Delayed Devotion

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Blue's POV

Witnessing it all is all the cause of my worrying. We were doing nothing to anger anybody, but apparently Drapion is really fustrated with us. Red is knocked cold because of that Pokémon. Pulling Shinx closely to my chest, I can feel the terrifying jolting. A tear crept down my face, slowly. I can't believe this is happening.

Shouting Red's name is useless. The sleep he's having is deep causing me to weep. Pikachu didn't know what to do, so he is laying on Red's side for comfort.

Meanwhile, the vile Pokémon is not done with us. Glancing at his a furious intimidating face is plastered on. He is angry, very blood-thirsty! Drapion is ready to charge again and his target is aimed at me!

All I wanted to do is run away, but I would never leave, Red, behind. Red is important to me and I will always stay there when ever he needs me. I've should've told him by now, how I feel, but my paranoia always gets to me. The fear of him leaving me because of my feelings towards him.

Drapion is ready to attack, I searched frantically for a answer, but didn't find one. Red is there injured, need of help. I got to save him from this tragic event. With a sudden glare, Drapion dashed with his rigid purple body, targeting me. My knees buckled down in fright, I need courage for this fight!

Without a warning, Pikachu, attacked, Drapion, with Thunder Bolt. The electricity spread across Drapion's body, causing him to step back from the act. Pikachu is a true fighter, through all his pain he will only think about protecting his friends.

Unsure, "Pikachu, are you sure you want to fight?!" He needs to rest.

Pikachu looked at me with a determined face, he positioned himself of a fighting pose. Pikachu's determination is tremendous, still my Pokémon should help too!

"Riolu, come out and help!" I commanded.

My Pokémon processed the situation, then he stood beside Pikachu, ready to help. Pikachu charged up at a instant. Causing a huge thunder shock to hurl at Drapion. However, Drapion dodged.

"Use quick attack, now!" Riolu lunges at him in top speed.

The attack wasn't effective, Drapion still wanted to charge at us. Before I could even think of a new strategy, Pikachu unleash a full blown thunder attack. This one seemed more powerful than before. The neon yellow spread across his body for a good minute. Alone, that attack has defeated the wretched Pokémon.

"You guys! Pikachu, that attack was amazing! Riolu, you did such a good job! Good job guys!" I gushed.

Pikachu returned his resting stop by, Red, while I returned Riolu and Shinx to their Pokéball. I made my way to my friend to asure his health. Red's chest pumped slowly as he inhaled and exhaled. The face of his looks peaceful, like the forest. I hope you're not badly injured because there's not a center around here.

Those eyes that you have. . . please open them. I want to see them, give me a sign. A sign that you're okay! Nevertheless, I'll have to be patient for him to make a natural recovery.

A hour passed, my stomach growled with hunger. I should let Aipom get food for us. I'm sure Red will be starving when he wakes up. I'm sure he'll wake up, no coma dares to attach it to, Red.

'Why do I love him so much?' The thought lingered in my head. It's because the childhood we had. I will always remember the first day that I met, Red.

He's my savior because of my enemies' behavior. One day, when I was younger, I was bullied. The kids at my neighborhood taunt me because I was weak. Everyday I will get called out or beat up by them. I had no friends during that time, just a very lonely me. I thought no one truly cared about me, until I met him.

On my way to home I countered a brutal day. Group of hooligans' ambushed me. I tried to run, but two of them held me down in place. All I could do was cry for help. The first punch hit me hard, hit me good. There's no use in struggling because I knew that I am weak. Instead, I let it happen while I sobbed.

The agony didn't last long, strangely. A young boy rescued me from all the pain. He fought for me. . . for some reason. Beating everybody that pained me. After the fight was over I asked him way he helped me. Must've been beneficial for him, but it wasn't. He didn't think it was a fair fight. I replied, 'Doesn't matter, If it was only a two person fight. . . I still would've lost, because I'm weak!'

He was astonished of my reply. He wanted to help me, help me be strong. For the rest of my childhood he is there for me. I surley thought he was going to leave me afterwards, but he didn't. He wanted to stay becuase he genuinely likes me. Til' this day, I still don't know why he insists of being my friend.

Red, I hope you know I'm waiting for you. I will always wait for you, Red. I love you so damn much.

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