Abstruse Welcoming

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The building is definitely a Pokécenter. With the bright red P, blinking lightly. The whole thing looked brand new, large window seals, bright green bushes close to the walls, and a entrance that screams welcome.

"It looks like it's just been built." Blue commented, then he noticed something, "Wait! Someone's in there! I just saw someone move around!"

"We should go investigate. I'm sure they'll be more than glad enough to see us, since we're their only customers. " I suggested.

Blue walked past me heading to the door, I followed right behind him. The transparent doors opened automatically, a sound of the bell rung, notifying our presence.

When entering, waiting areas are to the right and the left, the middle is left bare. With a pokeball symbol painted on the ground. Blank white walls stood silently together, while they're plants in each corner.The front desk is light brown, dark white marble texture counter.

"Hello?" Blue hollered out.

No answer, "Hell-"

"Welcome!" A unknown voice beamed behind us.

Blue grasp my arm, squealing. I turned around to see who it was. A young man stood there smiling, amused by Blue's reaction. He wears a grey long-sleeve shirt with a black vest. Red boots and gloves also. A teal band ties his long red hair to make a ponytail.

"My apologies. My name is Avery, the assistant to this establishment. " He smirked.

"Don't scare us like that! Sheez!" Blue breathed deeply, letting go of my arm.

"No promises." He winked at me.

"Do you work here? We're looking for a place to stay for tonight." I asked.

"Yes, I'm currently alone until my boss returns back from. . . duties in the city. We only care for Pokémon, only, but in this case. I'll make an exception. " He promised.

"Thanks for your hospitality. I'm Red, and this is Blue. Um, where is your restroom?" Going in the forest hasn't been pleasant at all, I admit.

"Into the hall, make a right, then first door on your right." Avery pointed.

Is my mind playing tricks on me? Or is my memory fading? I could've swore there wasn't a hall there. . .

"I'll show, Blue, the room you guys will be staying." Avery informed me.

Blue's POV

When Red left, Avery guided me to our room. She's so beautiful, her looks are so attractive. She is wearing a short skirt grey strapless dress with a black puffed scarf. Her exotic red hair is tied up with a teal band, making it a ponytail. The red eyeshadow freaks me out, but in a unique way.

Thanking her, "Thanks for taking us in, Avery."

"Absolutely! It's not like we get to much people out here, anyways. Instead, we use this center for wild Pokémon, mainly." She exclaimed.

The hallway we walked in has a stripped pattern wallpaper, colored light blue and white. Each door is closed shut except the one at the end of the hallway.

"Here is your room." She stood next the door.

A plain room with one queen size bed in the middle. Table with two chairs stand to the right side while theirs a couch on the other side.

"Sophisticated,  yet simple." I commented.

"Let me fetch, Red, and guide him here." Avery bowed.

It's odd that she's the only worker here. Then again, Nurse Joy does it just fine. I guess her and her boss likes to care for Pokémon, isolated. How friendly of them to do that! 

This stay is going to be fun!

Red's POV

The reflection in the mirror showed me, washing my face. Glancing around, the room looks untouched by anyone. Like, no one has used it yet. The soap dispenser is filled up to the brim. The paint is fresh, towels remained untoched, it seemed all brand new.

Stepping out, Avery is there to greet me, "Welcome back, Red. You cleaned up quite nicely." His eyes scoped my body, " You're really attractive."

". . . thanks. Same goes to you. . . " I didn't know how to reply. I just thought he was being nice, so I returned the favor.

"I can give you a tour, a private tour. Just for you." He hinted.

"Sorry, but I'm tired for tonight. I would like to retire for tonight." I lied.

Rolling his eyes, "Sure, let me guide you to it."

Avery guided me to a hallway full of portraits of Pokemon. We would've continued, but a noise from one of the doors stopped us. A faint calling from a unknown creature and a few objects moving around. 

"My apologies, sometimes the patients are a bit aggressive from their injuries. Your room is at the end of the hallway, to the right." He didn't take his time on opening the door, because he quickly went in without a breeze, locking the knob.I continued to enter my room.

Blue is laying on the bed,  "Red! Look at this place! It's nice!" His wandering eyes caught the bed, "Oh, you don't mind with one bed, right? Avery couldn't get a separate room."

"Yeah. I'll just sleep on the couch." I replied.

"No!" Blue blurted out. "I mean, I don't mind you sleeping next to me. It's big enough for the both of us." He insisted.

"Alright, cool." I smiled. 

Sleeping with Blue sounds fun. . . I mean, not in a sexual way. . . It's just, I like him. I finally took off my clothes and slipped into bed. Wanting to rest on a comfortable mattress.

"Good night, Red." Blue whispered.

"Good night." I shifted, facing the wall. 

Now I can sleep. . . well, not really. My mind is still stuck thinking about this place. Every single thing around here looked brand new, as if they just opened today. The only thing that didn't seem right was the atmosphere of the air, it felt strange, mysteriously intense.

It feels like a mirage.

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