and they often had big pay-per-view fight parties at their place, inviting her over. Those were the only times she'd ever sat through an entire fight. She never thought she'd be watching one in person and certainly never thought one of her now dear friends would be the one in the ring, possibly getting hurt.

When she overheard the guy behind her talking about having seen Noah fight several times in the past, she couldn't help asking him about it. There were a few things she'd started to wonder about as she sat there waiting for the fight to start, as in had he ever been knocked out—something she hadn't thought to ask Noah. It helped that the guy was a talker and an obvious fan of Noah's, filling her in on Noah's strengths like his left hook, reminding her after the fight that he'd told her so when Noah used it to knock out the other fighter.

Veronica had just been glad it was over so fast and he hadn't been hurt. She wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to watching him fight, but now that they were friends, she told herself she better get used to it. She'd never seen him more excited than when he spoke of his fights. This was only the beginning. As dear a friend as he was slowly becoming, she intended on being at as many of his fights as possible. That reminded her that she hadn't talked to Nellie in almost a week. They'd exchanged a few texts in the last few days but hadn't actually spoken. She'd have to give her a call soon.

She stood by the gym exit, trying not to think about what Noah had said about groupies. There were four scantily dressed young girls just outside the door Noah and the other fighter would be coming out of once they finished changing.

When the other fighter came out, two of them were immediately at his side. Which meant only one thing—the other two were waiting on Noah. They were so damned obvious it was ridiculous. Veronica wanted to feel sorry for them. They were young, and clearly their self-esteem was in the gutter if this is how little they thought of themselves. Instead she felt irritated?

Veronica swallowed hard, wondering if Noah would even need a ride home now. They'd come here together in her car, but now these two lovelies would probably be more than happy to take him home—or back to their place.

Abel and Gio walked out first, the girls immediately hugging them. Then Noah came out, and one of the girls wrapped her arms around him. Veronica turned away when she saw his big arm wrap around the girl's waist.

Surprised that the irritation she'd felt earlier had now turned into full-blown rage, she stalked out the door. Don't do this. Hurrying to her car, madder at herself now more than anything, Veronica reprimanded herself under her breath. She knew perfectly well what she was feeling was not just rage. It was utterly irrational, seething jealousy. She had absolutely no right to be angry with him, but she was, and that only made her more furious.


Taking a deep breath before she turned to face him, Veronica tried desperately to hide her sudden change in mood.

"Where you going?"

She turned to see him walking across the parking lot toward her—alone. "I, uh, thought maybe you already had a ride." She lifted her chin toward the gym.

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