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My mom and drive home listening to our favorite singer, Adele, and screaming "Hello" at the top of our lungs.
We pull into my drive way and she pushes the garage button. I see streamers pulling up with the garage. Great my mom planned a surprise party for me.
I absolutely hate surprises but I act happy so I don't make her feel bad. Then I see Evan running towards me and before I can move he scoops me up in his arms. "I am so frikin' proud of you Anna! I love you so much."
I know this is gonna sound cheesy b
ut he is literally the most amazing person I have ever met, and talk about hot like I literally can't help but blush every time I look at him
Anyways enough of that. I walk with him to the garage and see a big banner saying "congratulations Analise!" I'm not sure why they wrote Analise because everyone calls me Anna anyways. My friends all run up to me screaming and hugging me. I'm really happy to see them, with skiing and all I rarely get to see them. They walk me over to the couch and sit me down.
"Can I get everyone's attention please", my dad yells " Thanks to the help of a lot of people here we have put together a slide show and if you guys would like to watch some it will be on the tv, but before that I would like to give a big round of aplause to Anna!" Of course everyone starts clapping and I'm awkwardly sitting on the couch blushing. My dad's starts the slide show and the first picture is of me as a two year old on a pair of skis and I think to myself, well this is gonna' be a long night.

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