Your Honour

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John's POV

The light on my face wakes me up, and I glance next to me to find that the girl has gone, but her bag remains. I'm not going to try and find her - she wouldn't leave without her bag or the cat (which is now apparently on my lap).

I find my phone and pull it out of my pocket, noticing that Sherlock has replied not last night, but not long ago this morning.

John, nice to know you are monitoring the girl. Mrs Hudson was just disappointed that she had an extra portion of soup left over for dinner so I wouldn't fret over that. However one thing you should know is that Lestrade's boss didn't take the whole 'we let her go and gave a warning' too well. Lestrade called me, they are still waiting to know, but it is likely she will be pulled back in whether she likes it or not. Could be now, later or never. Best not to warn her or she might run. Later. SH.

I blink at the text and re-read it once more. She definitely won't take this well. Damn, what do I do?

"Morning Mr Watson." The girl says, standing before me.

I stand up and turn my phone off so she can't see the text. "Morning."

" wanted to talk to me?" She decides, looking down at Jerry who is purring and sniffing around on the floor.

"How long do you think you can survive like this?"

"I'm not planning to stay here."

"In general, how long do you think you will last on the road, living off a bag of oats with only a lighter that is running out of gas as a source of warmth?"

"I don't know."

I look her in the eye, trying to read the core information that is locked away in her eyes. "What do you expect to do afterwards, beg on the street?" I purge. If she has any chance against the police, it's this. If she says something that could change someone's mind completely, I need to hear it.

"I have my own things to do, things you will never understand."

"Which are?"

"None of your business."


"Because..because who even are you?! You're just some guy that happened to be nice to me, then followed me. I have a dangerous past, mate, and I can't say anything I have done or will do. You have no idea who I am or was so please just leave. Me. Alone."

"NO. I do know what it feels like actually! To be alone, to feel unwanted, full of unanswerable questions. You may have no idea who I am, but I'm one of the good guys, hmm. I cannot let you, a fifteen year old, go off alone. This is serious. The police could be on their way to find you right now, so if you don't comply you won't get the chance to do what you want anymore. Think about it."

She swallows nervously and frowns, looking over my face for validation of what I said, "...police?"

I stare blankly at the wall for a moment before cursing and turning back to her, "..well, not...yes."

"You called them." She decides, shaking her head worriedly while stepping back.

"What, n-"

"I can't stay here, I can't." She says, picking up her bag and bending down, rubbing her thumb and forefinger at Jerry to tell him to follow.

"Wait, they might not even be coming."

"I can't take any chances. I know what they'll do. They're going to take me back to Scotland Yard, throw some questions and put me in one of those wretched orphanages. I don't even know if I technically belong in one of those or not. I'm trying to find family, that's what I'm doing. You have to help me, please. Please. I'll never find them if I'm locked away in a home. " I can see the desperation in her eyes.

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