Chapter 11

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I took one big deep breath before I opened my car door and stepping out onto the school grounds. It was a nightmare, my nerves taking the better of me. I knew people would of gossiped about me on the night Of the party and I knew that there was probably plenty of rumours that have been spread around the school. As I was walking to the school doors I could feel all eyes on me and a few whispers. I felt like I was the new girl again but this time It was different, they were looking at me in surprise, shocked or disgust. I hated this, I can't do this! All I want to do is get back into my car and drive away, far away from all of my problems.

I stopped at the entrance deciding whether to walk through the doors and face my problems or just turn around and run away like everyone does. I felt someone grab me hand which took me by surprise. I looked down and then to the person holding my hand to only find it was Jai. Have gave me a small smile before interwinding our fingers. J/" are you okay?" I gave him a smile back and nodded. J/" come on, I'll be here for you no matter what anyone says" m/" thank you"

We walked through the doors and down the corridors gaining a few more stares and sniggers. When I'm around Jai he seems to find a way to help me forget about everything and everyone. He makes me feel invincible.

We made it to my locker and i place the books that I didn't need into the locker. J/" do you have gym class first?" M/" yeah but I'm going to skip registration and go straight away" j/" do you want me to come with you" m/" no I just want to be alone for a while" j/" okay" he looked like he was disappointed to see me so upset.

I haven't quite got over the fact that my life is on the line if Jai doesn't give Derek what he wants. I feel that he thinks I hate him an I don't want to be near him but it's not true. I love Jai with all the passion I have and ever since he said he loves me I've had it on repeat in my mind every time I go to sleep and every time I wake up, he's on my mind 24/7. But a part of me thinks that maybe jai's life would be better if Derek got what he wants and Jai could live an easy life without having to look behind him twice. Maybe Derek should get want he's wanted for a while now,

Me dead!

The school bell dragged me out of my thoughts, I shut my locker and gave Jai a kiss before making my way down to the girls changing room. I got changed and grabbed my water bottle out of my bag and decided to go run laps around the gym before gym class started to clear my mind. I got into the hall and stretched before I started jogging slowly. I couldn't help but feel an unwanted presence around me and it was familiar but I couldn't put a face to it. My breathing was unsteady and I picked up my pace and started running feeling like someone was running behind me.

Them all of a sudden the lights went out.

I stopped to catch up my breath, I couldn't see I was completely surrounded by darkness. I hoped that we had a black out in school until I heard footsteps echoing around me. I froze, completely still. I didn't dare move. I could feel the figure walking around me taking advantage in this moment in time. M/" hello, who's there" I built up the courage to speak but no one responded.

M/" hello" I began to shout.
D/" long time no see"
M/" d-Derek?" I shuttered, I was scared to think what this person wanted with me but if it was Derek then I wasn't surprised why he was coming to scare me.
D/" clever girl, how did you guess"
M/" I could hear the venom in your sick and twisted voice" I spat back 

I hated him, he just thinks that he can take away an innocent life, my life. But if I didn't face up to him then Jai was going to pay the price.
D/" you have a lot of courage to speak to me like that, even if I had a gun pointed to you then you probably wouldn't even flinch"
M/" why would I, I know your gonna kill me soon so why not get it over and done with"
My mind was telling me to shut up because I was gonna get myself killed but I didn't want Jai to suffer anymore, I love him too much for him to get hurt.

D/" why would I want to kill you now, theres no fun in that when I can just make you cautious and always alert. I know Why don't you join my gang I'm sure we can do with a girl like you to join"
M/" I wouldn't join even if you payed me to"
D/" then I guess I'm just gonna have to kill Jai"
M/" what no, no you can't, kill me instead not him"
D/" I'm afraid it's too late"
M/" what, what do you mean too late"
D/" it's already too late he's gone and he's never going to come back" his evil laugh filling the hall.

What jai's dead?

I fell to my knees and started crying, he couldn't of. He can't of killed Jai in the space of 10 minutes, but it's Derek we're talking about, he has the power to do that. My mind went blank and I couldn't breath. I couldn't imagine a life without Jai anymore. I screamed and screamed until there was no sounds left inside of me. I felt broken and lost. I hugged my knees and buried my head crying.

I didn't want to look up so I cried harder and ignored beth"
B/" Maddie whats the matter"
I heard the gym doors slam open and lots of foot steps running to surround me. I know that it wouldn't be long until the school found out about this and think that I'm completely insane.
J/" Maddie?"
I heard his voice but I thought it was just me and my imagination because Derek told me that he killed him.

J/" MADDIE" I felt his arms around me but I didn't want to open my eyes and see that he's not there. I didn't want to disappoint my self. J/" shh Maddie I'm here now please look at me" I opened my eyes and looked at him. He wasn't dead he was right there, right in front of me.
M/" jai?"
J/" I'm here now Maddie" I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and cried onto his shoulder.

J/" what happened"
M/" h-h-he was here"
J/" what"
M/" y-yeah and he said that h-he killed y-you"
J/" I'm here now Maddie"

I could here that we wasn't alone, I knew that beth and the boys were here. Then the door opened and the rest of the people in gym class came and surrounded us and started gossiping. I didn't like the attention because I knew that they wasn't here because they were concerned about me but I know they were here because I was screaming and crying in the middle of the gym room.
M/" please can we leave"

Jai didn't hesitate to pick me up and carry me out of the gym and into a empty room. He sat me down and gave me my water bottle to have a drink out of.

J/" what happened Maddie like what really happened"
M/" I was jogging and the lights went out. I thought we were having a power cut but I knew someone was in the room with me but I didn't know who. Then he spoke to me. He said he was going to keep me alerted, then he offered me a place in his gang"
J/" wait what"
M/" I told him that I would never join even if he payed me then he said that he would have to kill you. I said no, I was confused and then he said it was already too late. He made me convinced that you was dead, I never want to feel like that again Jai. I thought I lost you"
J/" you would never lose me Maddie, I told you I'm always here"
M/" I know, I love you jai"
J/" I love you too"

After this event the school day went really slow. I just want to be at home,
lie In bed and forget about the world. There was more gossip going around about me which I hated. I feel that people like to make things up to cause drama because there lives were so boring. It was just entertainment for them.

After school I rushed to my car and locked the door behind me. I needed space from everyone. I sat and took a deep breath, then rubbed my face with my hands. I was so stressed and tried also to top it all of prom was in two months which I had to stress about getting a dress and waiting for Jai to ask me to go. I went to pull down the little mirror in front of me when a note fell onto my lap. I picked it up and closed my eyes before reading the note

Times running out! Tick-tock tick-tock!

I had to put a stop to this. I had to give Derek what he wanted.

Sorry for long update but I'll update soon

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