Goldilocks still asleep

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You pull up outside the building, turn the engine off, get out and head inside, you walk up the stairs to your front door, you get your keys out and put it in the lock, turning it 360 degrees anti clockwise and opening the door.

"What, who's are those" you whisper to yourself as you notice a pair of shoes on the floor, you grab a vase and walk slowly into your bedroom, you pounce round the corner only to face Levi, in your bed, 'why is he asleep in my bed' you think to yourself, you slowly put the vase down, 'how did he even get in here, nothing is making any sense', those thoughts leave your mind as new, curious thoughts enter. You slowly walk to the side of your bed and kneel down, you glare at him, his raven hair was all messy, 'he looks so cute and handsome' you think to yourself. You bite your bottom lip and as adrenaline takes over, you lean in and kiss him.

Hope you liked this one, LEMON NEXT!!!!! Sorry if it isn't so interesting, I was sat on the train with an annoying person next to me.

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