Chapter 15

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Madi's POV

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Madi's POV

How can everything go from being perfect to a complete catastrophe? He wouldn't even let me explain. I sighed as I took my seat. I mean Chris was right. I'm not his girl, even though I thought that's where we were headed. I quickly shook the thoughts out of my head. I kicked off my shoes and put my seat back. I pulled out my earphones and put them in my ear. J.Cole's 'Nobody's Perfect' blasted in my ear as my eyes got heavy.

I woke up to Austin tapping me. "Lets go sleepyhead." he chuckled. I slipped my shoes on and grabbed my bag. I stepped off the plane to see beautiful California. "Wow." I whispered. "Yo Madi!" Mijo called snapping me out of my daze. "Huh?" I said snapping back to reality. He chuckled, "You riding with Chris or what?" I looked around to see everyone else piling in to Pat's Escalade and Chris on the phone leaning against the hood of his Range. I pouted not wanting to be anywhere near him. "Do I have a choice?" "Not really." he chuckled again hopping in the passenger seat of the Escalade. I sighed and walked towards Chris's car. He saw me approaching and went to the opposite side and opened my door. "Thanks." I mumbled. He nodded his head as I got in. He shut the door and walked over to Pat's Escalade to talk to Mijo. LMFAO's 'I'm Sexy and I Know It' rang from my phone signaling a call from my dad. I shook my head as I answered my phone. "Hey daddy!" I squealed. "Don't 'hey daddy' me Nicole. I haven't heard from you in weeks." "I'm sorry daddy. Work has just been crazy and my whole life is a mess." I said rubbing my hand over my face. He chuckled, "What's his name?" "What are you talking about?" "There's a boy. Now Tell me his name." "At the moment father, there is no boy. Just one bright as light pain in my ass." He laughed, "Yes there is. You're just mad at him." I could tell he was shaking his head. "You don't have to tell me now, but when I come see you I want to know everything. And I mean EVERYTHING." I giggled, "I'm nowhere near Miami right now. I'm in L.A. but I'll be back in a week." "Alright baby girl, I'll see you next week. I love you." I smiled as Chris climbed in the car, "I love you too. See you in a week." I said hanging up.

We drove to his house in silence. Neither of us said a word. I looked out the window the entire time. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I couldn't stand him and I'm pretty sure he was mad at me at the moment. My phone rang again, I answered without looking at the ID. "Hello?" "Hey babe!" My face instantly lit up. "Hey bae!" I screamed. I could see Chris eyeing me from the corner of his eye. "Are you here yet?" "Yea, we just landed not too long ago. Do you have what I need?" I asked. "Come on Madi. Is that a real question? You know I got you." "Thank you Ant! See this is why I love you!" He chuckled, "Just meet me at Cali Cafe tomorrow." "Thanks again Anthony." "No problem boo." he said hanging up. "Your boyfriend?" Chris asked. I chuckled deviously and shook my head. If he wants to be petty, so can I. "And if it was? Why do you care? You ain't my man." I said rolling my eyes. "Well excuse me." he said turning the corner. I looked up to the roof of the car and sighed. "Why am I here?" I mumbled. "If you don't want to be here you're free to leave. Go see Anthony, I know you cant wait to see him." he said slowing down as we approached a red light. "You're right. I cant wait to see my GAY best friend that I haven't seen in 3 years." I couldn't believe this was happening. We literally just got over something and here we are again. Another argument and we're not even together. "Madi I-" I cut him off. "I really don't want to hear shit from you Chris." He put his hand on my thigh, "Please don't touch me." I whispered. He removed his hand and sighed.

We pulled up to his house to see everyone waiting for us. He stopped the car and I hopped out. We all got our bags and headed inside. I plopped down on his couch and sighed. "You good babe?" Kaya asked. "Yea." I said looking around. "Yea, right." Mel said. She could always tell when I was lying. "Shots anyone?" Ty asked. "Yes please." I said sprinting to the kitchen. There was a sudden knock at the door. "Who the hell is that?" Austin asked. Mijo stood up to open it. "What are you doing here?" he asked whom ever. "Hey everybody." I turned my head to see a smiling Kae. "And the day just keeps getting better." I said knocking a Patron shot back. 

Chris's POV

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Chris's POV


To Kae: I'm on my way back and I wann see you...

Kae: Oh really? ;)

To Kae: Yea, I need your shit out my house PRONTO.

I was really done with Kae. I know who I wanted a real relationship with. And it definitely wasn't her. When we got home, I went straight to my room to think. What the hell is wrong with me? I feel like crap. I keep messing up my chances with Madi. I need to get my act together. We we're a couple, but we surely do act like it. I smiled at the thought of us being together. But knowing deep down inside she hated me right now, killed the thought in my head. I sighed and grabbed my phone.

To Kae: Hurry up and come get your shit.

Kae: I'm outside. We still need to talk about this Christopher!

I shook my head, this girl is crazy. I walked out to the living room to see Kae mugging Madi. "Chris, why is she here?" "Kae please don't cause a scene. You know why I asked you to come over. Your shit is in the room, come get it." I said heading back to the room with her on my tail. "Chris, I know you aren't serious right now." "Come on Kae. Not today alright? I'm trying to be civilized right now. I don't need the drama." I said hanging her a box. She dropped it and pushed me on the bed. She sat on my lap as I let out a deep sigh. "Chris, babe. Does this have to do with her?" I laughed. "No Kae. This has to do with you being money hungry, gold digger. You're clingy as shit too!" She looked down. "Look, we just arent right for each other. So we should just go our separate ways. Can we be friends?" She grabbed her box and looked me in my eyes. "Not as long as you're friends with her." she said stomping out the room. 

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