Wet Bearing

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Blue's POV

"Looks like were just gonna have to swim in the river." Red observed.

The river was ten feet long with murky water flowing to the left.

"Really? Can we just find another way around it?" I suggested.

"There's no other way."  He assured.

Looking down, "Well, we certainly do have a problem here."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I really don't want to admit it. . . but I can't swim." I admitted.

"Oh, I'm sorry, dude. That is certainly a problem. Well, no worries. I have a plan to help! Red  took off his sleeveless jacket.

Confused, "What are you doing?"

"Just let me work my magic." He proceeded taking of his shirt, then his pants, then his accessories. "Since you can't swim. I'll take you there." 

"Uh. . . " Is all I could say.

Red jumped in the water like the majestic human he is. The river wasn't as deep though. Just up to his neck. . . 

"Back to your pokeballs guys!" Red hollered to our Pokemon. Pikachu managed to swim to the other side already, "Hand me your stuff. I will take them to the other side then come back for you." 

". . . okay" I hesitated before doing so, but I did of what he said. I stripped myself until I was in my boxers and handed him all my stuff.

"Nice boxers!" Red laughed.

My boxers had a Dragonair symbol on it.

Blushing, "Thanks!"

While waiting for Red to come back, I emerged my legs into the water. Wanting to get used too of the cold temperature. When Red came back he faced forward. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck, lazily.  He grabbed both of my thighs to make sure I don't slip off

"Ready?" Red asked.

"Sure." I tried to pay attention to something else than thinking about drowning. I think, I was good, because I can feel the grip of Red's hands on my thighs. Oh, gosh. It feels amazing. 

Red suddenly stopped midway, "Something touched my legs. . . "

"D-don't say that! This isn't a joking matter!" I pleaded.

"I'm serious, I felt something slimy rub against my leg." He uttered.

The water is a little brown. I couldn't see much. After a long examination, a long thin shadow move around us.

I fidgeted in my place. "I saw it!"

"Stop! It's probably a Pokémon passing by!" Red tried to calm me.

The shadow made it's way to the top of the water. Revealing to be a wild Barboach.

"You see, Blue? He's friendly." Red convinced.

We continued to keep moving forward. The currents started to grow stronger. 

"Dammit!" Red shouted, slipping.

Screaming, "I don't want to die!"

"Blue. . . it's okay." He laughed, " It was just a little slip, you're fine!"

Embarrassed, ". . . oh." 

We reached land and I praised to the legendary Pokemon that we were fine. I overreacted like an idiot. . . 

"It's a good thing I brought a couple towels, huh?" Red handed me one. "You seem shook up. . . don't worry, Blue. I won't let anything bad happen to you, as long as I'm there." Red comforted me.

"Yeah, I shouldn't been worried." I whispered.

"Come on, let's get you changed." He advised.

Red's POV

I finished changing, then looked over at Blue. Awe, he's still afraid from before. "Hey, is everything fine?"

"Let's just go find that Pokecenter, I want to sleep." He crowed.

Night fall has approached us. I squinted my eyes to try to view what's in front of me, I couldn't. The odd fog has covered our sights. Before we even knew it, the building appeared in front of us.

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