Awakening Soul

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Blue's POV

Red is still asleep, like a Snorlax. Meanwhile, the midnight sky is performing a show with a bunch of stars. The camp fire I made danced around with its red and yellow flames. I settled in my sleeping bag facing, Red. A while ago I took the liberty to put him in his own sleeping bag. . . but he did the most unthinkable thing.

While placing Red in his sleeping bag, he pulled me closer, cuddling with me unknowingly. I savored the moment until I got out of his tight, yet gentle grip. Of course I didn't take advantage of the opportunity. I respect people's privacy, especially my best friend's.

Gazing at Red's sleepy face, I noticed that he mumbles in his sleep, really cute. As much I want to stay in this forest we need to be on our way in the morning. Red better wake up soon because every time I see him laying there I fight the urge to cuddle with him. . . 

Slowly, I closed my eyes as sleep finally lay upon me. I slept away dreaming. Dreaming about. . . Red.

Red's POV

Hearing sounds of trees rustling as I felt a slight breeze tickled my nose. I shifted but immediately stop when I felt a pain in my head. I groaned and fluttered my eyes open and rubbed my head. I lifted my self up with my other arm and looked at my surroundings. Blue and Pikachu are laying next to me. I don't have the slightest clue of what happened.

Standing up, I walked around to ease the pain. Then, I spotted my hat resting on Blue's backpack. I took it and placed it on my head. Feels just right. Okay, so I don't remember going to bed, so what happened yesterday?

My thoughts searched for a answer until it hit me, the sudden realization took over my mind. Drapion charged at me full force, knocking me cold. No wonder my surroundings looked different. Blue must of took me to a new location to get away from Drapion and to protected me.

Smiling, Blue I don't know how you did it but i'm glad to have a caring friend like you. That's one of the reasons why I chose him to come with me to my journey. He's caring, kind, awesome, best friend, honest, trustworthy, cute, lovable. . . wait did I just call him cute? Well, can't really blame me because he does look really adorable when he's sleeping.

I walked towards him and sat on my knees. I hope you weren't worrying me too much. Carefully I lifted a sleepy Pikachu and placed him on my lap. I'm guessing you help Blue out too.

"Thank you Pikachu." I rubbed his small yellow head.

The morning breeze rushed through my back causing me to shiver. I sighed as I realized where still in this forest. I don't know, but this forest screams danger. As you noticed our earlier misfortune event it has been real dangering. It's not like we can leave so easily because it takes five days to pass this forest. At least where on our third day though.

I wanted to wake up Blue but he's probably to tired and needed his rest for at least a little bit longer. Pikachu shifted and fluttered his eyes open.

Awing down at Pikachu, "Hey Pikachu. I hope I didn't worry you guys to much." I whispered. Pikachu quickly realized where he rested and smiled widely at me.

"Shh, don't wake up, Blue." I uttered. Blue shifted and mumbled something I didn't quite hear.

Blue got up propping himself with his elbows, "Good morning sunshine." I smirked. Blue's eyes widened, shocked played his face, but quickly dismiss it with a over joy look. He then tackled me to a bear hug.

"You're awake!" Blue beamed.

"Yup and I'm glad you turned out alright without me." I returned his heart warming hug. I liked his hug very much. It just feels. . .right, if that makes since. A movement interrupted are hug between us.

Pikachu squeezed into our embraced. We both laughed and left our captivating hug. I stood up, letting Pikachu go. After stretching I helped Blue up. I told him to pack so we can leave from this area.

"Are you alright? I mean, we can stay here for a day and take it easy." Blue said while packing his sleeping bag.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! I'm capable of walking." I assured.

Blue sighed with relief, I gathered my stuff and put on my backpack. Pikachu climbed up my body, resting on my shoulder.

"Oh, and here are some berries, Aipom, picked out." Blue offered.

"Thanks you!" I grabbed a couple berries and happily munched on them."I'm actually am very much hungry!"

Blue blushed, turning around."You're welcome."

The sun raised above the sky to signal it's the afternoon. Couple of clouds floated the sky. The leaves of the trees still rustled around. A few wild Pokemon roamed around also. Blue and I made few conversation,s but none to serious or personal. Well, that's what I thought until he popped an unexpected question.

"So, Um- do you mind if I asked you what's your. . . s-sexual orientation?" Blue hesitated with his question.

"Well, I guess I'm. . . a Demisexual." I honestly answered.

"What? I don't understand." Blue questioned.

"Oh, well. Let me tell you what it means, since they're so many different sexuality's. Demi, is that I prefer to have a relationship or do sexual activities with a person that I have a special bond with only." I explained.

"Oh." Blue seemed surprised.

"Why do you ask? Do you have a problem with that or. . .?" I hope he didn't. He is my best friend and it would be a shame he didn't like me because of it.

"No, of course not! It's really cool that you look at poeple's personality's only." Blue assured.

I'm taking his word. I'm sure he is fine with it. Although, I wanted to ask him the same thing because I'm curious. As we walked around a tree in our way.

I reflected his question to him, "What's yours?"

"Wha-?" Blue uttered.

More clear, "Your sexual orientation."

He hesitated before answering."Gay."

Oh, then he defiantly doesn't have a problem with my sexuality! "Cool, everyone is unique, you know?"

Laughing too, "Yeah! It's totally natural!"

I'm glad I made him feel comfortable. People need to understand that being gay is not a choice. Believe me, I tried to change, but simply can't. It's natural in what I feel. No one should be ashamed about it. Although, My mom didn't get the message and still felt that I was wrong in human nature. She wouldn't even let me explained of what my sexuality is about.

As a matter of fact, my own mom kicked me out. That's why I'm out here trying to better myself. It's been three months since she kicked me. Honestly, I had the time of my life. I met awe-inspiring people, befriended Pokemon, battled many battles, and seen so much new things. Exploring the world in what has to offer. Also, I get to do it with my best friend, Blue.

Despite of my situation, Blue doesn't know I got kicked out. I just asked him if he wanted to go explore with me. He doesn't need to know now anyways. I'll till him, but some other day when I'm ready.

It's still the afternoon out here. Maybe This is the perfect time to catch a wild Pokemon. I do have a few pokeballs to use that I got from Aspertia city. A new friend is probably what we need. Okay, It's decided. We're going to search for a new Pokemon!

Stopped to look at Blue,"Hey, Blue, wanna search for a new Pokemon to add in our group?" I asked.

Blue took a moment to think,"Yeah, sounds fun!" Blue agreed.

"Okay then, this day will be dedicated to searching for are new partners!" I pointed to the sky.

"Then let's get searching!" Blue ran.

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