Chapter 6

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-Raine's P.O.V-

It's the day we head out of London and I'm surprisingly relieved that I'm going back  to San Francisco, away from Blaze. Honestly, I did enjoy the last week of this trip. It was priceless, that's what he gets. And for Jayleen and Alex? I'm going to miss them so much.. Okay. before this gets emotional Let's change the subject.

I get my black suit case zipped up and my room is empty from all of my stuff. Finally.. I exited my room and into the living room to see Blaze already packed, taking off the white tape that divided the house. I walked out the door to see William standing next to the sleek black limo. Yes, I finally learned his name and he's a nice guy.

"Long time, Miss Coltelli" William said in his original low elder voice. I smiled and nodded in the process of putting my suitcase in the trunk.  I sighed as I looked back at the small white house and got in the limo slowly but surely. Blaze was in next to me shorty after, I leaned my head back as it lightly hit the back out the back seat and looked up at the dark fabric that covered the ceiling.

Goodbye London..


After a while of driving we finally made it to the airport. I hesitated for a second and took in a deep breath then got out. Blaze and I got our luggage out of the trunk then said our goodbyes to William. I walked into the building letting the cool conditioning hit my pale skin, soaking up the divine air.  Dozens of people scampering through the airport like a colony of ants. great.

We boarded our plane and I was so pissed because I had to sit next to Blaze. I went to enjoyment back down to depression. Why does the shitty things always happen to me?

Blaze has been very quiet and emotionless today. That's not like him, Not like I care or anything. But it's scaring me, Maybe. No Raine, you can't care about that douche bag. He hates you. He's the one who posted all your journal entrees. Just let him be..

The more I thought about Blaze being weird today, the more I got tired.  Oh what the hell, I'm going to sleep.

-Blaze's P.O.V-

My reputation is ruined, it's all ruined. How could have been so stupid and try to ruin Raine? I mean, the bitch is already ruined but i don't give a shit about her or her Beauti-. NO BLAZE! You can't be falling for that bitch. She ruined you! She's a slit wrist freak!

I felt a slight pressed on my shoulder, RAPE! Okay, Now let's be reasonable now. It's not rape unless you yell surprise and I surely didn't hear someone say surprise. I look over to see Raine passed out leaning on my shoulder, without thinking I smiled. Nope! No smiling allowed asshole! Stay cool.

A short while after I feel a slight vibration coming from my phone. I slowly unlocked it to see it was an unknown number saying,

Listen here asshole! If you dare hurt my little sister like that again I swear to fucking Zeus that I'll kick you in your shit sooo hard that your nonexistent great grandchildren will feel the same feeling that you will. Got it? She is not one of your whores that you fuck every night! She is a very sweet and talented girl but someone so stupid is blind to see what a beautiful person she is. And I know the way you look at her is something special. You like her! Admit it asshole! Stop trying to be cool and go against her. Because right now you're the pebble under her shoe.

-Alex Gaskarth

I flinched at the beginning hoping that it will never happen but then It got sweet. maybe I do like her? NO! No you don't Blaze! That Alex Guy is full of shit! She's nothing to me.. Nothing..


The plane finally landed and Raine is still sound asleep, ugh! People started getting up from their seat and out of the plane. "Oh look at you guys, such an adorable couple" a old lady with silver hair with only a cape holding her balance. "We are NOT a couple" I mumbled. She gave me a hurt filled face. "Such a waste." Was all she said as she hobbled her way down the aisle.

I looked at Raine in awe and smile. "Raine" I said quietly shaking her slightly. She groaned and opened up her eyes to see herself on my shoulder. "Ew!" She yelled causing everybody to look at her. She unbuckled herself and hoped up out of the chair, waiting for someone to let her in line.  Here goes nothing..

-Raine's P.O.V-

Ugh! That was nasty, me on Blazes shoulder? Just no. No. I rushed out of the plane and into the crowded airport trying to get away from that pervert as fast as I can. As I finally arrived at the bag Claiming thingy mabob. I checked for the one with All bands on it . Finally. 


Ahh.. Home sweet home. I stood there infront of my house just gazing at it for a minutes and smiled.  I walked to my front door and unlocked the door revealing my house the exact same way I left it. I rolled my suit case into the living room and taking out my phone to see that it was 7:57 pm. Great.  School starts in less than 12 hours..  Am I ready to face humiliation again? 

I decided to turn in early after unpacking all of my things that took 20 minutes to freaking do.. Making it to be 8:32 pm. Ugh!

I started up the shower and placing it to be warm, just the way I like it. Stripping down from my shorts and Of Mice & Men tank top and undergarments, I hopped int their and did my usual.

I got all dressed and put my hair into a messy bun before I slipped into my cozy bed and went to sleep. Ah. warm.


The sound of Deathbeds by Bring Me the Horizon to wake me up sweetly, starting my morning very happily. I yawned and stretched my arms up in the air, running my hand through my silver and Black hair.  I glanced at my clock briefly to see it was 6:30 am. Ugh.. School.

As I was already it was about 7: 21 am and I was about to head out. My eyeliner perfect and my hair straight and sleek, I was wearing my black skinnies with my Red hoodie and Red Vans. I looked at myself in the mirror and made an unsure face. "Eh. It's Whatever.."  I said as i walked away from my mirror and got my phone and keys from the counter and made it outside. The raw sunshine welcoming me.

The halls were flooded and everybody was laughing and giggling at me, But I just shrugged it off and made it to my locker. As I opened it razor bladed poured out of my locker, scattering all over the ground. "See now you won't run out, bitch! " one of the girls from the popular group, Cindy I think yelled at me with a snooty giggle at the end. Everybody started to laugh, ugh!

I rushed out of the hallway leaving my locker and the floor a total mess. I don't care what the principal says. I plopped down in my seat in frustration and sighed, putting my head down. "Welcome back Miss Coltelli and Mr. Alexander. How was your vacation to London?" Mrs. Cherrywood asked sweetly. I shot her a fake smile and replied, "Just wonderful, thanks for asking" I said in a perky voice making her smile grow wider. "Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it".

The rest of the day was torture.. I can't take it anymore! People calling me Bitch, Slut, cunt, etc.. it's became worse. I'm done.. I can't deal with this school anymore. I got out my phone and dialed my sister Jayleen. A couple of rings later she answered, "Hey babe! What's up?" She said excited to hear from me. " I was wondering if I could move in with you and Alex in Baltimore. I can't deal with this school anymore.." I said with sorrow filling my voice.  "Of Course babe. i'm going to have Jack and Rian and Zack to get on the private jet and pick you up. Be ready by 9:00 pm" She said which made me smile. "Thank you so much" I said tears rolling down my face. "Anything for you" She said.

The bell rang which signaled up that we're out of school, "Okay. i have to go" I said. I could hear her smile, through the phone which made me smile "Okay. see you tomorrow sis". and with that I hung up and made my way out of my school.

-Blaze's P.O.V-

Today was horrible but Raine's was worse. I really feel bad. No like REALLY BAD! I shouldn't have done that. I like her. I'll admit. I really do and what I did to her was horrible. But I need ton tell her today how I feel. I want to be there for her.

I looked around to see her getting into her car starting the engine. I ran as fast as I could towards her car, not stopping for anyone nor anything.

I'm coming Raine.

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