Chapter 25 - Part 1

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Noah went through his usual fight-day rituals Friday. He skipped his morning run, had a hearty breakfast, drank tons of water throughout the day. Since the gym would be a mess with the all-day radio broadcasting as it had been last week, he stayed home for the day.

He never really got nervous before a fight, and he wasn't at all worried about tonight's fight. Jack and Abel never liked overconfidence, but Gio seemed to be with Noah on this. He was just as confident that Noah had this. With all the radio broadcasting going on at the gym, his friends wouldn't be spending all day there either. They were both stopping by Noah's around lunch time, which meant Noah would have to triple the pasta he was planning on having for lunch. He'd just finished preparing it when they arrived.

"Smells good," Gio said as he made himself comfortable at the table.

Noah did the host thing and served his friends while they went over strategy. Abel reminded him for the hundredth time of the things he'd really need to focus on. Not surprisingly, talk of focusing brought up the subject of Roni.

"What time is Roni getting there?" Abel asked.

Noah knew Abel still wasn't convinced that Roni wouldn't be a distraction, so he knew Abel wouldn't be happy about his answer, but he didn't care.

"Same time I get there."

Both Abel and Gio stopped eating and stared at him. "You gotta warm up." Abel reminded him.

"Yeah, I know. I'll get there early."

"She's gonna be there while you warm up?" This time Gio was the one asking.

Noah frowned. "Yeah, so what?" he shrugged, not caring that both his friends were staring at him like he was crazy. "I want her there."

Last night during their very long goodnight kiss, he made her promise she'd be there with him the whole time. She'd started telling him she might, in fact, be a little late, but after a few persuasive kisses, she actually agreed to leave work early.

"So, you never told us. What was Kratz doing here last week?" Gio asked, surprising Noah with the sudden change in subject.

Noah glanced up in time to see Abel shoot Gio a look. Noah glanced at Gio then back at Abel. "Why?"

Abel shrugged as if he'd asked the question to begin with. "Curious, is all."

Abel had never been curious about anyone's private life, and he was as discreet as he wasn't nosy. Noah caught him trying to give Gio a look again. He didn't know what to make of it, but he seemed annoyed or something.

"They used to go out," was all Noah offered.

"Is she gonna start going out with him again?" Gio asked.

Abel threw his napkin on the table and sat back in his chair, very obviously irritated now.

Just as irritated but confused by Abel's reaction, Noah turned to Gio. "Hell no, she's not." Then turned back to Abel. "And what's with you?"

"Nothing," Abel said, shaking his head then glared at Gio. "I just think talking about this right before your fight is a bad idea. You have a hard enough time focusing now that she's around, and thinking about her and the fucking dean is not gonna help."

Noah couldn't help feeling a little pissed that his friends would think she's still interested in anything with her ex when things between Noah and her had obviously progressed. But neither of them had any way of knowing just how much his relationship had progressed, and he knew they meant well. "Yeah, well, there's nothing going on with her and the fucking dean, so there's nothing for me to think about, all right?" He stood up from the table and carried his plate to the sink. "Will you two just relax? This is gonna be fine. I got this. Trust me."

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