The Museum

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Elizabeth's POV

11:15 pm

The bus passes by many shops creating an array of colours that are being blurred by the lingering rain on the window. I think about what I have to do. It doesn't seem too hard, but then again it seems anything but easy. The plan is to get past the security guard with Quebec, or in this case dad. We're disguised as father and daughter as two people going somewhere is less suspicious than one.

I'm planning to wait until the museum closes to sneak into the storage rooms underneath the building as it'll probably be easier to sneak around when there aren't employees moping around.

The artifact I'm supposed to find is some kind of pot with weird patterns, so smuggling it out of there unnoticed is going to be rather tricky. I just hope it's small enough so my jacket can cover it. I'm not sure how successful I will be, but if I'm not, I'll probably spend the afternoon tending to my own flesh wounds with a bottle of cheap stolen alcohol.

People sigh in frustration when we press the buzzer to get off the bus. They must be anxious to get home because of all of the 'terrorist' plots that are said to be taking place around here. If only I could tell them it's all a hoax to distract the police so we can steal things.

I follow Quebec off the bus and we start the short walk towards the museum.

"So you definitely know the plan, yes?"

"Inside out." I answer, not exactly telling the truth however in my defense, I know the plan enough for it to be possible so it doesn't matter as much.

"Is your radio turned off? Don't want you getting compromised before you even start."

"I took the batteries out of it."


Quebec has changed his clothes just to come out. He's not wearing his usual tank top, leather boots and trousers. In fact it's the complete opposite. He's wearing a tight fitted polo shirt with some of those trousers with a zip so you can take the bottom half of them and turn them into shorts. It must be his shoplifting outfit or something.

We enter the museum and the security guard looks at us for a long time, but falls for our 'father and daughter going to the museum' acting. It closes in an hour which must have seemed suspicious, but there is no question as to how much some people love museums.

We quickly find ourselves in a deserted corner away from all the hustle that is going on in the centre of the room. It's actually surprising how busy the museum is considering it's nearly midnight. This is why we came tonight, you see. It's some kind of special open evening. To be honest they're idiots really. They know there's a criminal plot to do with this place and they still open it.

My father looks around suspiciously before bending down to my level, "ok, there are some guards keeping a close eye on us so don't do anything stupid. If you are compromised you know the rules, your name is Kira Sterling and you've been living on the streets for four months. You have no idea who the South Eastern or Western rebels are and I am just someone that took pity on you. Elizabeth does not currently exist and should they try and test your fingerprint it will indeed say you are Kira Sterling as we managed to hack into the police server. Got it?" He hisses, looking at the guards to see if they are looking away.

I nod stiffly and start to walk away, but he comes back and taps me on the shoulder, "one more thing." He drags me behind a large stone pillar where nobody can see and slams me up against it, gripping onto my shirt, "don't mess this up you little runt." He sneers into my ear before letting go of me and strolling casually in the other direction.

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