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    I gasped and scrambled back in my chair, he smirked.

"What were you thinking that made you go through my phone?" He stepped forward and snatched the phone out of my hand.

"I don't know what Grey sees in you," he spat "You're just a prissy little bîatch!"

I sprang up off the chair and threw a punch at him with all my might, he simply leaned to the side causing. my hand to smash into the wall, I cursed out loud and clutched my fist to my chest. He snickered and walked out of the room, I took my shoe off and threw it at him as he turned out the doorway. Again, I missed, terribly. Furious, I marched out of the door and slipped back on my converse. I'm so talking to Grey about this, I thought as I searched through the cupboards for a bandage and alcohol swabs. I finally found them and untied Gar- ugh ew. I don't even wanna think about him, and untied a Certain Person's Shirt from my arm. My thoughts automatically reminded me of how toned his stomach was with his beautiful lion tattoo over his abs, I shivered. Oh, how I would love to trace my fingers over those thin lines, every single fine detail... I snapped out of it. Grey has a tattoo too.. I remembered.. Except I haven't seen it yet, I bit my lip. What type of 19 year old is a virgin to her 1 year on and off boyfriend?! I remembered that day when Grey tried to take me but I refused and ran out.. I just couldn't, he is 5 years older than me anyways. I sighed and swabbed at my arm, jumping a little bit as pain struck through my arm. I tied the bandage around my wound and a little bit around my knuckles. I grabbed my bag and headed out to start my journey back to get my car.

    As I walked out of the doors, I ran into exactly who I DID... I mean DIDN'T want to see.. He still had no shirt on. My eyes started to wander but they snapped back up as he noticed me.

"Took you long enough, you know how long I've been waiting out here?" His lips tugged up into a slight smile " I even got to see a guy walk out mumbling about a girl named Lily, I assumed that it was you and I was just about to come and make sure that you were alright," Tears stung my cheeks as they started to flow.

"Garret it's horrible!" I sobbed as he ran up to me and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Shh baby, it's okay, I'm here for you," he said softly.

I automatically went rigid, did he just call me baby?! I pulled out of his arms and stared up at him, noticing some of my makeup rubbed off on his shoulder, I seriously need to buy some waterproof makeup, He raised an eyebrow and I copied him.

"Don't call me baby" I said.

"Don't forget our phone call, BA-BY" he teased.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk, as I expected, he grabbed me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.

"Don't bother fighting me, remember that you're mine, always, boyfriend or no boyfriend," he said as he slapped my butt and yelled "THIS BOOTY BELONGS TO ME!!" I squealed and kicked him.

"SHUT UP! IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I'LL CHARGE YOU FOR SEXUAL HARASSMENT!!" I yelled back. He put me down and held my hand instead "I liked being swung over your shoulder more" I mumbled. The corners of his mouth twitched but never became a full smile, he was silent for the rest of our walk.
Well. Garret has no limits. I wonder what made him so quiet though?.... Character map above I'll list who is which actor or person in real life after. So tired rn. The ship name decided on issss.... *drum roll* GILY!!! Might change it.. Sounds like a fish in a children's book... Ohhh lets write a mini story about Gily (the story's new mascot) the fish :
~Gily The Fish~
Chapter 1: The Leaf.
Gily loved swimming.
He swam up and down and all around.
One day something fell into Gily's lake.
He took a bite and something weird happened...
He felt light and all floaty.
The ocean was rainbow colours.
He even saw a swimming chicken.
Eventually, Gily passed out.
-To Be Continued-
Definitely adding a Gily story at the end of each chapter. Anyways GOODNIGHTTT!!! 😴

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