Special Bond

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Surveying the area to search for any wild Pokemon is intriguing. I see Nuzleaf collecting leaves, group of Bellossoms' dancing to my right side, Furret climbing the tall oak trees, group of Spearows just flew out , and far away is a Mankey . So many options, so little time.

Blue is out in the distance trying to find his new partner. By the look on his face he hasn't found anyone yet. Don't worry, Blue. We'll find

"Any luck?" Blue asked.

Honestly, "No not really." I know, I'm being picky, but I can't just capture any Pokemon I want. I have to have a certain bond.

"Well, maybe we get better luck if we searched together?" He offered.

"Sure, why not?" I smiled. We strolled together on a search of a new friend.

Blue pointed to a Teddiursa, "That one?" He didn't even realize that a protective Ursaring was behind him, so I nodded my head no.

"What about that Pachirisu over there, Red? You're into electric types!" Blue pointed to a Pachirisu climbing up a tree.

He's right, I do like electric types. I caught a glimpse to see Pachirisu rubbing his cheeks to store electricity while he sat on a branch. "I would love too, but he looks too busy being himself." I laughed.

Interrupting Pokemon is not what I like to do, because it can be annoying. That's why, when I spotted Marowak I left him alone because he was practicing his fighting skills with his bone in hand.

All of a sudden a Garchomp appeared, running right passed us. "Whoa, how about that one for me!" Blue excitedly jumped with joy.

"Are you kidding? Garchomp is not your style, kid." I chuckled, then pointed to a Jigglypuff, "Now right there is your style!" I joked.

Denying, "Wha- no way! I don't wa- wait, Jigglypuff is pretty cute. So, that means. . . you think I'm cute?"

"I. . . didn't mean it to say it like that..." I mumbled.

Blue ignored what I said and continue to waltz around like he won the jackpot. Pikachu then awed at me, giggling. I meant for it to be a silly insult, not a compliment!

Pointing to a Minccino, grooming his tail, it could be a possible match for Blue. He thought about it for a moment, but nodded no. Still thinking of what I said earlier. . .

The sky has faded to orange, "We should set up camp." I suggested.

"No way! I know we can do this! I am strong and determined!" He beamed.

I can't protest with that enthusiasm, "Alright, we'll camp when the moon hits the sky."

After awhile, It was nice just talking to Blue while searching. I'm truly serene when I'm around him. He has grown so much when he was younger. It's a good thing that we became friends.

"Do you hear that?" Blue whispered. Me and Blue stayed silent to hear the noise. I actually hear it too. It's sounds like a cry for help from a Pokemon.

"Let's go check it out." I made my way towards the sound. The cry kept going louder as we walked closer. We bent down near a bush as we saw the scene what was going on. A group of wild Galvantulas where ganging up on too small Pokemons, Minum & Plusle.

Minum is crying, Plusle is down on the ground from being attacked. The Galvantulas are getting closer ready to unleash another attack. Minum is terrified while Plusle is laying there, hurt. I don't know why but I had a strange feeling of Deja vu. . .

Blue grabbed my arm, "We need to do something!" Blue whispered loudly.

"Indeed we do." I grabbed one of my pokeballs, "Come on let's go!" I ran.

Blue quickly followed too. When we reached between the battle I threw my pokeball in front of the Galvantulas, "Go, Flygon!" Flygon flew out. Blue did the same, "Go, Mudkip!" Mudkip popped out.

The Galvantulas are furious that we interrupted, they now aimed at us. "Dodge and use Hyper beam!" I demanded.

"Mudkip, Hydro Pump!" Blue commanded. The Hydro Pump swirled around Flygon's Hyper Beam to cause a direct hit to one of them. Okay, one down, two more to go.

The Galvantula on the right used Electro Ball. The ball of light with electricity roaming inside aimed at Flygon, it had a successful hit. Flygon got hurt a little, but still continued.

"Use Tackle!" Blue shouted. Mudkip sprinted, tackling strongly. Galvantula took some damage then used Slash. The attack threw back Mudkip back to us. Mudkip brushed off the damage, still in the battle stance.

I wasn't prepared what happen next, a small yellow fuzz-ball jumped off of Galvantula and attached itself with Flygon. 'It has to be Joltik', I thought. Joltik sent out a wave of lightning around Flygon's body, causing to collide on the ground.

"No!" I shouted. Pikachu, go help him out!

"Mudkip use Water Gun on the ground!" Blue demanded.

Mudkip shot the ground with water to make mud. The tactic baffled me, until Mudkip rolled around in it. The mud will protect it from electric shots. Good thinking, Blue.

"Now use Take Down!" Mudkip jumped up to slam himself to Galvantula.

Galvantula used Thunder Bolt, but it was useless. Mudkip successfully took down the Galvantula on the right. Okay, now for the one in the middle. Before anything else could happen a bright light drew attention to all of us. It was coming from Mudkip.

Blue awed, "It's. . ."

". . .evolving!" I finished Blue's sentence.

Marshtomp took the place of what use to be Mudkip, "You evolved! Let's finish this battle, Marshtomp!" Blue jumped with joy. "Tackle! Give him all you got!"

Marshtomp's speed has increased. Resulting, to a quickly knock out for the final Galvantula. All of them are defeated. . . except Joltik! When I reached my to Flygon the Joltik wasn't there. Thanks to Pikachu for getting rid of it.

"Thanks, Pikachu! Flygon, you deserve some rest!" I returned him in his pokeball. "I hope Plusle & Minum is alright. . ." Surely, the both of them came over. Plusle came by limping over. "Awe, little dude! You sure are a tough cookie!" We all laughed.

Blue nudged me, "Hey, Red, I think we found our new friends."

"Well, what do you say, guys?" I asked Minum & Plusle. They didn't even had to think about, they defiantly said yes. Grabbing my unreserved pokeball.

I aimed it to Plusle, but Blue stopped me, "No! I want Plusle!" Blue pleaded.

It was weird, but I guess he preferred, Plusle. "Oh, okay. No problem." I switched the aim to Minum.

After we successfully captured our new Pokemon, "This has certainly been a interesting day." Blue spoke.

"I know, right? At least we found our new friends, now let's go find a place to rest. The moon is upon us." I mentioned.

Minum & Plusle are great choices to have. They seem to represent us in a way. Plusle has my color of spirit, I couldn't figure out why Blue wanted, Plusle. I thought it would make since for me to have Plusle. Nevertheless, I guess Blue had a reason why he wanted Plusle.

We found a nice quiet spot to sleep for the night. Alright, now a couple of days until we finally leave this forest. The days are getting more "entertaining" with each day. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen for now on.

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