Dream Lane

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Red's POV

Felt like hours was spent in this room. Tangled, dangled by this clingly rope. The room caused me to hallucinate a bit. Dancing Bellosoms' everywhere. . . Taunting, huanting me. Laughing brief, causing me to grief. Sorrow on end with no descend.

Will we ever escape? The question lingers. . . but with no possible solution. It never occured to me how life threatening the situation is. I never experienced this feeling of torment, only battled in tournaments.

I can't help but fade away, sleeply. There's nothing else to do, only to boo-hoo.


Mass void, bright white covering the foreground. Didn't stay too long blank, a color of light blue splashed the sky. Dabs of white resembled clouds, yellow circle sparked a sun. Shades of greens engraved across with brown.

The world started as a abstract painting, then gradually becoming realistic.

A familiar voice, "Hey!" Called out. "Wake up! Come on, are friends are waiting!"

Groaning, I wake up. Minun is smiling at me with joyful eyes. My eyes still partially shut I made way for the pond behind me. The reflection in the pomd showed a, Plusle; me.

Splashing water in my face, "Morning."

"You're so lazy! Stop taking naps when we need you!" Minun whined.

Yawning, "Need me for what?"

"We're playing tag!" He ran around me with excitement.

Remembering, "Oh yeah, I forgot we planned that today."

"I told you to wait, dude! Not to sleep you lazy-buns!" He laughed.

"Yeah, yeah okay. Let's go, I'm sure they're waiting."

Reaching to our usual spot where we hang out, it's occupied by our friends. The area is flat with trees surrounding us. All sorts of rocks are in the middle that represent a playground. Flowers, berries, and long grass usually grow here too.

Our friendsare in the middle waiting for us. Pidgeot, Aipom, Pikachu, and Marshtomp are talking about Marshtomp's new form. Shinx and Riolu chased each other playfully around the rocks. Swellow and Flygon flew in the air while Charizard is laying down looking bored as always.

We walked closer to the conversation that Marshtomp is hosting.

"Yeah, my new form is totally bitchin'!" Marshtomp showed off.

Rolling his eyes, "Oh, shut up! It's not a big deal." Pikachu bellowed.

"You're just jealous of my new bod'." Marshtomp flexed his arms, "I don't blame you."

"Yeah, you can't even evolve." Aipom agreed.

Objecting, "Hey! I chose to stay like this, I like this form better!" Pikachu defended himself.

Minun interrupted the conversation, "Guys! Look who I found!"

"Finally! The game can start already!" Pidgeot cheered.

Annoyed, "You, Flygon and Swellow always cheat by flying. Of course you can't wait to cheat like ya'll always do." Aipom ranted.

"I don't know what your talking about." Pidgeot looked away, innocently.

"Both of you guys shut up! And let's start this!" Pikachu insisted.

Shinx and Riolu came in with joyful expressions, "Finally you're here!" Riolu chimed.

"Yes, we can now start." I spoke.

"Okay, since we all waited for you. You're it!" Shinx smirked.

"Yo! Come down here, aerodynamic rodents!" Marshtomp shouted at Flygon and Swellow.

Flying down, "This is going to be fun!" Flygon beamed.

Yelling, "Run before the electric mouse gets you!" Riolu ran.

Everyone joined him, but Chaizard; the only one not participating. Strangely, Minun stayed with me.

Instead, he walked over to me, lifting his arm, "I want to help you tag everyone!"

"You don't have to do that." I assured.

"I just. . . like being on your side." He convinced.

"Alright, if you insist." I clapped his hand, causing a spark, "Let's get'um!"

We set off running to catch our targets. This moment, this moment right here is what I love the most. Having a good time with my friends, I cherish this moment, dearly.

It's true that you can't lead a joyous life without friends or family to be there to make elated memories, truly ecstatic feeling to hold.

As I tagged Aipom and Shinx, thier was a brief moment where I looked over to Minun's direction. His face is priceless, overjoyed by this. Seeing him with a wide smile, laughing; makes my day.

The feeling is delighted by his actions. Everything he does greatly effects me, whether he's melancholic or convivial.

If we where ever in a bad situation, I would do anything to assure Minun's safety.


Red (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now