Chapter 10

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Kae's POV

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Kae's POV

I was in L.A. soaking up some sun, when Seiko called me. "Hey babe." I said answering. "Wassup? Did you see what Daily Dish tweeted? Looks like Chris got a new one." "A new what?" "Girlfriend. You know what that means right? No more shoes, clothes, and you damn sure can kiss that Porsche goodbye." she sighed. I quickly googled the article to see Chris with the girl. I shook my head, "The bitch is fat as shit. Chris don't want her." I laughed. "Then why are they staying at a hotel together?" she questioned. "Oh hell no!" I screamed. "I'll call you later Seiko." I said hanging up the phone. I quickly booked the next flight to Miami. There was no way my source of income was leaving me.

I found out which hotel Chris was staying in, thanks to TeamBreezy. I never knew those little girls would come in handy. I walked up to the front desk and asked for Barry Bradford. "Yea, I'm here to surprise him." I winked at the boy at the desk. I slipped him a $20 and he gave me a key. I got in the elevator and made my way to Mijo's room. I unlocked it and walked in to see him sleeping on the couch with some girl. "Mijo, where's Chris?" I asked. "Kae? What the hell you doing here?" he asked surprised. "Where's Chris?" I repeated. "3 doors down." he mumbled. The girl gasped and whispered something to Mijo. I shook my head and darted down the hall with Mijo on my tail.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. I came to Miami to visit MY boyfriend to find him in his hotel room kissing this fat broad. "Really, Chris!? You leave for one day and this is what you do?" I chuckled deviously. He whispered something in her ear and she got off of him. "That's right bitch, get your thirsty ass up." I said. She giggled, shook her head and crossed her legs. "Sweetie. If I'm thirsty, then the things I've heard about you make you parched!" she busted out laughing. Chris pushed me into the other room. "Who is that Chris?" I asked pissed. "A friend." he nonchalantly. "A friend." I laughed. "Oh, friends stick their tongues down each other's throats.. Ok." I said nodding my head. "Why you acting like this Kae? We both know what this is. An OPEN relationship." he stated emphasizing word. "That means we can both see other people. Plus the kiss was innocent. We've never had sex. It hasn't even gotten that far." I sighed and hugged him. I could see her looking at me. I smirked as she rolled her eyes and grabbed her shoes. "Fat bitch!" I screamed.

 "Fat bitch!" I screamed

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Madi's POV

He just stood there as she disrespected me. I chuckled deviously and made my way out of the room. I need to be far away form her. You would look at her and think she's a total sweetheart, but when she opens her mouth she's a total cunt. As I stepped into the hallway I began to slightly hyperventilate. I only got like this when I was beyond angry.. "Breathe Madi." I thought. I inhaled and exhaled slowly for a good 30 seconds. I put my shoes back on and made my way to the elevator.

When I reached the lobby, I went to the front desk. "Hi. I need a room. Preferably one with an extremely comfortable bed." the lady giggled. "Rough night?" she asked typing. "You have no idea." I said rubbing my temples. "There's one suite available. The bed is one of the best in the hotel, but its $650 a night." "No problem." I said handing her my card. After she was done, she handed me my card and my room key. "Thank you..." I scanned her shirt for a nametag. "Camille." I smiled. "No problem, call me if you need anything else. I'll be here all night" she said rolling her eyes and handing me a card. I giggled, "Thanks again."

I made it to my room when I forgot my bag was sent to Chris's room. I sighed not wanting to go back to his room. I hopped on the elevator and knocked on his door. I knocked repeatedly, no answer. I walked to Mijo's and banged on his door. He open the door in his boxers. "Mhhmm," I smirked. "Do you have a extra key for Chris's room. I left my bag." "Yea, hold on." He lefted me at the door to grabbed the key. He came back and handed me the key. "Don't get pregnant Mel!" I yelled. Mijo winked and shut the door.

I opened Chris's door to find the room empty. My suitcase was by the door. I grabbed it and left the room. I slipped the key under Mijo's door and went back to my room. I took a quick shower, slipped on some clothes and got under the cover. "Damn, Camille was right. This shit is comfy." I said. My eyes began to get heavy as I slipped into a deep sleep.

 My eyes began to get heavy as I slipped into a deep sleep

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Chris's POV

When Madi left, Kae and I went by the pool to talk. She kept blabbing about how much she loves me and if she can't have me no on will. What the hell ? Is this girl crazy? "Chris!" she shouted. "What?!" "Did you hear anything I said?" she asked. "Nope." I said shrugging my shoulders. She rolled her eyes. "Kae, this thing we have going on. Whatever it is, isn't working." She looked at me like I was crazy. "We both agreed to an open relationship, yet you acting like we're in a monogamous relationship. I don't want that with you. You're a great girl. But I think we should just be friends." I sighed, got up and stuck my hand in my front pockets. "I'm sorry." I went back to my room to see Madi's suitcase gone. Where the hell is she? Did she go back home? Is she even going to L.A. after all of this? A million questions were running through my head. I decided to just sleep on it. I stripped and got in the bed. "I hope she forgives me." I though dosing off.

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