Falling Apart with the Truth

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The crack from the punch runs through me and I watch blood start running down her face. I am shocked at the fact she just remains still, as if this happens all the time.

"You're despicable." Sherlock spits. "Have you seen yourself? Heard yourself? YOU'RE DESTROYING A FAMILY!!!" He screams, shocking pretty much everyone in the room, including me.

"Oh shut it pretty boy, we all know your secret too so don't even think about accusing me of anything weird."

Sherlock turns a deep shade of scarlet and keeps his head down.

I frown at this. What was that about?

"Why can't you just leave her alone!" I exclaim.

"Why, would you rather I hurt you instead?" He smiles.

"Yes." I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Awh, fatherly love. How heart-warming." He beams, before waving his hand to signal his men to give me and Sherlock a beating.

I hear Sherlock groan when he gets a hard punch to the stomach like Elizabeth. I myself receive a few hits before it finally stops. "Is that all you got?" I mutter at him.

Me and Sherlock are both on the floor recovering when strangled gasps are now coming from a couple of metres away. I look up and find that idiot with his fingers pressed against Elizabeth's neck. He's strangling her. She pulls at his fingers weakly, but it is having no effect whatsoever.

"Get up now, both of you, before she dies." He snarls.

I stand up all too quickly, finding an unbearable searing pain in my ribs. That's a couple broken then.

"LET HER GO THEN!" Sherlock shouts after we stand up for a while and Alpha does nothing to stop.

He drops her and she finally falls to the floor gasping, completely defeated.

"I have one more thing to tell you." He decides. "Sherlock, I believe you've heard about this. She's talked to you about something unforgivable that she's done, something very very verrryyyy bad."

I look over at Sherlock and he nods stiffly. He sighs, "I have."

"What's this?" I ask. Alpha just laughs.

"Oh it's bad. It's so bad." He giggles.

"WHAT." I shout, losing my patience.

"She-" He pauses to laugh some more, "she killed her mother, her brother and a couple of others."

I look over at her but she is still breathing heavily, clearly completely out of the conversation for good now.

I clear my throat, "brother?"

"Yup. Didn't you know Mary was pregnant when she left? You indeed have a son, well not anymore. He was killed by his own sister."


"Oh, yes. God, your family is so screwed up."

"She did it under your order." I assume, ignoring his previous remark.

"No. Not at all. She did it to spite her mother. Ooh Mary really was a bitch. Fun, but a bitch. You should've seen how she treated her own kids. Like trash. But something went wrong – she ended up killing everyone on that mission and not just one."

"Elizabeth would never do that, she wouldn't." I tell myself more than anyone else really.

"Oh but she did. You see, they were in the middle of a mission, and they had no idea what they had coming. But anyway, long story short, something went wrong, the police tailed the group back to the camp and it camp went down in flames. Lizzy has been with us ever since. Such a quiet little girl she was. It seemed like butter wouldn't melt but how wrong I was. That's right isn't it Elizabeth dear." He says, nudging her head with his foot.

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