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D.A.'s POV:
Where the hëll did that come from? His little confession was making the heart monitor beep more frequently as my heart rate went up along with the pace of my breathing. Party had the slightest tinge of a smirk concealed in his expression from seeing the reaction he had on me. His moment of cockiness ended soon as my pain worsened and became visible in my face, causing him to look worried at me.

"Fück, I'm sorry. I just needed to tell you the truth." He apologized.

"Yeah, thanks, but I'm not quite in the right state to be hearing that kind of thing." I replied between deep gasps.

"At least you know that I will definitely not leave you now."

"I love that you're so dedicated and sweet. On the other hand, you're falling for a dead girl."

"What if I like dead girls? I went through an emo phase and who's to say I'm completely out of it?" Party crossed his arms and stood in a sassy pose.

"You're so stubborn. Just make me a promise if you won't leave me alone."

"Okay, anything."

"Promise me that if I leave you, you'll move on and be happy. The other killjoys need you to be strong for them and it'd hurt me to see you so upset."

"I promise to try."

"No, you can rely on the guys and my girls to help you through tough times, don't give up. Just remember that I'm always wishing you the best and we'll see each other later."

"Fine." He huffed, gently taking my hand to shake it as a sign of a completed deal.

He then brought my hand up to his mouth where he pressed it lightly against his lips. I could see the sadness creeping into his beautiful, hazel eyes and tried to think of a way to cheer him up. A smile came over my face in hopes of cheering him up a bit before I began talking.

"Tell me more about who you were before you were a killjoy." I asked.

"Well you know my name was Gerard...my brother is Kobra, aka Mikey...and I was incredibly artistic. Mostly in music and visual arts."

"I know you're a great artist. Where were you from?"

"Belleville, New Jersey."

"Cool. Did you have like a high school band since you liked music?"

"Of course, but the one the guys and I had after we graduated was better. I quit art school for it and it was a good decision for a while. Then everything with BL/Ind happened and there isn't any time for all that anymore."

"Did you play an instrument?"

"No, I sang."

"Really?! You should sing for me." I hinted not-so-subtly as I got an increasing feeling of curiousity growing towards Party's vocal ability.

"Maybe later."

"Aww, pleeeaaaase?"

He sighed, "Okay give me a second."

Party cleared his throat a few times and hummed a brief tune quietly to warm himself up a bit. I flashed him a reassuring smile as he glanced back at me and prepared to open his mouth.

"Older song or newer?" He questioned.

"Hmm, older."

"Alright, this one was called Cancer. It was really simplistic with mainly just vocals and piano."

"Yeah, yeah, I wanna hear you sing." I pushed.

"Eager, aren't we?" He counted a few beats mentally and tapped his foot a couple times before finally singing to me:

"Turn away
If you could get me a drink
Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded
Call my aunt Marie
Help her gather all my things
And bury me in all my favorite colors,
My sisters and my brothers, still,
I will not kiss you,
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you.

Now turn away,
'Cause I'm awful just to see
'Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body,
Oh, my agony,
Know that I will never marry,
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo
But counting down the days to go
It just ain't living
And I just hope you know

That if you say
Goodbye today
I'd ask you to be true

'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you
'Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you..."

That was it. I could die happily. The heart monitor was beeping madly as my eyes teared up again. He knew what he was doing. He knew that song would get to me. Sure, I didn't have cancer but the meaning was close enough to express his point. Party looked at me, waiting for any response to his gorgeously meaningful song.

"That was beautiful." Was all I managed to say before my tears fell onto my cheeks.

A smile cracked through his expression and he wiped off the salty tears off my face.

"Seriously, Party, you have such a perfect voice."

He shook his head, "No, call me by my actual name. Everyone calls me by my killjoy name and you know what my real one is."

"Okay...Gerard." I chuckled.

"You never told me what your name was."

"Because I never liked it. That's why choosing a killjoy name was fantastic. People didn't call me 'Amity' anymore."

"Woah, doesn't that name mean like friendship or something like that?"


"And instead your killjoy name begins with 'Destructive'?"

"Yup. I honestly hated my name."

"So you made it the total opposite."


"I think it's pretty. Maybe not the most fitting of names for you, but still pretty."

"Yeah, I guess."

"What should I call you then?"

"Anything but my real name."

"Hope I'm not interrupting something heated going on, oh wait nevermind, I don't care if I am. Hey guys!" Frank's enthusiastic voice boomed as the door was opened widely.

"This is a hospital bed, how could anything you would consider 'heated' happen here?" I asked with furrowed brows.

Gerard looked worried suddenly that I said that, probably knowing that what Frank was going to say would be horribly dirty.

"I dunno, maybe one of you has a doctor or nurse kink?" He shrugged.

"Ugh, no! Shut up." I cringed.

"'Cause I know Gee has a thing for b-"

"She's right, shut the fück up, Frank." Gerard piped up to stop him from finishing his sentence.

"No, I like embarassing people. Anyways, we hope you get better soon and that's coming from the guys and all your friends as well. They all went to bed early since they're tired." Frank finished with a goodbye wink and left.

The door shut behind him, "Well that was interesting." I commentated.

"Nah, just normal for him."

"You should get to bed if it's that late...goodnight, Gerard."

He sighed and got up from his seat, "Alright then. So long and goodnight, Destroya."

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