Chapter Four

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"I do what I do for the love of it." -Kasumi, Mass Effect

Karai watched in horror as her brother fell to his knees in front of the Dark One. His gas mask was smashed on the ground and he was dying. Leo was giving the Dark One a strange look that he gave many allies.

Finally, she broke free of her trance an race towards him. "LEO!!!" Se called out to him, but he collapsed and she swore she didn't see any breathing. She heard April giving orders to men and that big door being scraped open, but all of it was blurred out and the only sound she heard was her rapidly beating heart. She pulled out her AK47 and mercilessly shot at the Dark One, of course, it escaped. Karai hastily hoisted her brother onto her back and ran into The Barracks with April.

Immediately the door shut behind them and they found themselves in an infirmary, filled with patients. Medics approached them and Karai explained what had happened. The medics carried Leo away, they didn't seem to care that he was a giant turtle...

"Karai... Leo will be fine... There's all the other mutants living down here too, so they're counted as civilians." April placed a hand on Karai's shoulder and started dragging her, yet again, away.

"Where are you dragging me?" She asked and didn't bother to remove April's hand, for she was too worried that her sibling would not make it.

"To see the guys." April stopped in front of a fireplace and three mutant turtles with a man Karai recognised as Casey Jones.

"What the?" One turtle said and the others turned to look at Karai. They certainly looked different than they used to.

Raphael, the one who spoke, was wearing a black camo-jacket and dark brown tactical armour with a black military helmet on his head with a gas mask on it. He had a pump-action shotgun on his back, behind a brown backpack, and two machete's on his leg. He had a small pouch on his hip with grenades underneath. He had a compass and a lighter on his shoulder and still wore his mask.

Donatello had night-vision goggles hanging from his neck and he used his mask as a bandana. He wore a padded, brown coat with fur lining and metal knee protectors. He had a magnum on his hip and two hunting knives below it. He wore a compass on his forearm and had a backpack on his back.

Michelangelo still used his mask, as a... Mask. He had a military helmet and jacket on with a hunting rifle on his back and a large pouch for grenades and ammo on his hip.

Casey Jones just wore full military gear and had a shotgun and AK47 on his back.


Michelangelo had been glaring at her while the others stared in shock. "Where's Leo?" He asked firmly, takin note of the sad look on Karai's face.

"He's in the hospital." April sighed in sorrow and sat down in front of the fire. Karai sat in the corner, away from the group.

"Why!? You mean gems come back!?" Raph yelled and a couple citizens looked at him.

"Yes... A Dark One attacked... He lost his gas mask." She said and received a comforting hand from Donnie.

"So... Uh, Karai, where have you and Leo been?" Donnie asked curiously. After the two had left, the remaining family searched every nook and cranny of the city, only to find them gone without a trace.

"Never mind that. W-where's father?" The said woman asked and looked around. It haunted her to think that he was dead.

"Splinter's exchanging ammo. He'll be back tonight." Raph said and he and Casey began to talk while April and Mikey began to catch up.

"What happened, exactly?" Donnie asked and scooted away from the fire, towards her.

"We just got to the city a few hours ago, we looked for any signs of colonies and that. But then a librarian came along, Leo followed the rules and stared at the floor while I got behind it and killed it. We then heard shooting and ran to a warehouse and found your girl April finishing off Lurkers. She started dragging us here but then a Dark One came along. Me and April started banging on the doors while the Dark One attacked Leo. It tore his mask from his face. He was choking for a few seconds before looking blank. He started choking again and stared at the bitch like it helped him." Karai emphasised, Donatello watched intently, a finger on his chin.

Karai didn't want to admit it, but she had been growing a little closer to Leo. She started to develop some sort of feelings or him. Of course, with his normal clueless self, he didn't notice.

A tall, black man walked to the group, coughing to get all of their attention. He looked like a scientist, an old one, before the fallout. He obviously didn't go to the surface.

"I'm sorry, but Mr.Hamato may not make it through the night. The radioactive carbon monoxide may have caused a huge infection in his lungs. Until he wakes up, we won't know if there's any damage to the brain." He stated. His voice was very husky.

"Heh. I don't think I'm dead yet..."

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