Chapter 5

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-Raine's P.O.V-

This is going to ruin him. It's payback jackass. As Jayleen and I put the dye in his shampoo quickly we giggled as we were thinking how gay he would look. I'm not saying that pink is a gay color but on Blaze's hair it's going to be full blown gay on him.

" Oh Jayleen, I'm glad to call you my older sister" I said giggling like a hyena. She laughed and twisted the cap back on. "Same here little sis" She said as we quickly hurried out of the bathroom to see Alex on the couch playing Call Of Duty Ghosts. "Die niggah!" He yelled as he was shooting his team mates.

"That's what you get for making Barney turn to a pedophile!" He said trying to shoot the Major Sargent. Okay weird, what the fuck Alex? Jayleen and I just laughed at him and he gave us one of his serious faces that made the laughing die down within seconds.

Where was Blaze when we were all doing this you ask? Well he's at the skate park and will be here in about ten minutes. Thank god he went out for a while then just sitting in the house all day.  Jayleen and I sat next to Alex as he was being a dumbass on the Xbox. Oh this is just priceless so I got out my camera and video taped the whole thing.

Within 5 minutes into the video the front door opened and guess who it was? Yep. You guessed it right, Blaze. All three of us just sat there with a  straight face and I turn off my camera as he put his board down and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. Without saying a word all three of us fist bumped and got up slowly.

As the water started we waited about three minutes until someone had to go get his clothes and towel from out of there. "Raine, get in there!" Jayleen whispered loudly. I gave her a 'Oh hell no sister!' look which made her put me to the door as her and Alex were outside with the video camera. I gulped and inhaled slowly, I'm ging to be scared for life...

I opened the door slowly and walked in with my eyes closed, here goes nothing.. I grabbed his towel and clothes and smiled as I yelled. "Hey Blaze! I'm guessing you won't be need this" I said holding up his clothes. "Raine! Stop!" He said angrily as he peaked through the shower curtain, his hair pink which made me laugh. I ran as fast I could out of the bathroom and out side.

As I spotted a little girl I smiled to myself and called her over... This is going to be good..

-Blaze's P.O.V-

As I saw her run out I turned off the shower and ran out towards my room and opened up my closet. It was empty.. That bitch! I huffed and looked out my window to see all my clothes on the sidewalk. Great, Just Great.

I grabbed the shower curtain and sighed. YOLO! I ran outside and into the lawn to see all my clothes still there. Thank god.  bent down and picked them up and suddenly heard a high pitched scream. "Mommy! That man tried to touch me!" I heard a little girl yell. Oh... shit.  The lady looked at me with anger and marched towards me. "You bastard!" She yelled as she punched me in my face. I fell to the ground in defeat. She's going to pay, big time.

-Raine's P.O.V-

Jayleen and I died laughing when the mother punched him in the face. Oh revenge is sweeter than pop tarts. Jayleen and Alex held the camera and zoomed in on his face. He looked really pissed but he deserved it. That's what you get when you mess with Raine Coltelli and her badass gang.

We rushed to the house and closed the door so that we don't get noticed by Blaze.

About ten minutes later he walks in the house with his neon pink hair all livid. Alex, Jayleen, and I are holding in our laughs until he finds out about his hair. But until then we are casual and innocent.... for now. He walks In to the bathroom and in seconds he screams. "Raine!!"  which made us roll on the floor with laughter.

He storms out of the bathroom in full clothing, his face as red as a tomato. Uh oh this isn't going to be pretty. "Do you think this is funny?" he yells as he sees us on the floor still laughing. "Dude! It's fucking hilarious!" Alex yelled between laughs. "You two out! Now!" He yells which makes us stop laughing immediately.

"Or what?!" Jayleen yells as she gets up and stomps towards him. "The cops will be called" he smirks evilly. Jayleen froze in fear and looks at me. "I'm sorry sis but I can't be stuck in jail. I love you" she said in sorrow. I smiled and have her a hug. "It's fine love" I said.

Alex and Jayleen left and I was stuck with the evil douche bag. I sat on the couch as he paces around the house running his hand through his pink hair which made me laugh. He stops and looks at me like I was on drugs of  some kind. "Well you deserved it" I said smiling like and idiot.

"How? How did I deserve this, Raine?" He said in anger. Really dude! Like really? "Oh that movie was awesome by the way" I said sarcastically. He sighed and looked down at the ground. "I-" He was about to say some bullshit but I have no patients for his little sob stories. "Save it" I said as I shot up and grabbed my camera. I went into my room and downloaded the video to facebook. This is going to be a goodnight.

-Blaze's P.O.V-

I stood there knowing what I did to her was wrong but what she did to me was unnecessary. Like really? Now I'm known in London as the 'Nude Pedo' great. Just great. Now I have neon pink hair and I have no idea what to do. I can't go out in public like this.. But do I really have a choice?


As I got home I opened my laptop and go out my hair dye that I had to buy. I logged in on Facebook to see about 500 notifications. My eyes grew as I clicked on one by Raine. As the window loaded I saw a video from earlier, this can't be...

My heart skipped beats as I saw that it had 29,735 likes and all by people at our school. I sat on the chair slowly reading all of the comments. The games are on..


Authors Note: How did you guys like this chapter???? Please Favorite and comment <3 For me??

Thanks lovelies c: Bubaii

-Raine <3

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