chapter 14

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Hai babes! I'm so happy! Cuz I have about 100 readers or more! Thank u guys so much! I love you so much! Not to be much of a creepo. Lol. Well enjoy!


Chapter 14 : Baby Shower!

*Kelli's POV*

Harry and I were heading to the theaters saying he doesn't want to be in the house for the moment. Once we got there it was full with fans! Harry signed and took pictures with them as I went to go the tickets. "Hello. Can I have 2 tickets to.....Grown Ups 2." I asked the lady. "Sure that'll be £16.36." The lady said looking at me. I handed her the money and she gave me the tickets. "Enjoy your movie!" She said as I left. I smiled and nodded. I walked over to Harry and he saw me struggling to get past the fans. He pushed threw the fans and grabbed my waist. "Look! It's Kelli!" A fan yelled. Everyone began to surround us. "Harry!" I yelled as people began to shove things in my face. Harry grabbed my hand and led me in the theaters. "Oh my God babe! Are you okay!? Are you hurt?!" He asked. "I'm fine Haz." I said fixing my shirt. He sighed and nodded. We bought snacks and went into the movie.

*Movie Ended*

Me and Haz we already leaving the theaters and there were no more fans. Thank God. "Did you like the movie babe?" Harry asked. I nodded. "It was funny! Taylor Launter was hot!" I said as he opened the door for me. "You like Taylor?" He asked as he pouted. "Haz! Don't worry! I'll love you more!" I said as I put my back to the car. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. "Thank you babe." He said as he kissed me again. I smiled and got in the car. He jogged to the other side and we drove back home. He got off and ran to my side. He opened the door and helped me out. "Thank you." I said. "Your welcome your majesty." He said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my cheek. I laughed and we walked up the steps. Harry unlocked the door and opened it. It was dark until Harry turned on the lights. "Surprise!" People shouted. I smiled and looked around. It was a baby shower! "Oh my gosh! Thank you guys so much!" I said as I hugged them. Everyone was there! This was so exciting! "Hi mum!" I said as I hugged her. "Hello sweetie!" She said as she pulled away. "Have you seen Niall?" I asked looking around. "Oh yeah he's still buying a gift." Mum said smiling. I smiled and nodded. I went to the backyard and looked at the rest of the people. It was so nice to have them here. Everyone began to eat. There was salad, hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, and more. Soon Niall came with like alot of gifts. What the heck? I walked to him as he smiled. "Hi Niall were have you been?" I asked as he hugged me. "Buying things for my new nephew. He said putting a box down. "Aw thanks where's Lucy?" I asked. "In the car getting the last gift." He said. I nodded and smiled when I saw Lucy. "Hi Lucy!" I said hugging her. "Omg hey Kelli! You look so beautiful even with your pregnancy!" She said smiling. "Aw well thank you." I said. "No problem." She said smiling. We all ate then started to play games. Honestly it was so fun! Then we started to open the gifts. There were clothes, toys, things that the baby needs, and all. Niall's and Lucy's gift were a crib, clothes, baby monitor, a stroller, a car seat, and more. It was really nice of them. It began to get dark and people started to leave. Niall and Lucy were gonna stay over cause tomorrow we are gonna set up the room. We cleaned up everything and I went up to the our room. I changed into my pj's and got into bed. Harry soon came in and cuddle with me. I soon fell asleep in his arms. Best thing ever....


Hai babes! Hope u like this chapter! Again thx for reading dis story! Tomorrow I have skool! Yuky! T here skool a lot! I only like it cuz I get to see my friends! Look these are reasons y I like skool.

1. I get to see my friends.

2. I get to fool around.

Last thing is 3. Cuz I think about 1D wen da teachers teach. Lol! Well bye babes! Luv y'all!




Kik me (giggles1d)

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