Chapter 42

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Chris's POV

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Chris's POV

"Madison, wake up." I said shaking her. I chuckled as she rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. "Madison! Get up!" I said smacking her ass. "Ouch!" She whined. "Leave me alone, I'm tired." "I don't care. You better get up. Your appointment is in an hour, get up and get ready. and you better be downstairs in 45 minutes." I said walking out the room.

I shut the door and put my ear to it. "3..2..1." I whispered as I heard her groan and the bathroom door close. I chuckled again and walked downstairs to the kitchen. My mom looked up from the pancakes on the stove and smiled. "Good morning, baby." "Morning mama." I said kissing her cheek. "Why are you up so early?" She asked. "Uh, I'm taking Madi to the studio for a little bit. We should be back in an hour or so." I said taking the juice out the fridge.

"Oh." she muttered as she turned the stove off. "Ma.." I trailed. She giggled. "What?" "Nothing." I said rolling my eyes. "Here." she said handing me my plate. "Thank you." I smiled eyeing my plate. I sat at the table and ate my food.

15 minutes later I was sitting on the couch watching cartoons. My mom was seated at the table eating, when Madi came down. "Ok, lets go." said as her feet hit the bottom step. "Oh, good morning Mama J." she said smiling at her. I could see her forcing it. Something was off. "Good morning, sweetheart." My mom said putting her coffee mug on the table.

" Are you hungry? I made tons of food." "Oh, no thanks. I'm not hungry." Madi said putting her Ray Bans on top of her head. "Yes she is. Come on I'll make you a plate." I said taking her hand and walking into the kitchen.

I grabbed a pkate from the cupboard and placed eggs, sausage, and pancakes. "Here." I said passing it to her. "I said I'm not hungry, Chris." She said putting it on the counter. "Feed my child, Madison." I said making sure my mom didn't hear me. She furrowed her eyebrows before rolling her eyes. "Oh, now you care about your child? You've barley spoken to me for two weeks! You know what Chris, I'm not about to argue with you right now." She sounded defeated. She took her sunglasses off the top of her head and put them on. "I'll meet you in the car." She mumbled walking out the kitchen. "See you later Mama J." I heard her say before the door opened and closed.

I sighed and picked up the keys to the Range. I could see my mom smiling as she walked in the kitchen. I shook my head and kissed her forehead. "See you in a few ma." I walked out the house to see her leaning again the car door tapping her foot impatiently.

I opened the door and hopped in. She got in, put her bag on the floor and crossed her arms. "I'm getting you something to eat." I said pulling out the driveway. She kept quiet.

I pulled up at McDonalds and went through the drive through. I ordered everything I think she would like before paying and picking it up. "Can you at least drink the orange juice?" I pleaded. She took it from me and began to drink it.

"You still trying to kill my child, I see." I mumbled. "Shut the fuck up, Chris! No one is trying to kill your child. I just can't keep anything down. Would you like me to throw up in front of your mother and make her suspicious?" She said. This time I said nothing. "That's what I thought." She said before continuing to drink her juice. Other than the radio in the background, there was complete awkward silence between us.

My mom has always wanted grand kids. When she became a grandma she was extremely happy. I was gonna let her know what was going on until she dropped the bomb about not liking Madison, when she barely even knows her.

I pulled into the nearest parking space and we hopped out, with her slamming the door. "Don't slam my door Madi." I said through gritted teeth. She knew I hated that shit. "Whatever, Christopher." She said opening the door. I walked in after her and approached the receptionist who was typing busily on the computer. "Hi. We have an appointment with doctor Smith." I said. "Okay, what's your- Oh my God." She said whispering the last part.

I wasn't hiding so I know someone would spot me. "Your Chris Brown! I love you so much! You're super talented." she gushed. "Thank you." I smiled back at her. "Can you sign this?" she said extending her shaking hand that held her. "Sure. Do you have a marker?" I asked. "Yea, of course!" she chirped searching through her purse. She finally pulled it out and handed it to me. I signed it and returned it to her.

"Ok, now with that out the way, lets get you signed in." she giggled and smiled at Madi.


"Alright, so lets get started." Dr. Smith said getting ready to put the gel on Madi's stomach. "This will be a little cold." he said. Madi gasped and I chuckled a bit, before she shot me a glare. "Lets find this little guy or girl." He said as he began to roll the thing on her stomach. "Ok, there he or she is." he smiled pointing at the monitor. "And there's the heartbeat." he said. "Madi covered her mouth and her eyes began to water. "Nice and strong." he said nodding his head. "It looks like you're about 6 to 6 ½ weeks."

I didn't hear anything he said after that. All I could do was look at the screen in awe as I heard my child's heartbeat. My child. I never thought I would be here right now. Yeah, most people dream about having kids. But here I was, in the next couple months, I would have one. I may have not been ready, but there was no way in hell I wasn't about to take care of my responsibility.

"Ok, so I'm gonna go print these pictures, give you a list of thing you can and can't eat, and get your vitamins. Any thing else?" he asked snapping me back into reality. "Yea, I can't seem to hold any type of food down. At all." Madi said. "Ah, that sounds like the classic case of hyperemesis gravidarum." "Is that bad?" I asked. "It can be if it goes untreated. Good thing you told me. All you have to do is take some vitamin B6 with your other vitamins and everything should be fine." he smiled. "Thanks doc." I said shaking his hand. "No problem" he said leaving the room.

We got the pictures and left. I made sure to stop and get Madi something healthy to eat. I made sure she ate everything, before we headed back home. "Mom, we're home!" I called out as we got in the house. "I'm in the kitchen, Chris."

Both Madi and I walked in the kitchen to see her drinking a glass of water. "Hey." I said kissing her cheek. I went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water for Madi. Before I could even hand it to her, her eyes got big and she ran out the kitchen. "Shit." I mumbled as I jogged behind her to the bathroom with my mom on my tail. I grabbed her hair as my mom stood at the door, confused. She finished and I helped her up.

"I must have ate something bad at the restaurant." she said as she looked at my mom. My mom furrowed her eyebrows before walking away. 

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