Waiting For The Ninety Two Bus

271 11 13

Elizabeth's POV

I run around the corner, pulling my hood back up so none of these people can recognise me.

Whoever John was, he saw my face which can never be good. I have no idea who him and the other guy are, but if they are with the police, which they probably are, I can't decide whether I'm screwed or have made a lucky escape. So far anyway.


I slip under the chicken wire near the front gate. It's our main entrance really. At least I was successful in the theiving side of the mission.

It's around three in the morning, so most people will be asleep unless they're on lookout or border patrol.

Quebec steps infront of me, "go to the master. Now." He growls and I obey him without question.

I approach Alpha's den, lingering outside the curtains like before. A partly expected voice comes from inside, "I believe we've had this conversation before. Don't make me tell you again."

"Right...yeah," I mutter, slipping under the scarves and inside to find Alpha standing before me.

"Do you have it?"

"I do, yes."

"Give it to me. Now."

"O-ok." I search the pocket where I definitely put the vase, but it isn't there. It...no? Where is it? "uhm...one second." I start to frantically search through every pocket I know of, finding nothing. "I...I do have it..." His face is turning a darker red as each second passes.

I clearly don't have it any more, "I...do...I-I did."

I have no idea how I lost it. I mean, I just have really deep pockets so it couldn't have fallen out. The only time I could've lost it was when...oh.

"YOU LOST IT?!" He shouts, towering over me, partly standing in the shadows which cover half of his face.

"The man! He must have taken it from me when I wasn't looking!"

I immediately regret my choice of defence. Why the hell did I tell him I was seen?


"I...yes but-"


Before I can blink his hand had made its way to my throat, making me choke on the grip as he pushes me back against the wall.

"You will go back later and get that vase for us or you're never coming back here. We have no use of little orphan runts around here so think about what you do wisely. If you're seen, you never come back. If ANYONE recognises you, you never come back. If you get caught you shut your mouth about us and never come back. Got it?"

I nod unsurely until he lets me go, making me fall to my knees, wheezing and gasping for air at the same time. He grabs my all too big jacket and drags me back up, adding in a hard punch to my cheekbone to add to my suffering. The pillock kicks me right in the abdomen out of pure, sick earnest.

He throws me out of his den and I fall to the floor outside, my eyes closing for a moment before I scramble to my feet and stagger back to my own den, not daring to hang around that place any longer.

I suppose it could've been worse.

I slump down on the small bed I have. Well it's not even a bed, really. It's more of a 'scrap metal with a cloth' sort of bed.

The once simmering water from the sweetcorn is now stone cold, and even though it is more than edible, the kick I recieved drained my appetite and is currently the cause of the nauseaus feeling I have.

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