Chapter 18 - Part 2

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Seeing Noah blindsided and knocked unconscious was probably one of the most horrific images Veronica had ever witnessed. Everything that followed was a blur. All she could think of, even as Abel beat the guy who did it to a pulp and the rest of the guys brawled it out with his friends, was getting Noah in the house and out of harm's way.

She knew enough from taking first aid and CPR classes at the college to turn him on his side so that he wouldn't choke on his own tongue. He'd come to fairly quickly, but he was totally out of it. She managed to get some of the guys that were there with the sound crew to help her lift him and walk him to his bed.

Veronica didn't even realize how unnerved she was, until she tried running her fingers through his hair and her hand shook uncontrollably. The minutes that passed as Noah slipped in and out of consciousness were the worst. She kept wondering if she should call 911. But each time she was about to, he'd come to.

The guys came in after they'd cleared all the troublemakers out of her yard.

"How you feeling?" Gio asked Noah, handing him a couple of aspirins.

Veronica frowned, she hadn't even thought of bringing him any painkillers. She lifted the bag of ice away from his face. Noah raised himself up on his elbow, grimacing as he brought a hand to the lump on the side of his face. "What happened?"

"That asshole's friend sucker punched you," Abel muttered. "I was right behind you, and I didn't even see it coming."

"I saw it," Veronica added. Her throat ached as she felt a warm tear run down her cheek. "But not soon enough."

Abel touched her shoulder gently. "The guy knew what he was doing, Roni. He wasn't about to give anyone a chance to warn Noah. Fucking coward."

Noah reached his hand out for Veronica, and she held it. "Do you wanna go to the hospital?"

He shook his head and squinted. "Nah, I'm good. I just hope these aspirins kick in soon." He tried to sit up, but he immediately looked woozy.

"Don't get up, dude." Gio said. "You need to just rest." He turned to Veronica. "We can wrap it up if you want, Roni. The night's pretty much shot anyway."

"No." Roni shook her head. She tried to pull her hand away, but Noah held on to it. "You guys can stay." She turned to Noah who was staring at her. "But I think Noah's had it."

"Yeah, you're done for the night. I wouldn't even try to get up unless you have to." Abel said. "Don't worry, man. That asshole is in a lot more pain than you are right now. I made sure of that."

Abel wasn't kidding; the last look Veronica got of the guy, she couldn't even make out his facial features, he was so bloody. And his coward friends had left him to fend for himself when they saw what they were up against.

Noah thanked them, and one by one his friends left the room. Veronica began to rise from where she sat on the edge of the bed, but Noah tugged at her hand. "Stay with me, please?"

She smiled, touching his face gently. The lump on his head was still very warm, but she'd checked his temperature already and knew he wasn't running a fever. "I was just gonna close the door. I'm not going anywhere."

Noah let go of her hand, and she stood up to close the door.

"Will you turn the light off too? It hurts my eyes. The lamp would be better."

Veronica turned on the small lamp first before turning the light switch off. She came back and sat next to him. He scooted over and patted the mattress next to him. Her heart had sped up from the moment he'd asked her to stay. This made it beat a little wilder. She was only comforting him. The blow he took was horrendous, and she could only imagine the pain he must be in, so she lay down next to him, resting her head on his pillow, facing him. "I was so worried," she whispered.

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