Laced In Hate

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-Raine's P.O.V-

The sighing and nail biting of nervous students fill the classroom as Mrs. Harrison passes the final exams amongst the classroom. I let out a nervous sigh as I clench my finely number two pencil tighter in my hand. My palms feeling moist and my heart beating faster than usual. I'm nervous as hell, I have studied day and night for this final now it's time to show my skills to these teachers.

A Mrs. Harrison got closer and closer to my desk my heart rate rapidly sped up. Okay Raine, Keep calm... It's just a test. Breathe In and Out....

" Raine Coltelli and Blaze Alexander, Please report to the principals office at this minute" I heard Mr. Buckley (Our Vice Principal) say over the intercom. I sighed in relief when I heard that and smiled, But then I frowned when I heard Blaze's Name called along with mine. What is that bastard up to now?

I hesitantly got up from my seat and walked to the door, receiving a lot of stares from other students. Great. The Sluts which were seated in the front gawked and twirled there fake hair extensions.. Ugh! I hate those bitches...

As I finally made it to Mrs. Peterson's Office I sighed and slowly opened the door to see Blaze sitting on a chair with his phone out. I rolled my eyes and stepped in the room and lightly closed the door. Blaze looked at me with a  glare of hatred and I shot him a look of disgust. Mrs. Peterson sighed and smiled with her rosy cheeks and her honey brown wavy hair slightly above her elegant emerald green eyes. " Now I called you guys here to congratulate you two for winning the London Trip" She explained making me eyes turn soulless and my heart stop.

Blaze immediately stopped what he was doing on his phone and looked at Mrs. Peterson in surprise. " So we go on separate dates?" I asked hoping that she'd say yes but instead she chuckled. That's not  a good sign....

"No. You guys are going together and staying in this little house for a month. You guys leave at 5:30 this evening so hurry up and get packing" She said with a cheeky smile. My heart sank, Can I just die now? But I'm not missing my trip to London because of this ass.

I rolled my eyes and sighed, I exited out of the office with Blaze following slightly behind.

" Look, we might me going to London together but when we get there you better leave me the hell alone because I'm not going to let a asshole like you ruin this for me. Got It?" I snapped sounding livid as ever. He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "Oh please, who would want to bother a skank like you?" He spat harshly. I rolled my eyes and walked away from him and to my class to get my shit. 


As I finally arrived at the airport I sat down at my assigned gate which was gate 18b and waited to be boarded onto the plane. I hope that he misses the plane, I can only hope but once again I was wrong.

Okay, Let me give you a walk through on how we became enemies. When I was nine and he was eleven we were like best friends, unseperatable. We would always hang out and go to that diner and get milk shakes and all that good shit but when Junior high came along I was mostly neglected by the others because of what I wore and Listened to. Some call me Slit Wrist and Emo Freak... Yeah it was pretty bad but it was worse when Blaze turned on me too. He was my only best friend and even Friend. And here we are 4 years later hating each others guts.  Great story right? No.

After about 30 minutes of waiting they finally boarded us on the plane and I sat down in seat 23A and I took the seat near the window. As I saw unfamiliar faces shoot me disgusted faces as they tried to find a seat, I just shrugged it off and put in my head phones and set my IPod on shuffle and pressed play. Last Night by Breathe Carolina came on making me smile, this ride is probably going to be the best part of the trip.


The Plane landed on the ground pretty harshly but safely, I smiled as  looked out the window to see the sun setting over the horizon and the clouds fading. Ah.. London. It's an honor seeing you again.

As we were let off of the plane I made it to the luggage pick up station and got all my belongings. I had no choice but to wait for Blaze as he slowly checked for his bags. Dumbass..

We walked in annoyed silence over to the exit until we heard a raspy middle aged voice yell, " Raine Coltelli and Blaze Alexander?". We turned around and Look at the guy who held a sign with our names on it and he was standing in front of a shiny sleek black limo. Nice!

We got in on separate sides of the limo and sat there in exhaustion. My ears still ringing from the pressure as we flew for endless fucking hours. The driver got in and headed to lord only knows where.... 

This is going to be a long trip.....

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