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It's been 5 days again since harry stopped by. I got a little worried but I just thought,

Maybe he just has to do stuff or maybe he went on vacation for something.

Well today was a new day and I need to be focusing my job.

The first consumer had black hair with a gray shirt and black jeans. he had a black and blue eye. I didn't bother to ask him what happened because first, I don't know him and second, what if he was born with it. hey you never know. he ordered his coffee and I went to get it. I felt eyes on me and I turned around. And it was him. I got his order and ran to him.

"Here you go, and I don't mean to be weird but what's your name?"

"Zayn Malik," he said.omg.omg he was British ah.

I looked at him and smiled.

"I love that name it's nice and unique. my name is Sarah."

He gave me a smirk and said," beautiful."

Then he took him coffee, left the money, and gave me a wink before he left.

Through the window I saw him and Harry. they both stared at each other and they went there separate ways. Then harry walked in. I saw a black and blue in his cheek bone.

He walked up to me and smiled.

"What the hell happened harry!"

"Can't tell," is all he said. I got a really mad.

"Are you kidding me! You know what whatever!" I just rolled my eyes and took the money that Zayn left on the counter then put it inside the register.

"Look, I'm sorry I just can't tell you."

"Just leave, Harry."

"I will if you can answer me one question."

"What is it!"

He frowned and handed me a flower.

"Will you go out with meh."

I stayed there with my eyes wide opened like always.

"I-I'm sorry but.......", he cut me off by throwing the flower across the room and punching the wall. I yelled.


Then he just ran out.

"What in the name of god is going on!" my manager said.

I still didn't move from the same exact spot I was at when harry did that hole on the wall. I was in shock. I finally got out of shock and spoke.

"U-um I don't know I was putting the money away and I just heard something but the person ran away," I lied. I just can't believe I saw that with my own eyes.

The manager ran to his office to see the cameras and I ran to his office. he rewind the tape and there he was...... harry in the camera.

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