Memory Lane

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Red's POV

Awaking with a headache, my wrists are sore, lightly burned by the ropes tangling around them. My feet didn't touch the floor, do to the fact I'm being lifted by the ropes. My eyes adjusted to the dimmed-lighted room. A table was almost close to me with my backpack and pokéballs on it. Across the room is a door, probably locked.

Zoroark is the culprit for all this. What a diabolical person, I mean Pokemon. . . What's the reason for all this? I demand one! At this instant!

Male Avery came in, "I see that you awoken."

"Where's Blue?" The only question that's important to me at the moment, honestly.

"Don't you rather want to see me instead?" He winked.

Scoffing, "Whatever- Did you hurt him?"

"Besides the punch he received for freaking out earlier, no." He smirked.

Glaring, "Don't hurt him!"

"Whatever, both of you are going to die anyways." He rolled his eyes.

"You're planning to kill us?" I asked.

"No, my leader is." He replied.

"Who's that?" I inquired.

Taunting, "Don't worry, you will meet him soon enough."

Blue's POV

Pain has been fading, but still stings when I move. The punches that she gave me were brutal not as brutal of what, Red, did to me. When, Avery left, Red came in. . . to punch me several times. Laughing, taunting, causing me pain.

Why would, Red, do this? Do I not know my dear friend. . . was this plan from the start? I am weak. . . just like he said from before. . .

A few tears streamed down my cheeks, causing my black eye to sting. This is not, Red, I know and love. You know, even though from all this. . . I still love him.


"Come on Blue! We're almost there!" Red walked past me.

We are climbing up this mountain to see this so called 'One in a life time experience.' The sky grew dark as the stars shined out from their hiding spot. All our Pokémon trailed along with us to see the rare experience.

Supposedly, a meteor shower will appear tonight. It happens once every few hundred years. I'm sure the site will be fascinating, but the only reason I'm going is for, Red. The experience will surly be memorable with him.

"This will be the highlight of the year! The skies will be spectacular tonight, maybe we'll see, Rayquaza." He smiled.

"I'm sure it will be cool." I agreed.

Grabbing my arm, "Come on, lets get closer to the cliff."

My heart skipped a beat, "Y-yeah."

We reached closer to the edge, the Pokémon stayed back playing among themselves. Red stood with hands on his hips, searching for the stars; beaming at the sky. The very pose attracted me, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

He nudged me, "Look! There they are!"

Dazzling view above me with comets soaring the dark sky. The scene is hypnotic that I wanted to touch it. I unknowingly stepped forward with my eyes glued to the performance of the sky.

Then I felt a pull from my arm, "What are you doing? Don't do that!" He laughed.

Embarrassed, "Whoa, thanks!"

"No problem, I guess you got caught up from he excitement." He laughed, "Be careful!"

"Yeah, sorry." I whispered.

"It's okay, I just don't want you to die, ever." He gushed.


Giggling from the memeory, how can, Red, be like this? In a way, I don't believe that the pain he gave me was real. . .

Red (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now