Let's Go

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the chapter :)


John's POV

So, I nearly got Mycroft's help from that phone call, but he demanded to speak to Sherlock, who actually stood up and left the room to take the call. He was gone for a while and came back in success; we got the bodyguards.

One thing that is annoying though is that everyone is acting weird around me and I can't say I like it. I'm trying not to dig too deep into it because of what's going on at the minute. I'm planning to inquire further down the line when everything isn't so hectic and up tight.

The flat inspection went excellent too. Sherlock managed to tidy it up so much our flat has been approved.

I suppose the last thing we need now is recommendations for child care. This is the part I have been most anxious about, I mean, who will say we are, well, suitable parents?



Elizabeth's POV

I wake abruptly to the heavy metal door opening to the cell, squinting at the light that is pouring from the window, where the curtains are now open.

I sit up and rub my eyes, seeing that the intruder is Lestrade.

"Sorry about waking you up so early, but we need you to fill in some forms and eat something before you go anywhere, as I see you have not eaten the bread we gave you." He decides, opening the window with a key from his pocket.

"Ok." I reply, standing and making the bed by straightening the duvet and rearranging the pillow so there is no longer a face-shaped dent.

I follow Lestrade out of the cell and follow him up the stairs. After a few flights of steps we end up in a canteen. Some staff are sluggishly walking around, sipping their coffee as if it's the only thing keeping them awake.

Sally, who I remember from a couple of days ago, is sitting at one of the circular tables obviously waiting for us. She too is sipping coffee, staring at me when I follow Lestrade in. He tells me to sit down next to her before retrieving his phone from his pocket to call someone.

"So, things are looking good for John and Sherlock so far. They've passed the flat test and hired the best body guards in the country by the sounds of it. We're just waiting on the recommendations and if they go well too, you're good to go." Says Sally, handing me a pencil, "here. You just need to fill these forms in for our records. They're only simple questions so you should be ok." She finishes, smiling one of those dodgy forced smiles.

"Ok." I reply, gazing down at the questions.

1. What is your name?

I frown and consider writing down Kira, but decide against it because they're apparently going to give me another.

2. How old are you?

I press the pencil to the paper but the graphite lead stuff just snaps immediately.

I look up at Sally guiltily and she sighs, digging in her pocket for another pencil, "here." She says, handing it to me. I rearrange my fingers several times, wondering if my left hand was the right choice. I lick my lips in effort, about to press the pencil to the paper. "Careful this time." She tells me. I glare up at her for a split second before trying again. I slowly scribe the numbers 1 and 5 onto the paper before considering writing I think after it.

3. Who are your parents?

Ah. This one is tricky. A question I would also like to know the answer to. Well, I don't really know apart from the fact that my mum was called Mary and she was at camp with me. To be honest she didn't really talk to me all that much. Well, apart from when she was dying- no. I kill the thought and write my answer, even slower than the one before. I know the effort is clear on my face. I never really got that advanced at writing, it's been so long since I last did it. I just write I don't know because I really don't. Who cares about them anyway, they ditched me.

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