Chapter 47

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Madi's POV

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Madi's POV

My eyes fluttered open as the ray of sunshine came in through the curtains. I groaned and sat up before swinging my feet over the bed to touch the cold floor.

I slowly walked into the dark bathroom. I sat on the toilet, without turning on the lights, to pee. When I was finished I flushed and washed my hands.

I turned on the lights and looked at myself in the mirror. Dried tears stained my face, then I remembered crying myself to sleep last night after I called Kaya.

I was tired of Chris playing around. One minute he wants to be a father, the next he doesn't. He thinks this is a game. Well, I'm done playing.

I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. I took my shirt off and examined my belly, smiling. "5 more months." I said.


I was out the shower within 20 minutes. I wrapped myself in my purple PINK towel and went to find some clothes to wear.

My phone went off loudly, waking up Chris. He groaned and I rolled my eyes at him. "Hello?" I answered. "Believe it or not, I'm ready already." Kaya said. "Hmm, Robb didn't come over last night. Did he?" I laughed. "Shut up!" She huffed. "I just got out the shower, so you can come over and we can go together." I said putting my bra and panties on.

"Kay, preggers. I'm going to Starbucks first. You want anything besides coffee?" She asked. I wasn't allowed to have caffine. That's just cruel and unusal punishment for having unprotected sex. "Ugh, I feel like I could eat everything right now." I mumbled. "Just get me a muffin and refresher, please." "Ok, see you in a few."

I ended my convo with Kaya and lotioned my skin. "Hmm, what should I wear?" "Where you going?" I heard his deep voice say. He had pulled on some basketball shorts and brushed his teeth. I ignored him and picked out a pair of black jeans, a black tank, and some flats.

I pushed past him and back into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. I brushed my hair up into a bun applied light makeup. When I was finished, I grabbed my Birkin and took out my vitamins. "I know you hear me Nicole." He said behind me. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes.

I walked out of his room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Of course he followed me. I took a water bottle out the fridge and drank some with my pills.

Chris had been talking this whole time, but I didn't wanna hear it nor did I care what he had to say. "Yo, your hormones got you acting like a real bitch lately." He said making my head snap in his direction. I was just about to respond to him, when then I thought, "why entertain this foolishness?" If I'm being a bitch at least I have a reason to, Chris in the other hand doesn't.

There was a knock at the door so once again I pushed past him to open it. "Hey boo." Kaya said as she stepped in and kissed my cheek.

She handed me my food and I squealed. "I love you." I mumbled biting into my muffin. Kaya didn't even bother to acknowledge Chris, shit I don't blame her. "Can we go? I'm tired of seeing his face." I said picking up my bag, half eaten muffin, and drink. I heard Chris kiss his teeth and Kaya chuckled. "Man Kaya, do you know why she acting like such a bitch? I know damn sure it ain't her period." Chris said. "Lord, what am I gonna do with you two?" She joked.

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