Chapter 9 - Part 1

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After only one glass of champagne, Noah switched to beer. He said he wasn't much of a champagne drinker and only ever had a glass or two when he was in a celebratory mood. Veronica's insides had warmed when he said that today he was celebrating his new friendship. Given the little speech he'd just made about how he felt about his friends, it was even more heartwarming that he now considered her a friend. That of course only made her reasoning even more pertinent about why she shouldn't get caught up in anything like what happened that morning.

They now sat on her porch. There'd been a break in the weather, and the sun had actually made an appearance, so they'd gone out to enjoy the beauty of the sunrays that sliced through the clouds. Though there was a chill in the air, the champagne helped warm Veronica.

She sat on the swinging bench while Noah sat on the porch stairs, leaning back, his elbows supporting him on either side as he stared up at the clouds. "This break ain't gonna last. Those are some mean-looking clouds."

"That's okay." Veronica stared up at the bright sunrays that seemed to fight the weather. "As pretty as this is, I like the rain."

"You do?"

She continued to admire the sunlight but nodded. "Something about it. It's cozy, moody—romantic."

"Romantic, huh?"

She finally pulled her eyes away from the sunlight and smiled. "Yeah, don't you think?"

Noah straightened out then moved up to the top stair, leaning up against the porch railing so he faced her now. "I guess it can be romantic." His smile was teasing. "The cold weather is always a good excuse to snuggle."

Veronica laughed, feeling a bit nervous about where this was going but then decided they were friends. If she did in fact want to keep him as a good friend and see him like she decided earlier—a younger brother, then they should be able to talk about anything without it getting awkward. "I doubt you've ever needed an excuse to get cozy with anyone. You probably have them lining up."

A stupid nervous laugh escaped her again when those damn suckable lips of his curved into one of the sexiest smiles she'd ever seen.

Not awkward. Not awkward.

"I wouldn't say lining up, but I'm flattered that you'd think so."

This time her laugh was more sarcastic than nervous. "Oh, please. With a body like yours, and you're a boxer to boot, I wouldn't doubt that you have a fan club already."

He frowned at that. "Groupies don't count. They're only attracted to three things: fame, status, and money. On occasion, maybe they're just looking for a good time they can brag about later. Hot, maybe. But romantic? Hell no. That's not what I'm into."

Veronica was just taking in how familiar he seemed to be with what inspired groupies and most notably that though the thought of groupies didn't seem to excite him, he did consider them hot. She was certain now he'd had his share. Then he brought the subject back to her. "So how come you're not married?"

She didn't even realize her smile had vanished until he spoke again, lifting his beer bottle. "I'd blame the beer, but I've only had a couple. I'm sorry if I'm getting too personal."

Friends, she reminded herself. She could do this—she should—so she cleared her voice and sat up again a little straighter. "No, that's okay. I've nothing to hide. I just haven't met the one yet. Well ..." She paused, wondering if she should even mention it. He seemed to be hanging on her every word. "I was in one pretty serious relationship for a while there. We were even talking about moving in together. But then my mom got sick, and ..."

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