Chapter 17

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"I wonder where Sasuke-Kun is. His bed was empty when we checked in the morning, it was also made as if he hadn't even sleep in it in the first place." Sakura said, walking along side the rest towards the kage's office. The guards that they passed all stared at them with unreadable eyes but they also looked like they were trying to burn them to the ground with the stares. What did they do to offend those guards? They knocked and was allowed entry but whoever sitting at the table doesn't even feel like the kage they had seen yesterday. This one was taller and a little bit bigger in build but still slim, not that they could tell much from the cloak still hanging on their shoulders and hood draped over their head to cover their face. "The kage will be back soon. If you guys don't mind, you can take a sit in that corner so you do not block anyone's way." The voice was slightly deep but it was clearly a woman's voice. As if on cue, the door opened and three ninjas stepped in. The woman dug out three scrolls and tossed it to them and in return they dropped two scrolls on the table, they then bowed and left no words were exchanged in the process.
A figure appeared suddenly out of thin air, this one was clearly an Uzu nin and this one looked like the kage they saw yesterday. Another appeared, looking as emotionless as usual. "Sasuke-Kun?!" Sakura and Ino gasped out in shock. Everyone just ignored them and focused on the kage.
"Told you I was faster." The kage said.
"Yeah right. I see you try next time."
"Whatever." The kage said, as if they were able to interpret each 'hn' without any problems, and then sat them self in the chair. "Now, I will only meet your kage on a few conditions." A few tensed and Sasuke rolled his eyes mentally at how the group was tensing.
"We will discuss it with our kage and send a messenger back."
"First, Uchiha Sasuke will be the liaison, meaning he and he only will be permitted to travel freely in and out of this country so he will be messenger as well." Shikamaru looked surprised that Sasuke was chosen.
"And why Sasuke may I ask?"
"Don't you dare question Sasuke-Kun's ability, Nara!" Sakura screeched and Naruto twitched, wanting to kill her but is giving her a chance and plus, she didn't want any blood in her office.
"Pink banshee, remember what I told you?" Naruto asked calmly and quietly, earning a gulp from most of them, sakura whimpered and lowered her head.
"I did not pick Sasuke-San because he is an Uchiha but for the fact that he has proven himself to be a friend of Naruto and still is, do not ask what he did to prove it as I will not tell you. Naruto suffered a lot and from what I heard, Uchiha had helped him a lot. There were times where Naruto had wanted to die but he remembered Sasuke and he chose to live another day for Sasuke." The raven jerked, they were so deep into catching up he had forgotten about asking her about the childhood. "Second, I will pick the meeting locations. Third... Hmm. Actually I shall go speak to the fire daimyo first, so give me five minutes, we shall travel together." Naruto said before turning to the other woman in the room that had stayed silent and was hiding in the corner watching them all. "I shall go get the rest." A curt reply before the woman disappeared in a burst of paper butterflies. Naruto sighed, wanting to tell the woman it was alright but she already shunshined away. She signed their visitors pass to sign them out before saying they should start heading towards the gate.
When they arrived at the gates, they were surprised to see a group of ninjas already present. There were 10 of them in total and they were sure one of them was definitely the kage. Ah they found the kage, the shortest one in group. The shorty was holding hands with another nin that was slightly taller. Ahhhh my sister-in-law Sasuke thought as he watched in envy. Itachi is getting married while he is here single and forever al-
"Let's go Sasuke-Kun." A quiet voice interrupted his musing and tugged at his sleeve. Maybe I wouldn't be alone soon. Hinata wants to hold Sasuke but didn't want to be screeched at by the pink haired ninja and blond haired ninja. Sasuke froze when a breeze touched the back of his neck. "Make your f*ing move soon, you idiot." Naruto hissed, appearing behind him and disappearing as quickly so many didn't even notice, except for Itachi due to the lack of contact and Sasuke because she was just speaking to him.

"So... Uzukage-sama... You are married?" Sakura asked, trying to spark a conversation with the almost silent Uzu ninjas.
"No." Naruto replied, not giving her much attention. Hinata could hear Sasuke making small noises as if trying to hold in his laughter and keep his facial features in check. They were all secretly amused at how the Uzukage gives different amount of attention to different people. The only one that remained closest to the Uzukage was the taller nin holding her hand. The two were clearly in love with each other but not to the point that they are constantly sucking at each other's faces. The others that they have seen at the gate talking to the two were all scattered somewhere in the forest. Who are they exactly? Do they really not trust us or is that just the uniform?

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