Chapter 22

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"Go away." Naruto rasped weakly when she felt someone trying to shake her awake but was at the same time trying to be as gentle as possible. When the shaking stopped, she relaxed slightly but it started again. Naruto swatted at the hand weakly to get it to stop. "Come on Naruto, wake up." Itachi's deep voice reached her, making her open her eyes blearily towards the source of the sound.
"Itachi?" Naruto rasped out and Itachi hushed her, helping her sit gently. He perched himself on the edge of the bed, holding a hot bowl of broth. She leaned into the pillows behind her and was about to fall asleep again when Itachi poked her in the forehead. "Stay awake for a bit okay?" Itachi asked as he scooped out a spoon full of broth, blowing on it a little to cool it down slightly before delivering it to Naruto's mouth. "I'm sorry." Naruto mumbled sleepily.
"What are you apologising for?" Itachi asked, his eyes flittering to hers and towards the spoon as he tilted it just enough it get it into Naruto's mouth. She furrowed her eyebrows and forced her eyes to open a little wider. "For making you worry."
"Its okay Naruto. You have to know that sometimes even the strongest needs someone to take care of them and worry about them." Itachi said quietly.
"But I'm not strong." Naruto protested.
"Who said you aren't? You went through so many terrible things and yet you can still face the world head on." Itachi said, scooping up the last bit of broth and sent it on its way into Naruto's mouth. He could tell that she wasn't really in this world when she was talking, she could still hear him and answer questions but now she opened up a bit and spilt a bit more emotions. "I am so weak...I tried to take my own life and I couldn't even do it right." Naruto murmured as Itachi helped her lay down. Itachi could hear Kisame jump slightly at the statement, you rarely hear that coming from anyone's mouth. Kurama was looking down at her fingers, avoiding any eye contact. "Hey, listen. Any one who tries to commit suicide are the strongest one, they have been so strong and so brave. You have been through a lot, it is okay to feel down some times." Itachi said, stroking Naruto's face. Her fever had went down a little and now she just has to fight off the rest of the fever and she'll be good to go.
"Haha, only a coward would choose the easy way out. Look through that stupid journal of mine, the number of times i have tried is the prove of how much of an idiot i am... I always felt like there was no one there for me when you left Itachi... Then I met Sasuke and I so desperately wanted to be his friend but he wouldn't let me in... So I declared rivalry, we competed with just about everything. We knew each other so well that we didn't even need to communicate to work together. I lived another day for that guy... But then he chose to leave with that pedo Hebi..." Naruto ranted sleepily before trailing off and falling asleep. When they were sure Naruto was asleep, Kisame dragged Itachi out to the living room where the rest of the squad was sitting around relaxing. Everyone had changed into a more comfortable clothing and came over to check on their little sister. Kurama stayed in the room to watch over Naruto, they were taking turns watching her just in case her condition change, they weren't sure what poison it was. Naruto and Kurama was the best medic they have, no one knows how good the two are but they have a sinking suspicion that they might be as good as Tsunade, one of legendary sannin, herself. Kurama had said she was going to be fine and since Naruto merged with the kyuubi chakra, her body would still heal faster than normal and if anything abnormal happens, the kyuubi chakra would instinctively kick in to fight it.
"How could she say that?" Kisame asked, eyes narrowing at Itachi. The long haired man sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "What did who say?" There were two females in the room just then.
"Naruto. She said she had tried taking her own life before and she had said she was weak because she couldn't even do it right." Kisame said, the rest involuntarily gasped at the news. Heads turned to Itachi, all waiting for an answer. Itachi looked at them all, unsure how much to tell them. "She didn't tell you guys because she doesn't like to talk about it." A voice said from behind them. Kurama was leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, staring at them all with a icy look in her eyes. "Even Itachi doesn't know about it and he wouldn't have known Naruto had tried committing suicide if he didn't visit her and see her lying on her apartment floor with a slit throat. Itachi thought it was a one time thing. So asking him for information would be asking a fish to climb a tree - there will be no results." Kurama continued. "After being sealed in so many people, Naruto is the only one that had tried to befriend me and I refuse to let her die. Do you know how painful everyday was for her? It was so painful that even I could feel it just from being sealed in her. She tried to stop me from healing her, she tried everything just to end her own life thinking that it was for the best. That everyone was gonna be happy and she would have finally done something right. Do you know she never gotten a psychological evaluation? But even if she did, she could easily fool her way through it. No one would know. No one except me and her, she was planning to take it to her grave." Kurama continued standing, taking in their shocked faces.
"When she mentioned about her journal and suicidal attempts to the Konoha ninjas, it was because she was angry at them. She wanted them to suffer knowing that they mistreated her. She was so angry she had wanted to rip their throats out but she couldn't stay mad for long. She's too nice."
"How did you know that she-"
"I am a 1000 year old demon, I obviously would know how to maintain that mental connection between us. We can talk you know, to each other even when far apart. I can feel all her emotions, I sensed her anger and distress so I tapped in further and heard the conversation." Kurama replied and waited for more questions.
"Why didn't she tell us?"
"Like I said, she doesn't like talking about it. Hell, she doesn't even talk to me about it. She can break off the connection and shut me out anytime... Don't ask her about it okay? Try to be subtle if you want to. But if possible, avoid it at all cost." Kurama said.

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