Chapter 2

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Louis' P.O.V....

I woke up from where I was sleeping. I was sleeping on the floor. I am pretty sure I was...oh. I sat up and saw Harry and Niall on the bed. Wow. Harry shoved me off. I gasped. Rude fucker. They're still sleeping. I looked at the couch and saw Zayn and Liam there. I love my band mates. They're dorks like me, but they mean a lot to me. I walk upstairs and go to the kitchen. What should i do? What should I make? Pancakes? Or waffles? Chocolate chip pancakes it is.

30 minutes of making pancakes and burning 3 pancakes later...

I set up the table and put pancakes on plates. Ugh. I wonder if they're all awake. I looked in Lizzy's room but she's not awake. Hmm I got it. I laughed. I grab a pan and a wooden spoon and start hitting it. "GET UP GET UP EVERYBODY GET THE HELL U-" I got cut off by Lizzy throwing a pillow at me/ "Shut up Louis" she says tiredly. She raced to the kitchen right after.

Lizzy's P.O.V...

I was peacefully sleeping when this awful noise woke me up. I grab a pillow. "GET UP GET UP EVERYBODY GET THE HELL U-" I cut him off by throwing a pillow at him. "Shut up Louis " I said tiredly. I ran to the kitchen. I saw pancakes not just any kind, chocolate chip kind. I sat down and then the others joined me. "Hey we should go swimming" Louis said. "NO!" Zayn and I yelled at the same time. "Why not, Lizzy? It'll be fun pleeeeeease." he said. I scoffed, "Uhh no not gonna happen" He says, "Zayn has an excuse. What about you?" I laugh nervously. I say "I erm I umm can't swim" I looked down embarrassed. "It's okay Zayn can't swim" Niall says trying to make me feel embarrased. "Do you think I don't know that Niall? I'm not that stupid. I know he can't." I say.

Niall pouts. "You're mean." Niall says. I smile "I know i am. Thank you." I said and Louis says "Oooh let's play truth or dare." I thought about it for a bit. This game is too cliche for my liking, but okay. "Yeah! Lets play." We all ran to the living room and sat on the floor. Louis was on my left side and Liam was on my right and after Liam was Harry then Niall then Zayn. "Lets begin! I GO FIRSSSSSSST!" Louis yelled. Damn. Too much excitement. I swear. "Ouch! Is he always like this?" I ask them and they nod. "Okay, Zayn. Truth or Dare?" Louis says "Dare" Zayn said bored. He looks tired actually. "I dare you to tell the neighbor that your pregnant. But put this under your shirt." Louis said handing him a fake bump. Oh gosh. Where'd he get that from? "Don't ask." Louis said. Zayn puts the bump on and we all stare at him walking next door.

"Im pregnant.." Zayn says in a very bored tone. The guy says "Oh teenages are so imature nowadays." The guy closed the door on him and Zayn came back. We all laughed as we sat down. "Truth or Dare Niall" Zayn says "Dare" Niall says and Zayn smiles evily. "I dare you to kiss Lizzy" He blurts out and Niall says "Umm umm" and I say "Pucker up Irish boy" He crawls over to me. He presses his lips on mine. This is cliche as fuck. Isn't it? I dont know how to kiss back though. I love the way he kisses. I want to makeout with him. Shit. He pulls away and sat back down.

I blushed deeply. "Awe cute." Zayn cooed. Fucking Zayn. "ZAYN!!!!" Louis yelled obviously mad. "It's just a dare." Zayn said shrugging it off. "Okay let's play." I said trying to avoid this shit. "{Truth or Dare, Harry?" Niall said and Harry said "Umm truth." Everyone gasped at his response. "What? Harry you always do dare." Liam said in shock. "Ehh so I chose truth. Surprise surprise." he says and Niall says "Did you like the girl from the store yesterday?" He sighs. Harry says "No, I like someone else." The lads looked at him. "Who??" they all said and he said "I can't tell you." Everyone awe'd. "Truth or dare, Liam?" Harry said "Truth." Liam said looking at the wall. Harry said "Are you and Sophia dating?" Liam blushed.

"Erm yeah." he said and I say "Aweh, you guys stop making him blush. I'm happy for you." Liam smiled and he said, "Truth or D-" I cut him off "DARE!!!" I yell and he says "I dare you to answer what I'm about to ask you" and I nod "Truthfully" he says and I nod "Did you like the kiss you and Niall shared?" Ugh. Fuck Life. Well I did like it so erm why lie. He is a great kisser. "Umm well I did like it." I said and Liam says "Aweh." and I smack his arm and I say "Truth or Dare Louis?" and he says "Dare." and I say "Go outside and scream 'I have the biggest ass ever. And I love my sister Lizzy Tomlinson' got it?" and he went outside and started yelling "I HAVE THE BIGGEST ASS EVER. AND I LOVE MY SISTER LIZZY TOMLINSON!" and people gave him weird looks and we saw this one girl who said "Im sorry but you really need to see a psychologist." and we burst out laughing and Louis came back in.

Niall's P.O.V...

I think I like Lizzy. When we kissed I felt butterflies and sparks. She's so beautiful. Why didn't Louis introduce us to her I mean like really? I wonder if she's single. I know I barely know her but yesterday when we got to know each other I found out she's smart, funny, and kind. She's a very wonderful person. I think Harry likes her too. Grrrr. That kills me because he always gets the girls and I get nothing. I hope I get to make her mine. "Hello earth to Niall. I repeat Earth to Niall." she said waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh...?" I say and she laughs. "The boys went out to get something except Harry and me and of course you." She said smiling at me. "You're beautiful." I blurted out. Whoops. freaking mouth. "Thanks." She said blushing. "Erm well you see I umm what I meant to say was well you see I didn't mean to say it out loud I'm sorry I'm stupid oh god I'm so stupid aren't I oh my god I am so you know what I should just shut up." I say and she said "You are a funny guy you know umm wanna go to the park I'll write a note to the boys go change" and I say "Erm okay." I grab my 'free hugs' shirt and tan chinos and my white Supras. I love Supras. I go shower and change and wait for Lizzy to get ready. Then I saw her come out in a pink short sleeve shirt that read 'Love' and denim skinnies and pink converse. She said "Ready Horan?" and I say "Yup" as she smiled and grabbed her phone. I put mine in my pocket as we walk out. We made our way to the park.

Harry's P.O.V...

I was so jealous when Lizzy and Niall kissed. I wanted to die. I really like Lizzy and I'm going to get her. Niall will never get her. Ha. I totally hate Niall right now. She WILL be mine. She is so beautiful. I wish I could ask her out but Louis said not to be in a relationship with his sister cause he doesn't want me to break her heart.

Lizzy's P.O.V...

Me and Niall were laying on the grass looking at the clouds. "That one looks like a giraffe." I say pointing to one. "Ooh ooh that one looks like...a cloud." Niall said shrugging. "Niall I know it's a cloud." I say giggling and he started tickling me. "S...Stop...N....Niall." I say in between fits of laughter and he says "Say please." and I say "No!" He kept tickling me. "F...fine...p....please." I say giving up and he stopped tickling me. We sat in front of each other and I say "Hey, wanna get wet?" I laughed a little thinking about what I just said. Eww. He says "Our phones though." I looked around and felt my pockets. I say. "Hmm aha put them in this ZipLock" I take the bag from my pocket and he put his phone inside and I put mine inside and I put them in my pocket and we ran together to the place where the water comes out from the ground like a fountain and we started wetting each other and chased each other and then he looked at me"Lizzy?"he asked and I asked"Niall"and he says"Will you go on a date with me?"


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