Chapter 14

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"Please welcome to the pitch theeeeeeee TIGERS" out came running the schools football team followed by cheerleaders doing there tigers routine. I couldn't concentrate on the game, my mind was set somewhere els. Jai was in danger and theres nothing I could do to help him, I felt hopeless. B/" Maddie he will be fine trust me, they have everything under control" m/" but what if Something bad happens or someone gets killed, I could do something to help prevent that from happening" b/" this isn't your problem so stop worrying" m/" but why do I feel like it is" b/" look just enjoy the game, enjoy yourself for once" m/" your right"

Jai POV>
Everything was set, the plan was going perfectly but he's late. J/" were the fuck is he, he should be here by now" l/" maybe he's just caught up in something" j/"no i know Derek he's never late, something isn't right here we've been waiting for over 30 minutes" b/" maybe this is what he wanted" j/" wait maybe this is the set up, maybe this is our distraction what if oh no Maddie" I quickly ran for the car and speeded off to go get Maddie. L/" where's he going?" B/" to the foot ball game come on boys" they all got into a different car and follow me behind.

I should of known he was going to do something like this. I needed to let her know, I got out my phone and rang Maddie. M/" Jai is everything okay?" J/" Maddie listen to me you need to stay where you are, stay with Beth. This was all a set up Derek didn't show, he's at the football game with you, just stay where you are I'm coming to get you" m/" Jai... Jai" I hung up the phone and put my foot down, I had to save Maddie.

Maddie's POV>

M/" Jai... Jai" he ended the call, it took me a second to work out what was happening. B/" what did he want" m/" Beth it was a set up, Derek set them up and he's here" I directed my eyes around the crowd to see if I could find him. I spotted a few of his men all in black suits eyeing me and speaking through ear pieces, and there he was sat all across at the other side of the pitch. He knew that I had worked it out by him staring dead in my eyes. He smiled and did a small wave then pointed at the time on the screen. He pulled out a brown paper bag reaching inside and pulled out the handle of the gun to show me.

I knew what he was going to do, I was going to be dead at the end of the game or someone was. I went to stand up not moving my gaze but he shook his finger telling me no and pointed behind me. At the top of the stand stood some more of his men, I slowly sat back down hoping Jai would get here soon.

Time had past and there wasn't much time left of the game, we was wining and this was the last point we had to score till time ran out, I had no idea what I was going to do and there still wasn't any sign of Jai. This was it the last moments of the game. I looked back to Derek to see him smiling like a Cheshire Cat keeping a tight grip on the gun. "TOUCH DOWN, THE TIGERS WIN!!!" Everyone was running down to the pitch to celebrate, this was my moment. M/" Beth quick run" I grabbed her hand and ran down to the pitch making sure I didn't run into any of his men. Derek was pissed that he last his aim and ran down to the pitch with some of his men searching for me. M/" get down" we both crouched down so we couldn't be seen. When we saw anyone we would move further into the crowd.

I stood up to look for the exit, luckily I found one and no one was there. I grabbed Beth's hand and ran to the exit but someone ran in the way causing me to stop. M/" Jai" I wrapped my arms around Jai, I was so happy he was here.  J/" are you hurt" m/" no but I'm going to be if we don't get out of here" I turned around to see if his men was around and we have been spotted. M/" Jai we need to leave now" we all ran for the exit and into Jai's car driving as fast as we could away. The boys were following behind in a car. We dropped Beth off and Luke stayed with her making sure she was okay, the rest of the boys went home and Jai stayed with me for the night.

We was laid in bed, I had my arm around jais torso with my head resting on his chest listening to his heart beat. J/" I'm sorry about today" m/" why it wasn't your fault, we should of known Derek would of done something like this to begin with" j/" your right, don't worry Maddie he will be gone soon, I promise" m/" I love you Jai" j/" I love you too" we both drifted of into a deep sleep, next week was about to get worse.


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