Chapter 25

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Madi's POV

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Madi's POV

"Happy birthday sweetheart" my dad said through the phone. "Thanks daddy." I said with a groggy voice. I had just woke up to get ready for work when I got his call. "So what are you doing today?" he asked. "Working." I said dragging my feet into my bathroom. I turned on the faucet and picked up my toothbrush. "And you call me a workaholic?" he said before sucking his teeth. "Before I forget, I got you a present." I could sense he was smiling wide. I spit out the toothpaste and grew excited. "What is it?!" I asked biting my bottom lip. He chuckled before speaking. "Relax and go to your garage." he said.

I made my way downstairs and to the garage. I opened the door and screamed. "Oh my God! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said giggling. This definitely topped the Bentley. "You're welcome sweetie. Enjoy your day. I love you." " I love you too, bye." I said sweetly. I hung up and let out a screech. I hopped in my car and eyed every detail. I rubbed my hand around the steering wheel and saw that he got my mom's birthday engraved on the steering wheel. I smiled widely as a tear ran down my cheek. "I love you mommy." I whispered smiling.


I got ready to go to my office to meet Camille today. I glanced at my before heading to the garage. I decided to drive my new car. What? It is my birthday. I got in the car and started it. I turned up the radio and pulled out. Camille's number appeared on my screen as I stopped at Starbucks. "Hey love." I said. "Hey, can you text me the address again?" "Sure, no problem. By the way I'm at Starbucks, do you want anything?" I asked. "Um, just a tall caramel frap." "Ok. See you in a sec." I said hanging up. I walked in and got our coffee, but not before having a brief chat with Matt. I waved to him before jumping back in my car.

Her and I had gotten a little close over the course of a couple days. She had amazing talent. When I saw what she could do I hired her as my assistant and my first makeup & hair dresser on my team. She would help me with commercials, shows, and organize things that had to do with my business.

I arrived to my office to see Camille parking her car. I waited for her to get her things and hugged her before handing her coffee. "Happy birthday!" she squealed. "Thanks." I smiled as we walked through the door. I guided her to my office and opened the door. I placed my things on my desk and sat down. "Your shoes are killing me right now!" she said eyeing them. "Thank you! Had to do it up for my birthday you know?" I said smiling. "I still can't believe your working for your birthday." she said shaking her head. "Why is everyone so concerned?" I said laughing. "I'm fine with it." "Is that your birthday present form Chris?" she asked smirking. I rolled my eyes and laughed . "Ha! Please. My dad got me that." "You're so spoiled." she said pressing her lips together. I laughed and shook my head. "Whatever, let's just get to work." I pulled out my iPad and searched my schedule while she grabbed the portfolio.

A few hours later we had tons done, it was about 9:00. "I have a proposition for you boss lady." she said as we exited the building. "Shoot." I said tapping the twitter app on my phone. "My friend is having a party tonight, you down?" I though about it for a quick second. I was gonna go home and chill or go party with a friend. "Hell yea! Text me the address." I looking up. "Good." she smiled. "Be ready by 11." she said heading to her car.

I got in my car and headed home. I opened my garage door and parked the car. I hopped out and made my way into the house. I kicked off my shoes and bolted up the steps to find something to wear. After I decided, I took my shower and got , did my hair, makeup, pulled on my and was ready to hit the door.

Camille texted me the address and surprisingly found it easily. I pulled up to the entrance and put the car in park. I grabbed my clutch and phone and slid out the car. There were snaps from cameras in every direction as I pulled my dress down and saw Camille waiting at the door. I waved to at the paparazzo and smiled. "How are you?" one of them asked. "I'm good. How are you guys?" I responded making my way to Camille. "You look beautiful." "Thanks." "How's Chris?" I giggled and shook my head. "See you guys later." I said hugging Camille. "You look nice." I said. "Not too bad yourself, boss lady." she said as we entered the club.

We walked to the VIP section as Camille greeted every one. Once we got there, she dragged me to the other side to some guy. He was talking to his friends, laughing, and drinking. "Hey guys! I wanna introduce you to someone." she shouted over the music. He stood up and smiled at me. "I know who she is. Madison right?" he asked. "Yea. Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked squinting my eyes. He looked familiar but I couldn't remember where I've seen him before. "I'm Julian remember. From Buffalo Wild Wings?" he smiled. I giggled and shook my head in an up and down motion. "Oh yea, I remember you." He smiled. 'Damn, he has a pretty smile.' I thought. "Meet my friends. This is Langston and Day Day." "As in the Rangers? Don't I feel slow. I didn't recognize you guys at the restaurant." I said smacking my forehead. They laughed and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you" they both said. "The pleasure's all mine." I said smiling. "You look beautiful by the way." Julian said eyeing me. "Thanks." I blushed. "No problem, you want a drink?" "Sure." He guided me to the bar and ordered me a shot. "By the way, happy birthday." he said. "How did you know it was my birthday?" I asked. "Camille told me, plus I saw all your followers tweeting you." he smiled. "You follow me and twitter? You must really like me, huh?" I said winking at him. He smiled and looked down. "Something like that." he mumbled.

Tonight has been pretty good. Julian and I have been having a good time. We laughed, talked, drank and danced, nothing too close. If I told you I didn't have a good time, I'd be lying. It was 3am & I was ready to go. I wasn't drunk because I knew I had to drive home. I made sure I had everything before saying bye to everyone. "I had a good time. And I was wondering if I could have your number." Julian said. "Sure." I said taking his phone. I put my number in and saved it under 'Curves' the nickname he gave me. The whole night he kept commenting about how much he loved my curves so he decided to just called me 'Curves.' I hugged him and headed to the door.

I headed home and changed into shorts and a tank. I put my phone on the charger and pulled out my iPad. I hopped on twitter and uploaded the picture of my new car.

@Madi_sonn: Spoiled rotten! ;) Happy birthday to me!

I scrolled through my mentions to see Team Breezy sending their birthday wishes.

@Madi_sonn: Thanks #teambreezy for all the birthday love! :*

I few from the girls, Ty, Mijo, Austin, and the Last Kings & CBE crew.

@Madi_sonn: Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday! I appreciate it :)

Just then a though ran through my head. I haven't heard from one of my best friends on my birthday. I pouted and checked his tweets. Nothing. I went back to my mentions to thank everyone personally, when something caught my eye.

@NicoleBitchie: New pic of Chris Breezy and his new girlfriend in Australia! Hmm, I wonder if Madison knows about this?

"Happy birthday to me." I whispered as I stared at the picture.

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