Chapter 31

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Madi's POV

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Madi's POV

Again. This almost happened again. That's all I could think about. I had been two weeks since the whole thing happened and things were slowly getting back to normal. Chris had been amazingly supportive the whole time. I was so appreciative. Even though I knew he was mad at me that night, he doesn't blame me, even though he should.

I told my dad about it last week and he went crazy. He demanded me to press charges, get a restraining order, and even wanted to kill him. Crazy, huh? I wasn't going to let my father kill him, so that was out of the question. My dad had always had anger issues, but it never when this far. It kind of scared me. I wasn't pressing charges because I knew the media would have a field day, both Chris and I didn't need that right now. So I decided to just get a restraining order.

"Dad, relax." I said trying to calm him down. He ran his hand over his face and looked up at me. "This is the second time Madison, I don't want it to happen again." he said quietly. Guessing Chris heard him, I saw him looking over at me from the corner of the room. "What do you mean second time?" he said standing up. "We'll talk later." I whispered trying not to cry. He headed downstairs and I continued to talk to my dad.

We finally decided on the rules of the restraining order. If he came between 1,000 feet of me, there would be trouble. I hugged my dad goodbye and walked him to his car. "When you're feeling well enough, I want you to come with me to pick out an engagement ring for Tasha." "Ok." I said. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight. "I love you baby girl." "I love you too."

I headed back into the house to see Chris sitting on the couch, jaw clenched and legs shaking. I sat on his lap and kissed his cheek. "Tell me." he said looking me in the eyes. I sighed and began.

"It was sophomore year in high school. I was heading home after a club meeting. I was walking down the hallway just trying to get to my car. Football practice was over and the star quarterback Dylan was heading to the locker room. Dylan had always teased me. We when to elementary and middle school together. Wherever I was he would find me and tease me. Anyways, while I was walking he pushed me against the locker. 'Sup fatass' he said grinning. 'Ouch! Get off me." I said trying to push him off of me. "Look at you tryin' to be strong. Looks like someone had their meals today." he said before laughing. When I was finally able to, I pushed him off and continued walking down the hallway.

"I could hear him following behind me, but I thought nothing of it. I just figured he was done for the day. I could hear his footsteps speeding up, so I started walking a little faster." My words were now trembling and my lips were quivering. "I made it to the door and he ran up behind me and pushed me. My head banged against the door hard, making it bleed, before I fell to the floor. He pulled me into the janitor's closet and started taking off my clothes. I was losing a lot of blood, quick. Everything around me was getting blurry and I couldn't fight back." Chris was staring at me intently while silent tears ran down my face.

"He ripped my shirt and tried to unbutton my jeans. I screamed and screamed, until finally the janitor found us. Dylan tried to run, but one of the security guards grabbed him. They called the ambulance and my dad. They rushed me to the hospital and they arrested him.

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