chapter 20

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The night Noah returned from helping out Gio and his uncle, they came to one compromise. Their friendship would remain just that, a friendship, except Noah negotiated a kiss goodnight—every night.

Veronica hadn't argued much, and though she stipulated it would be strictly a friendly kiss, she knew it would be anything but. What started as a quick peck goodnight had escalated into a kiss that nearly had her panting and in a quick need of a change of panties. The following nights it got even longer.

Her first few days back at work she'd barely managed to stay awake. Between her sleepless nights after Noah's amazing use of his tongue and the two years' worth of painfully boring work compliance trainings and videos she had to sit through, it was hard to keep her eyes open.

Her boss, Leslie, had yet to tell her where she'd end up once she was done training but seemed pretty optimistic that she still had plenty of time to figure it out since it would probably be weeks before Veronica was all caught up with her trainings. Really? This is what she'd looked forward to and spent hundreds of dollars on a new wardrobe for?

Derek had texted her twice that week and called her once, leaving a voicemail saying he was looking forward to getting together with her again soon. The way things were going with Noah, who now, despite the fact that he agreed they'd remain friends, acted every bit the possessive boyfriend around other guys, she didn't see how that would ever happen.

And the fact was after a week of being completely incapable of fighting her desires for Noah, Veronica had now started to consider the possibilities. She was going to dinner tonight with Nellie and was hoping her best friend could help her figure this out. Nellie had called a few days ago, admitting she'd been feeling incredibly guilty about how much she'd neglected their friendship in the last couple of months.

Veronica told her she didn't have to but was secretly happy to hear Nellie say she was going to make it a point to get together with Veronica more often from here on. Deep inside, she didn't like the fact that she'd become so dependent on Noah to keep her company—be her only friend. She needed to feel there was more going on in her life than just him.

A couple of her friends from work had also made mention of having to get together and catch up. But for now, it was just mentioned. No one had actually planned anything.

Just a little over a week after New Year's, Veronica had easily convinced herself that maybe Noah was mature enough for her to get involved with. He took his boxing and training career very seriously. Even though his career choice was a bit unconventional, he had many goals and aspirations, but most admirable was his discipline. He could easily slack off and take a day off from training or veer off the special diet he'd put himself on when training for a fight, but he never did.

She had to admit she knew men much older than him that hadn't the faintest idea what they wanted out of life. Even though she still had her doubts about Noah being willing and able to commit to a serious relationship at such a young age, he was the one who seemed most adamant that something like that could work.

Veronica sent Noah a text reminding him that she'd be skipping her workout tonight and that she'd be home a little later because she was having dinner with Nellie. It didn't seem weird that she'd be checking in with him. He'd started to do the same with her as well. Ever since the morning after their little argument that ended with her in tears and she left that note for him to let him know where she was, he thanked her for that and she knew he genuinely worried about her. She didn't see it as having to check in, more as extending courtesy so her friend wouldn't worry.

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