Fangs and Love

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I look in the mirrow to see a chubby figure, i hate it, i try to suck in my stomach, but i give up oh well i am not at school, i get into the shower, i get out and dry off, i but my long dark brown hair that touches my butt in a messy bun i put on my gym clothes, and get ready for my run, i slip on my shoes, and run down stairs i see my, older brother cory, oh the whale has woken up just have our food his friends brust out laughing, shut up i run to the front door, i sling it open, i leave it open so he will have to close it, i run into the woods intill i am out of site.

i jog for about 20 minites, them i stop in exhaution, i pate, then i hear rustling in the leaves, i do the stupidist thing, i say whos there, like i was playing a knock knock joke, i walk backwards, i know your out there i yell i mentaly hit myself, then i am pinned againest the wall, i scearm bloodie muder, i feel a sharp pain in my neck, scearm another pirecing scearm, i get alittle weak my body starts to go limp, when darkness over comes me.

i hear a rustling sound, i open my eyes, to see a deer eating leaves, i scarble up making it run, i can hear a beating sound,it must be me.i feel my gums ach i whimper in pain, i hold my mouth, i stumble in some leaves, i hear a nosie, again i spirte home wow, that was fast, i look to see my houes in 5 secomds, i run to my poruch and bust into the houes, i run for my room, i slam my door, i run for my bathroom i lean over to toilet, and throw up, i open my, eyes to see blood, i scream, mom, i run for my door, i try to open the door its lock, i kick at the door, then i hear loud music being played i kick at the door intill i hurt my foot, i go to my bathroom, and flush the toilet, and take a shower, i stay in there for thrity mintes, thinking about what happened thenit all comes back, i scearm, i trun off my shower and wrap my self, up i run to my room, i see my brother sneeking out of my room, CORY i yell, then he slams the door and locks it. i bang ont the door.  cory i need help i am throwing up blood, my body feels awful, cory, yeah he whipers, later please come lay with me, ok now just go to bed, i will come later, thanks, i go to my closet, i pull out my pj and slip them on but they fall off what the, i mutter, i just put on my pajams i use to wear, i trun off my light, and listen to the music, and driwft into a peaceful sleep.

i wake up to an awful pain i gasp for, air i hold my side, i look at my clock and clucth my side, i have only been sleep 30 min, i can still hear the music, but i can hear vocies, to i clecth my covers, i  fall off the bed, i crawl to my bathroom, i turn on my light, i left up my shirt i see a huge bruise, then i feel and see my rib break and heal, i yelp in pain i fall to the ground, i look and see and bootle filled with somthing, i grab it, it say, use for pain. i dump the whole, thing on my side. i feel a cooling sensationcome over my body, i get up and lay in my bed. i pertend to go to sleep i try to listen but it is to muffled. so i go back to sleep not wanting to wake up again.

my eyes flutter open i am laying next to Cory, i roll out of my bed i go to the bathroom, i walk past the mirrow, i take a double take i see a cruvey, hot girl, i turn to look behind me, but no ones there, i look back, oh my gosh, CORY i scearm, he bust into the bathroom, what he pants, look i point to the mirrow, he looks, what i turn around, holy crap youarent a whale shut up, oh we have to show mom and dad, HELL NO, YOU GUYS LOCKED ME IN MY ROOM, BUT I FORGIVE YOU,  we did it for a reason, andd why is that, i narrow my eye toward him, well , when you went to run, you got changed, what do you mean, i almosted yelled, well we hired on of dad royal assintants, that is a vampire to change you, i close his eyes, and peaks at me, i brust in laughter, really thanks i think i forgive them, i stumble into my room oh Cory you still, have jokes i clecth my side, ow you are making my side hurt stop it, i breath for air, oh my gosh. i look to see him dead serious, ok since youare seriour can you give my proof, then i see to sharpe fangs grow from my brothers gums, then all i see is black.

ok gut please leave comments tell me if you like,

luv you guys :p

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2013 ⏰

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