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Dedicating the story to my wifu RomyWooz c: (Ps. Changed Lily's home from a dorm to an apartment bc a dorm would mess up half of the story that I have in mind)
As we got to my car I walked over to open the door to the drivers side, but he came over and grabbed the handle instead, "I'll drive, you rest.. What's the address?" He sighed.

"Uh.. I'm pretty sure I still have an arm," I waved my arm in his face "It's perfectly fine!"

He rolled his eyes and put up his hand motioning me to give him the keys. "Fineee," I said ignoring the fact that he asked the address, there's no way I'd tell him, he'd have to find his own way there. He opened the door and I went over to the passenger side and climbed in, I then turned my head towards the window and looked out, there's no way I'm actually doing this I thought as he turned on the engine, I slowly started to drift off to sleep as he drove forgetting to think about where he would take me if I didn't tell him my address. He turned up the radio volume slightly as I finally fell asleep.


I yawned as I turned around in the bed staring at Grey with a smile on my face as his arms wrapped around me.. Wait.. But.. How did I get home? I sprang up out of the bed  in horror as I realized it was Garret. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?!" I screamed and he sat up revealing that he was only in his boxers. I looked away "Did?-We.."

"No we didn't, why do you want to?" He smirked at me.

"N-no!" I started to panic, "Where are we? And what am I wearing?!" I looked down at myself to see that I was wearing an oversized blue t-shirt.

"We are at my apartment," he smiled "You're wearing my shirt because I changed you, your brä and panties are over there" he nodded to his dresser, my jaw dropped as I somewhat stumbled on my feet.

"I'm kidding! There's no way I would take those off.. Unless you would let me," he laid back on the bed his tattoo visible as the bed sheets only covered his legs. I blushed and grabbed my clothes off the dresser, stomping off into the apartment to find out where his washroom was. I decided to try the first door and grabbed the handle "Don't open that door!" Garret yelled from the bedroom, I shrugged and opened it. The room was pitch black. It had no windows, Garret came charging out of the room and closed the door. "The washroom is the next door over," he sighed and wandered off further into the apartment, this place is huge I thought to myself as I opened the washroom door. The washroom was bigger than I expected, it was decorated nicely too. I quickly changed and left his shirt in his laundry basket that was on the floor, I then went over to the sink to wash my face when I walked over something fell off the sink, I then saw that there was a small blue package with my name on it. I picked it up and curiously tore off the wrapping paper, inside there was a little box, I opened it to see a toothbrush, a small heart soap and a small little square piece of paper. I set the box on the side of the counter and read the note:
Dear Lily,
  Sorry if I frightened you by bringing you here, I didn't know where else to take you and I wasn't just gonna leave you at some random doorstep. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the breakfast I made, I'm going out somewhere, don't leave until I get back!
~ Garret
Ps. You're welcome for the soap and toothbrush

I smiled as I picked up the toothbrush and put some toothpaste that was on the side of the sink on it. I started to brush my teeth but I gasped in worry as I remembered that Grey would probably kill me when I get back. I finished brushing my teeth quickly and I stuffed the bar of soap into my sweater pocket, I then walked out of the bathroom and used my nose to find the kitchen.

Bad ending of a chapter ik, I've been so busy recently! Ignore errors, I don't edit my stories 😂 Anyways here's Gily:

Gily Chapter 2: The Whale.

Gily swam up into a whale's blowhole.
He was being stupid.
He then got blown out of it and he flew to china.
He landed in a river.
He swam in the river and made friends.
He then was stupid again and swam into a whale's mouth.
He met a dog named Sam, an old man named Man and a shark named Skam.
They got stuck in there for a while.
tO bE cOnTiNuEd

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