Chapter 33

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Madi's POV

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Madi's POV

Melissa and Kaya were finally back from their trips, which had me hella excited! The quartet was finally back together. Ty and Mijo came back to Miami to see them. It was like our own little family reunion.

Chris and Ty had started on Fan of A Fan 2. They said since the last one was so successful, the second one to be like an album. They even had a photo shoot a week ago.

We were all going out to eat since everyone was being lazy and didn't want to cook. And I sure as hell wasn't going to cook a whole bunch of food by my damn self.

We all got ready to go to Chris's favorite restaurant downtown. All of us were downstairs waiting for Kaya to finish. "Kaya! Hurry yo ass up!" yelled with his eyes still glued to the television. "Michael shut up!" said coming down the stairs. "Girls take forever." mumbled. "You one to talk, you take longer than me sometimes." I said smirking at him. "That's different. It takes time to look this good." He said smiling hard. "Close yo mouth." said playfully grilling him. "See, that's why I like hoe face more." I said pulling on his nose ring. "Ahem." Mel said "You know you numero uno." I said grabbing her cheek. "OH!" and said at the same time. "Y'all know it's all love!" said grabbing my bag. "Madi be pulling bruh." said. "You already know tho!" I said laughing. "YOLO!" Ty screamed as we exited the house.

Chris tried to fit everyone in the Escalade but that wasn't going to happen. "Mijo, get yo ass out my face!" Austin said through a fit of laughter. We all erupted in laughter as me and Chris hopped out the front.

"Look, Chris and I will drive behind you guys." I said heading back inside to grab my keys. I decided on the Range Rover and I opened the garage door and threw the keys at Chris. He opened the doors and I climbed in the passenger side. We pulled out behind the Escalade and drove behind them .

"Babe, we need to talk." I said quietly looking at the side of his face. He looked over at me and quickly back at the road. "I know." he mumbled and sighed. "But can it wait until we get home?" he said. "Yea, no problem."

We pulled up to the restaurant and parked beside the Escalade. We walked in hand in hand and the host quickly seated us at a booth in the back. We all took our seats; the boys on one side and the girls on the other. Our waitress approached our tabled and introduced herself as Brittany and handed us our menus.

I was seated in between Kaya and Mel. I could see Kaya roll her eyes at the waitress. "Already Kaya?" I said giggling lightly. She kissed her teeth before whispering back to me. "The bitch tryna get cut. Looking at Ty like he's the last cup of water in a desert." I couldn't hold my laughter in anymore. Everyone looked over at me with confused faces.

I just continued to laugh as Kaya grabbed her knife off the table and clutched it in her hand. "Thirsty hoes bruh." she whispered through laughter. We both began to laugh again as Austin looked in our direction. "I just hope y'all know how crazy y'all look right now." he said with squinted eyes. Kaya eyed Ty from across the table and clutched the knife even tight, if that was even possible. "Look at that bitch. I dare you." she mouthed over to him while playing with the sharp side of the knife. "Where's my casket?" I said through tears.

We had all order our food and Kaya was still mugging the shit out of Brittany as she sat our food in front of us. Ty was the last to get his. While she put it on the table she tried to put her breast in his face; all Ty did was lick his lips. "Thank you." he said as she stood up straight. She winked at him and walked away.

Kaya chuckled deviously and took a sip of her water. "Lord, help this thirsty bitch. Cause when I snatch that ponytail, Jesus." she said putting her glass down. We had finally let Mel and Ash on what was going on so all four of us erupted in laughter as the boys looked up at us from their food.

Mel started digging through her purse making all of us look over at her. She finally pulled Holy water. "Ty-No Michael. When we all finish eating please let me bless you and your soul with this holy water." she said seriously. Kaya began to play with her knife again. "Please let me pray for you." Mel said laughing.

After we all finished eating Mel actually prayed for him. Well at least tried, she was laughing too hard and so were we so she just quit. After I finished eating I didn't feel too good so I excused myself from the tabled. "I'll be back." I said grabbing my bag. The girls followed behind me to the restroom. I quickly pushed the door open and tried to find an empty stall.

I could feel the food coming back up my throat as I opened the biggest stall's door. I got on my knees and the vomit quickly spewed from my mouth. Mel grabbed the hair out my face and held it in her hand as she rubbed my back.

Kaya and Ashley came into the stall and began rubbing my back too. When I was done they helped me up and I washed my mouth out. Mel handed me a peppermint and I put it in my mouth. "Thanks." I mumbled throwing the wrapper in the trash.

They all stared at me suspiciously and stayed quiet. "You ok?" Mel asked. I knew what they were all thinking but they couldn't be right. I nodded my head up and down quickly. "Right." Kaya mumbled before opening the stall door. She walked out and began to touch up her makeup when Brittany walked in.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the thirsty waitress." Kaya said applying some lip gloss. Brittany laughed and rolled her eyes. "Someone's mad." Brittany mumbled before smiling at Kaya. "Ha! Never bitch. My man knows where home is. It's just thirsty hoes like you that make women look bad. Maybe if you step ya pussy game up, you would have a nigga like Ty. But instead, you're a waitress at restaurant pushing ya silicon titties in niggas faces for tips. While bitches like me are shopping on with my own money and my man begging to pay for my shit." she stepped closer to Brittany and put her lips to her ear. "Now who sounds mad?" she said before giggling.

We all walked out of the bathroom and erupted in laughter. "Thug life shit!" Mel yelled and we started laughing again. We walked back to table. The boys were paying the bill so we decided to go outside.

"Madi, are you pregnant?" Kaya said with all seriousness in her voice. They all looked at me awaiting my answer. I bit the inside of my lip trying not to cry. "I don't know." I said as my voice cracked. "Aww, sweetie." Kaya said pulling me into a hug. "Chris and I have barely been together for a year and I could be pregnant. What type of shit is that? What if I am? My dad is going to be so disappointed." I said as the tears ran down my face.

"You know Chris is going to be there for you. That boy loves you to death. And you'll always have us. We'll love you no matter what. And your dad will just have to deal. He might be mad at first but he'll have to get over it." Mel said wiping my face. "You guys are saying it like I'm really pregnant." I said laughing. "How 'bout we find out?" Ash said smiling. I was scared shit less. What if I really was pregnant? "Ok." I said nervously.

We kissed the boys goodbye and I took the Range Rover keys from Chris. "You ok?" he asked looking at the tear stains on my face. "Yea, I'm fine. Just laughed a little too hard." I said smiling. I knew he didn't believe me but he left it alone. "We still have to talk later." he said kissing my forehead. "I know, I'll be back later." I said kissing his lips and hugging him.

I drove the nearest CVS and parked the car. We all hopped out and went straight to the isle with the pregnancy tests. There were what looked like a million of them. "Which one should I get?" We all looked at each other not knowing what to do. "We are acting like damn teenagers right now." Kaya said laughing. She picked up two First Choice Pregnancy tests and walked to the cashier. We hurried behind her and she grabbed her change and the bag. "Lets go." she smiled grabbing the keys.

We definitely weren't going to do it at my house so we went to Mel's, since it was closer. I opened both of the boxes and went into the bathroom. I peed on both and sat them both on the bathroom sink.

Kaya watched the clock. The time felt like it was moving so slow. I put my face in my hands and began to rock back and forth impatiently.

"Madi." Kaya said looking at both tests. "What does 2 lines mean?" she said looking at me. "Pregnant." 

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