Chapter 27

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Chris's POV

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Chris's POV

What just happened? I stared at my phone with disbelief. I sighed and ran both of my hands through my hair. I swear on everything I love nothing happened with Kae, even though it almost got there.


We were headed to a club downtown that one of my fans suggested. Once we got there it was on. Drinks were flowing, we were dancing, and taking pictures. I was well on my way to being drunk when Kae called me over. I headed over to her and she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Dance with me?" she asked. "Nah, I'm good." I said. "Ok then. But at least drink with me!" she shouted over the music. She handed me a couple of shots a I quickly downed them.

Hours had passed when it was time to go. Kae and I were way passed drunk. Everyone eyed us as we stumbled our way into the car and hiccupped like drunken fools. "You good man?" Mijo asked me. "Hell yea!" I screamed as we all piled into the Escalade.

When we got to the hotel Mijo guided me into my room. "I miss Madi." I mumbled. "I know man, you should call her. It's her birthday remember." he said making his way out. I picked up my phone and suddenly there was a knock at my door. Kae slowly stumbled in and fell to the floor. She busted out laughing as I walked over to her. "You ok?" I asked. "Yea!" she said before hiccupping. I guided her to my bed and lost my footing. I slipped and landed on top of her.

We both erupted in laughter before calming our breaths. She looked down at my lips as I licked them. "I miss you." she mumbled before grabbing the back of my head. She grazed her lips against mine before kissing me. She rested her arms around my neck as the kiss intensified. I removed my lips from hers and shook my head. "I can't do this." I said heading out the room.


It's too damn early in this relationship for her to give up on us. I grabbed my phone and dialed Mijo's number. "I need the nearest flight out of here." I said throwing my stuff in my suitcase. 

Madi's POV

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Madi's POV

The Next Day

Camille and I finished everything that the boys needed. The video was set to be recorded next week and everything was set. The boys wanted to go out to eat but I was way too tired so we decided we would all go out today.

I stayed in bed all day and did nothing but watch TV. It felt good not having to worry about working for a day. I kept thinking about Chris the whole time. And every time I tried to get him out of my mind, he would appear on TV. Either it was gossip, Stomp The Yard, Takers, or This Christmas. It's summer for Christ's sake. I sighed and turned off the TV.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to pass some time. I went outside and sat at the edge of the pool. I put my feet in and looked up. Beautiful day. I took my phone out my back pocket and dialed Mel's number. No answer. I dialed Kaya's number. No answer. I finally tried Ashley's number. "Hey sugarfoot!" she said excitedly. "Hey mama!" I said. "I miss you so much!" I said pouting. "I miss you too! But if you come pick me up from the airport you wont." "You're here?" "Just landed." she giggled. "Ok. See you in a bit love." "Bye." she said hanging up.

I went back upstairs and pulled on my Uggs. I grabbed my bag and keys and went back downstairs. I walked out the front door and locked it with the key before jumping into my car. I hopped on i95 and headed to the airport.

An hour later I was parked outside waiting for her to come out. She walked out looking as gorgeous as ever. "Do you really have to do that? Just because you're a model don't mean shit Ashley." I said rolling my eyes playfully. She started laughing and ran over to me and hugged me tight. "Stay mad hoe." she said letting me go. We giggled and I opened the trunk for her to put her bag inside. When she did we climbed into the car and I pulled off.

"So, please tell me those rumors about you and Chris aren't true." she said. I kissed my teeth and moved one of my hands off the steering wheel. "Chris and I have our differences right now." I mumbled. "Already?" "Yep." "Aww honey." she said shaking her head. "And let me guess it's only because Kawasaki is being thirsty?" "I don't know, he couldn't explain on the phone." I said biting my bottom lip. She quickly pulled out her phone, clicked the call button, and put it to her ear. "Austin, your cousin is messing up right now. Get him before I beat his ass." she said into the phone. I laughed, but I knew she was dead serious.

We got back home just in time for me to get ready for tonight. "I'm going out with some friends tonight, you want to come?" "Sure. I would love to meet Julian." she said winking. "How do you know about Julian?" I said smiling. "Chile please, I saw that text he sent you when we were in the car." she giggled. "Whatever go get ready." "Are you driving that sexy ass Lambo? That thing is sick! Your dad needs to spoil me too." she said heading into the bathroom. I erupted in laughter before stripping and heading into the shower.

I got out and got , did, my hair, and makeup. I walked out my room and knocked on the bathroom door. "Let's go puta." "I'm ready!" said coming out the bathroom.

"Well don't you look all sexy for your date." she smirked. "It's not a date. Other people will be there." "Mhmm." she said turning off the bathroom light. She grabbed her phone and purse and we were ready to go. We walked into the garage and I took the Lambo keys off the hook. I opened the doors and she slipped in. "Oh my God! Your dad is such a G for this." she said examining everything. I giggled and passed her my purse before opening the garage door.I closed my door and started to pull out. Suddenly a beam of bright lights appeared. An Escalade was blocking my way of getting out. "Who the hell is that?" Ashley asked. "I have no clue." I said. I shut off my engine and so did the other person. I hopped out the car and approached the vehicle. He hopped out and rearranged his snapback before licking his lips at me. "What are you doing here Christopher." "I came to get my girlfriend back." he said putting his arms around my waist. I giggled and pushed his arms off of me. "Well your 'girlfriend' has a date." I said using air quotes. I walked away from him and headed back into my car. I veered my car around his and made my way out.

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