chapter 10

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Hai babes! I'm hoping ur liking the story! I'm working on other stories too! Well yesterday I went to Barnes&Nobles (it's a book store)! And they had a One Direction story called "Where We Are"! Omg and it's amZAYNing! I love it! Well enjoy the story!


Chapter 10 : No Protection = Baby?!

*Kelli's POV*

I woke up with another terrible headache. Great. I turned around and saw a nude Harry sleeping like a little cute baby. I realized I was nude too. I sat up covering myself with the sheets. I looked around the room and saw a girl laying in Liam's bed. It was Sophia. Shit. I looked down at the floor lucky I saw a shirt. I picked it up and put it on. I don't know who's it was but I put it on. I found Harry's boxers so I put them on. I walked down the little hall and suddenly felt something coming up. I knew exactly what it was. I quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up. I felt someone grab my hair and pull it back. Once I was finished I noticed it was Sophia. "Sorry you had to see that and sorry for waking you up." I say embarrassed. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. "It's alright. And is that Liam's shirt?" She said pointing to it. I shoulders and she laughed. "Why did you throw up?" She said picking up Liam's boxers. No I did not see her crotch or her bum. "Hangover." I simply said laying down. "Oh." She mumbled. I nodded and looked up and the ceiling. "So did you and Liam get wild yesterday?" I said as I sat up and smirked at her. "Huh? Oh uh! No no no no no no no! No! Are you crazy?!" She said shaking her head. I laughed and punched her arm lightly. Then again I felt like I needed to throw up. I ran to the restroom and threw up. I flushed it and brushed my teeth again. "Are you okay? You threw up twice I'm a little worried? Are you on your period or what?" She said rubbing my back. I shook my head. "I'm fine Sophia. Just from the hangover." I said standing up from the ground. "If you throw up one more time I'm taking you to the doctor." She said sternly. I nodded and smiled. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I saw Niall was awake with Liam. "Hello brother. Hello Li." I said kissing them both in the cheek. "Hey sister." I said speaking after he bit his waffle. "Hey Kel. Is that my shirt and Harry's boxers?" He said pointing to the clothes. "Yeah I just found it on the floor." I shrugging my shoulders. He laughed and shook his head. "Sister were leaving to another city you know for tour. So I need you to pack we'll be leaving tomorrow morning." He said with a mouthful of waffle. I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. The need I wanted to throw up again. I turned around and threw up in the sink. Liam and Niall stood up quickly. Niall rubbed my back as Liam held my hair. Sophia walked in seeing me throw up. Great. "That's it were heading to the hospital!" She said turning around to go who knows where. I sighed and looked at a worried Liam and Niall. "Are you okay? Why does Sophia say she's taking you to the hospital?" Liam said as he put my hair in a messy bun. "I threw up three times already." I said looking up at him as he looked down at me. "Poor baby is sick! C'mon babes I'm taking you too." He said picking me up bridal style. I laughed as we walked into the room seeing Sophia putting on her shoes. "Hurry and change Kelli were leaving." She said standing up. I nodded and just put on some of Harry's sweatpants. So I had on a bra, one of Liam's black shirt, Harry's boxers, and his black sweatpants. I walked down the hall and into the living room and saw Liam and Sophia on the couch."Ready?" Sophia said standing up. I nodded as she opened the door. I walled down the hall with Liam and Sophia. I got a text from Harry. It said," From HazzyBear<3 : Babe where you at? xxx" I replied saying," To HazzyBear<3 : I'm going to the hospital with Li and Soph! xxx ttyl!" I put my phone away and got in the elevator. We went into the lobby and outside. We ignored the paps of course. We got into the car and drove to the hospital. Once we got there I was anxious. I don't know why. "Hi were here cause my friend keeps throwing up and were worried." Soph said. "Okay what's her name? And how many times.has she thrown up?" The lady said. "Her name is Kelli Horan and 3 times." The lady nodded and pointed to the waiting room. We walked and sat down. Soon like 5 minutes later they called me in. "The doctor will be right with you." The nurse said as she was leaving. I nodded and sat down. Li and Soph were talking about who knows what. Then the doctor came in. That was fast. "Hello Kelli." She said. "Hi." I said nervously. "What are you here for?" She said. "Um I keep throwing up. And it's been 3 times already." I said as she laid me down. "Okay are you on it..." She said in a low voice cause Liam was inside with us. I shook my head and she nodded. "Have you had sexual activities?" She said as I sat back up. I could feel myself blush. I nodded slowly. I heard Liam chuckle lightly. "Liam be quite!" I said as the doctor and Soph laughed. Obviously I had been having sex with Harry and Li knew about it. "Okay I'm going to have you take a pregnancy test to see if you are okay?" She said opening the cabinet and getting a pregnancy test. I nodded and went into the restroom. I peed on the stick and all. I came back out and gave it to her. "Okay I'll be back with your results." She said leaving the room. "Li why did you embarrass?!" I said smacking him in the head. "Sorry! And owwy that hurt!" He said rubbing his head. I laughed and rubbed his head then kissed him where I hit him. "There." I said laughing. "Wait so you two had it?" Soph said. Me and Li with wide eyes looked at her. "No! No no no no no no no no no! I kind of had it with Harry....." I said embarrassed. Why would she think I had it with Li?! She laughed and nodded. We waited 10 minutes or so. I was really hungry. The doctor came in and smiled. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Anyways Kelli we got your results." She said flipping the papers. "And...." We said together waiting for her to answer. "Your pregnant." She said smiling. My mouth dropped to the floor. "P-pregnant?" I strutted. She nodded and said goodbye and to come in two weeks. But the tour?! She said go to any hospital. Wow. I turned around to Li and Soph who were surprised just like me. "Li I-I'm not r-ready." I strutted. He came up and hugged me. "How are we supposed to tell the rest?! The media?! Niall?!........Harry?" I said to Soph and Li. "Don't worry we'll tell them together." Li said. I nodded and we left. The whole ride I was thinking about Niall, media, Harry, management. We got off the car and into the hotel. Everyone was in the living room watching TV. "Well? How did it go? What's wrong?" Harry said standing up and kissing me on the cheek. "Guys....we all need to" I said in a low voice. They all nodded and I sat down. "Well.....there are some news but I'm not sure how your gonna take it." I said fiddling with my fingers. "Just say it." Perrie said worried. "I-I'm......p-pregnant." I strutted and looked down at my lap. It was silent. No one said nothing. "Are you sure?" El said walking over to me and hugging me. I nodded.slowly. I looked up and Niall. He had his head in his hands. I could feel myself tear up a bit. I looked at Harry he looked like if he wasn't in this world it looked like he was in his world. "Niall..." I said quietly. He didn't even bother to look up. I felt a tear go down my cheek. Perrie and Zayn were looking at their laps. Lou was just looking up at the ceiling. El was hugging me. Li and Soph were seeing the tear come down my cheek. "Aren't any of you gonna say anything?" I asked. No one said nothing. I stood up making El fall to the couch. "I'm going to the room." I said crying. I walked to the room. I laid down on the bed and cried. Someone came in and laid down next to me. It was Harry. "Babe don't cry." He said wiping my tears. "How? No one said nothing! Maybe I should just get an abortion." I said looking at his beautiful green emerald eyes. "Don't. I want that baby. And Niall he's just overwhelmed. I mean his little sister has a baby with his friend. That's kind of weird but your having that baby." He said rubbing my stomach. I smiled and kissed him. "But what about management?" I asked. "Don't worry babe." He kissed me and I cuddled with him. I heard the door open and close. I looked at the door and it was Niall. "Harry do you mind if I speak to my sister....alone." He said. Harry nodded and left. I sat up and Niall sat in front of me. "Kelli......I'm not mad or sad. Just that your my little sister. And having a baby? I don't know." He said looking down. I grabbed his chin to make him look at me. "It'll be alright Niall. I have to face consequences of my actions." He smiled and hugged me. "I love you Kelli." He said in the crook of my neck. "And I love you Niall." I said. We pulled apart and smiled. "I'm hungry. Can we get McDonalds?" I asked. He nodded. "Stay here I'll go with Harry." I nodded and he left. I went into the living room and talked with the rest. "I wanna watch a movie." El said. I nodded and we put on Despicable Me. Harry and Niall came right on time. We watched the movie as me and Harry cuddled. He put his hand on my belly. And we fell asleep.


Hey babes! Sorry lame chapter! Hope you like it! School is coming up! Yuck. I hate school. And bye bye!




Kik me (giggles1d)

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