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   Garret sat in the seat across from me. He folded his hands and leaned over slightly in the chair. "What is there to talk about?.." For a second, his face showed an insanely cold expression. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat before replying.

  "Who was that man?! Why.. Why did he try to kill you?..." My voice trembled slightly. I wasn't all that afraid. But most definitely curious as to why it had happened.

  Garret closed his eyes. "He was an old friend.. Wanted some money from me.." He reopened his eyes and looked at me. I looked straight into his eyes and there wasn't a hint of any form of lie in them. Part of me wanted to scream and tell him that he's a damn liar. But, from seeing what he had done; I for sure knew I didn't want to turn out the same way. While I was lost in my head, he had shared out some of the food onto my plate. It was a three cheese lasagna with sautéed mushrooms on the side. My mouth had begun to water.

"You're welcome princess.. There's apple pie and ice cream for dessert.." As Garret spoke, I really paid him no attention. I was way too busy chowing down on the delicious food. He placed a red drink next to my plate on the table. "Red wine?..." He smiled widely. I took a sip and I coughed slightly. It was harsh and a bit too aged for my liking but it was good.

After about ten minutes more I had finished my meal completely. It felt like my stomach would pop any second from now. I poked at it a bit and shook my head. "Such a fatass..." I mumbled and noticed Garret walk up behind my chair.

"You should take a shower.. I left clothes and some soap with a towel in the bathroom for you.." He smirked. "Don't take too long or I may have to join you.." He slid his finger down my cheek but I slapped it away once it got to my collarbone.

"You're such a pervert..." I mumbled as I stood up and headed to the bathroom. As I walked past the door he said I should never enter, I heard a soft humming coming from the inside. It wasn't the humming of a person, It was more like a machine. I was tempted to try the door but I could feel his eyes watching me. I sped up and entered the door to the washroom before slamming it shut.

I sat down behind the door and stared at the wall. How could I end up with someone like this?.. A killer. Wouldn't the police find out? I'd be caught too. Probably accused for not reporting it or being a part of it. My bottom lip quivered and I stood up. I began to strip off all of my clothing. Once everything was off, I turned to the mirror and stared at my body. Everything looked the same to me; my birthmark on my stomach, the beauty marks that were almost everywhere on my body. A tear slipped out of my eye and I gulped to hold back my tears. He had tainted my body, the stupid son of a bitch that I thought loved me. He stole my first time.. I could never get that back.

I turned around to the shower and turned the water up on high heat. I stepped in and let the water pour down my back. It was very relaxing, calming as well. As always, my mind began to wander. What will I do about Grey?.. The question repeated over and over in my head as I began to wash my body. Will I get my stuff? Will I get back with him? The stress was making my head hurt. I shook the thoughts away and decided to think of something more happy. What would I wear after?.. I peered out of the curtain and to my suprise Garret stood leaning on the door. I screamed in fright and pulled the curtain around my body. "What the hell Dude!?"

"I told you princess.. If you didn't hurry, I'd join you.." A smirk played on his lips as he spoke. He held a towel in his hand. "You'd better hurry..." It was obvious that he meant business. I wasn't going to end up showering with a guy that was still technically a stranger to me. I quickly rinsed off and took my towel off the top of the curtain. I quickly tied it around myself. "Wow.. You really don't like me?.." He asked with a voice that he made SOUND as sad as possible.

I snorted and grabbed my clothes off the floor. "I don't just not like you right now.." I pushed past him and headed to the bedroom. Once I got there, I slammed the door shut. I tossed off the towel and looked at the bed. He left me an outfit which was just one of his t-shirts and some pyjama pants. There was an underwear included as well. Of course, it was a skimpy little thong. I grumbled about how much of an idiot he was as I began to get dressed. I had no choice but to wear it because god knows there's no way in hell I'm gonna re-wear the other ones. Once I was dressed I threw my hair up into a giant bun. It weighed my head down slightly but I didn't care. I was used to it by now.

The bedroom door opened and Garret walked in. His towel hung on his waist and once again I could see his tattoo. I blushed and put my head down. I walked past him towards the hall. For once he didn't even try to stop me. A loud sigh sounded behind me but I didn't turn around. I simply stomped off towards the living room.

I felt like a child that was upset with her parents for simply not buying something. But, I was hurting. I was actually hurting. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I still had no idea as to what I'd do about Grey. I couldn't help but to wonder how things would've been different if I just hadn't... This was all my fault.

I put my head in my hands and my bun unraveled. I was stressed, angry, sad and everything in between. I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed Garret standing in front of me. I suddenly jumped as I snapped out of it. "Baby doll.." He shook his head and sat next to me as if nothing was wrong.

Garret moved to hug me but I flashed him a look. "Jesus, sorry then." He laid back in the couch and picked up the tv remote. He flipped through the channels a few times before settling on some movie about war. "So, I can see that a lot is on your mind.." He said while looking at me with sincere eyes.

"You know what it is already so shut up.." I snorted and turned away. "I'm going to sleep." I got up and he pulled me straight into his arms. His lips connected with mine for a split second before I pulled away. I pushed him off of me and stood in front of him. "What the hell is actually wrong with you?! Leave me the fuck alone. This is all your fault!" I hadn't noticed tears were already flowing down my cheeks. "Like what do you even want to hear from me? That my boyfriend took me in the back seat of his car? And I accidentally moaned your name? Is that what you wanna hear?"

My face was red hot by now. I was ready to explode. Garret's face was straight. He didn't show a single hint of emotion before he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Oh dear princess, if you'd give me a chance, you wouldn't be moaning my name, you'd be screaming it." He winked a bit and I reached my hand out before slapping him as hard as I could across the cheek. A red mark was left in the spot but he seemed unfazed. He got up, went into the kitchen before walking towards the double doors he told me not to go in. He threw them open, to a room completely dark, then slammed them shut.

I wiped my eyes and sniffled before getting up. I let my hair cover my shoulders before I headed towards the bedroom. I didn't care that I had hurt him. I didn't care even more that he was upset. As I walked past the double doors, I heard the odd humming noise I heard before again. I paused in front of it before continuing my way to the bedroom. I threw the door open just as he had, then slammed it shut.

At first I wasn't sure if I wanted to sleep. I collapsed onto the bed and began thinking about where my phone could've been. I turned over onto my back and stared at the ceiling. The light was actually a nice chandelier that I had never noticed before. Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep.

Gonna give up on this book.))

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