#1 Galaxy's First Day

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Galaxy is a regular girl, kind, pretty, however there was one thing that was different about her. She was half cat. She doesn't remember a lot of her past, it's just all hazy. People would bully her for being different, and she never let it get to her, but she didn't want this to be the rest of her life. So, she went to high school.

~Galaxy's POV~

      I have arrived at my new high school, Liberty High School. 'I wonder if I can make new friends at this school,' I thought to myself. I walked up to the door and opened it. Everyone was staring at me with a surprised look. I walked in the hall, with a bunch of people staring me down, to my locker. I got to my locker with a girl next to me. She had everything orange on her, orange hair, pants, jacket, and eyes. She had cat ears on her hood she was wearing.

"Hey!" She said.

"Hi.." I said, a little shy.

"I like your cat ears and tail! They're cool!"

"Thank you!" I said, a little louder. 'She likes my ears and tail? Hold up, this can't be right,' I thought to myself.

"Hey! You're new right?"


"I can show you around! I know a lot about this school!"

"I would like that! Thanks!" I told her as I lock my locker and follow her down the hallway.

"By the way, my name is Skyler." She told me.

"Nice name! I'm Galaxy." I told Skyler.

"Galaxy, nice name! I like that name."

    We started to walk around the school into different hallways with different classes. We came across the art class, which I was excided for. I really liked art, as it's my favorite class.

After Skyler showed me around, it was lunch time, so we both went to the cafeteria. I got my lunch, which had beans, chicken, crackers, and milk. I walked to an empty table, and sat alone. I used to think that people would come to my table, but no one ever came. I heard foot steps getting louder and louder as they walked to my table. It was Skyler, who sat right next to me.

"Hey Galaxy! Mind if I sit here?" Skyler asked.

"No, I don't mind." I replied, a little surprised. She sat next to me and we ate the same thing.

"So what are the other people like at this school?" I asked Skyler. I never knew who the rest of these people were since I only met Skyler.

"Well, over there, there are the lead cheerleaders."She says as she points to a table in the middle of the room. "And other there, there are the lead football players. And finally, the Starlets...." Skyler took a deep sigh," The Starlets are just flat out the people you do not want to hang around with. They are pushy, mean, rude, and just ridiculous. They think they're the center of the universe."

" Wow! Those girls sound really hurtful!" I replied.

"Trust me, they are! One time, those girls "accidentally" tripped someone and threw their book bag across the floor. It was a tragedy."

"Oh, no! Did they get hurt?"

"A little bruise, but not that bad. Those girls said that they were innocent. But I know what they were up too."

    We continued our lunch until the bell rang. No one told me what my classes were, so I just stood in the courtyard where there was a field and a fountain. I sat on the rim of the fountain, looking into the water.
"Will people take me who I am? Or will they judge? I guess I'll just have to find out..' I thought to myself and sighed quietly.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of this book! I really like it and I hope you guys did too! ^ω^

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