I Need A Small...Big Favour

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Elizabeth's POV

Something changes in his face as he stares at me. He's looking like he's about to run out of the room.


"Nothing." He deadpans back, looking at the door when someone else enters. "John, can you take over?"

"Ya sure." He says, holding the door for Sherlock as he leaves, his coat swishing behind him. John frowns and looks at me, "what got into him?"

I shrug and continue to think about what just happened. Why would he do that?

"Ah. With Sherlock you never know what goes on inside that crazy head of his."

"I can tell." I reply, actually managing to crack another smile.

"I forgot to tell you, the cat...um." He thinks for a while before clicking his fingers to show the answer has come to him, "Jerry, they have him here and he's been fed."

The door opens again and in steps Molly with some needles and small test tubes, "John, good to see you." She smiles as she arranges the equipment.

"You too." He answers, stepping back to clear some space for Molly.

She puts the strap on my arm and tightens it before arranging the needle, searching for a vein that is showing. She sighs and continues to scan my arm, now ignoring the scars like they were never there, "I can't seem to find one...anywhere. John, can you come and help me please?"

"Absolutely." He decides, soon appearing next to her. He hesitates for a second before pointing to a good area to put the needle, clearly as shocked as Molly.

"This'll feel a bit stranger than the other needle but it shouldn't last too long, alright?"

  "Ok." I say quietly, feeling the heat creep up my face at the humiliation of all of this. Let's just say I have a lot of explaining to do.

I feel the blood being sucked out by the tiny needle, wanting to put my hoodie back on to hide the disgrace that my forearms hold.

John has taken hold of the needle by now, keeping it steady as molly swaps the test tubes around for different things to be tested for.

"All done." He says, slowly pulling it out and putting a small dressing on my arm.

As soon as he lets go I yank my hoodie on, pulling the zip up high despite being too warm.

"John, I'm just going to run these down to the medical office and fetch Greg so we'll be back in a bit."

"Ok that's fine." He smiles and immediately turns back to me once the door has closed.

I have managed to curl up into a ball, hiding amongst my big clothes.

"You wanna talk about it?" He says softly, watching me closely.

I remain silent, just shy of ignoring him if it wasn't for my faint nod for no.

"Ok. Just, you've obviously had a rough time, and all of this here is quite alien to you, but you know if you want to talk about anything...I'll listen." His voice is slow and understanding.

I keep still for a while, realising that this is probably going to come up some other time because nearly everyone knows about it and wants to find out more.

"...I didn't do it." I murmur, gripping onto the loose fabric of my hoodie as if my life depends on it.

John looks up, seeming surprised at the fact that he got me to talk. "What do you mean?"

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