Chapter 6 -Part 2

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Nellie insisted Veronica was being silly. "So he's a little younger than you, Roni. He's just gonna be your roommate for a few weeks. You're not marrying the guy. What if he was sixty? Would you be feeling weird then?"

Veronica peeked out her kitchen window at the group of boys chatting in her garage. At first glance, they'd all looked so damn young when she dropped him off today. Taking a better look at them now, with Noah's big muscular arm stretched out up against the wall, he hardly looked like a boy. His biggest friend was a man in every sense of the word. Even the youngest one was big. Maybe that's what was beginning to bother her. Why hadn't she thought this through further before making such a big decision? This man was moving in with her now. And he'd be sleeping in the bedroom just across from hers.

The worst part was he wasn't just any man. He was her sexy trainer, the one she'd fantasized far too many times about already. Most importantly—body of a man or not—the fact still remained she was nearly a decade older than him. That alone was the biggest no-no. Serious relationships were probably the furthest thing from his mind, and at her age, the last thing on her mind was a fling.

"I don't know. This is kind of a big step people take isn't it? Even if this were a girl moving in with me, I have to live with someone now. The only person I've ever lived with was my mother. What if things don't work out? He's become sort of a friend now. What if this messes things up?"

She wouldn't make Nellie feel guilty by telling her she'd started to rely on her training sessions now to make up for the loneliness she'd been feeling ever since Nellie had become engrossed in her marriage counseling sessions and trying to work things out with Rick. Secretly Veronica couldn't believe Nellie was giving him another chance, but she wouldn't go there either.

"Why don't you just tell him up front that you're feeling a little nervous because you've never actually lived with anyone else and to keep an open mind about the possibility that this may not work out? This way he doesn't get too comfortable. Personally, I think you're worrying for nothing."

Yeah, Nellie didn't know about any of Veronica's fantasies. Of course, Veronica wasn't about to tell her either. She wasn't admitting that to anyone ever. She watched as his friends walked out of the garage and toward the truck, then admired Noah's big muscular back as he closed the garage. Even in a shirt, it was impressive.

"He's on his way in now. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, and stop worrying will you. Enjoy the company while you have it."

Veronica frowned, hating how pathetic that sounded. She hung up just as the kitchen door opened and in walked Noah shaking the rainwater out of his hair with his hand.

"I thought you were having lunch with your friends?"

"Nah," he said, walking by her to get to the sink. "There's only room for three in the cab of Abel's truck, so I figured I'd spare Hector a soaking and stay here so he could jump in the front." He rinsed his hands then turned to Veronica. "But I could go for a bite to eat. Did ya get anything good at the market?"

"Uh-huh." She walked over to the pantry and pulled out a loaf of bread. "I got cold cuts for sandwiches, and there is stuff for salad. I was going to throw some fish in the oven later tonight, but I could—"

"A sandwich is fine." He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the stuff for a sandwich. "Were you gonna eat too?"

Veronica set the bread on the counter. "Well, yeah, I guess I could go for a sandwich too."

This was definitely going to take some getting used to. She was so used to being alone. Having someone to share her meals with and hanging out permanently was going to be different.

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