Wet and dirty

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---two months later, you start getting a small bump, Levi always makes it his priority to come and see you everyday and spend time with you. But as time goes on, you start getting  your pregnancy cravings, but that's not all, you've also started getting your pregnancy hormones, and as a result, you brought yourself a toy---

You're laying in bed in a pregnancy dress, rubbing your bump and humming to yourself, trying to keep yourself distracted, distracted from the tingling and lust you greed, you want him, so bad, you want him there to be bad and naughty to you, but he's still at work.

You slowly get up and out of bed, waddle over to your dresser and open your underwear draw, reaching all the way to the back, you grab your toy. While waddling back to the bed, you take off your panties. You get on and get comfortable in your bed. Your toy vibrates so you turn it on and slide it in your womanhood, your back arches slightly and you let out a faint moan. It feels good, but it's not him, it doesn't fulfil your lust, but it's what you've got so you continue, sliding it all the way in and out, letting out gasps of air each time, you start picking up the pace a bit until -"hey brat, I'm here, got let off work early, how are yo-" Levi says while he walks in and over to the bedroom to see you there, pleasuring yourself.

You slide it out and sit up slightly, embarrassed that he saw, you don't know what to do, 'how does one even explain themselves' you start to think to yourself before he walks over, crawls up to you from the bottom of the bed, kissing your inner left leg on the way up, he put one hand on your cheek and the other on your hip and kisses you. "Oh (y/n), you don't need that, I'm here now" he whispers against your lips huskily.

Hormones on full blast, you grab his face and kiss his passionately, your tongues re-exploring each other's mouths, battling it out, you rip open his shirt as your lust takes over, he lays you back while kissing you, taking off his shirt and moving his lips from your and over to your neck, your fingers tangle in his raven locks as he sucks, bites and kisses at your (s/c) skin. His hands down on your ass, he slowly glides them up your body, lifting your dress off over your head. He then kisses down your body, kissing your breasts gently (they're tender and he doesn't want to hurt his princess) and over the bump softly and carefully (because that's his lil Angel in there so it's presh to him), all the way down to your womanhood. Your eyes widen as you realise he didn't just stop there, his tongue is lavishing at your clit, the pleasure flows throughout your body as your back arches more and more and moan out his name "ahh, Levi", your hands are clawing at the sheets while your whole upper body is bent back, your feel yourself close "Levi, I'm gunna-" and before you could finish what you were saying, you release all over Levi's mouth and chin, he wipes his mouth and kisses back up your body, he pecks you and whispers in your ear "you better not be thinking that's all, I'm not done yet" his voice still husky, the lust spilling from his mouth, he kisses you hard while undoing his bottoms, he slides them off, revealing his member, "please, I can't wait any longer, I've been waiting all day, I want you so bad" you say between gasps from where you're still trying to catch your breath. He kisses you and says "hmm, well I need a shower so now you're coming with me brat" and he picks you up, you wrap your legs around his waist, you decide to be cheeky and kiss at his neck, getting his spot, he manages to make it into the show cubical considering you were making his hormones fly high, he pushes you against the wall, turns the shower on and says "that's was mean of you, I'm gunna have to punish you for that". He turns you so your hands are against the wall, his hands are onto of yours and he kisses your neck, you're both hot and wet now, he nibbles your ear and whispers "you ready", you nod and he slides his member into your womanhood, you let out a slight moan and clutch your hands, once you've adjusted, he starts sliding in and out, your lust being fulfilled. Your forehead rests on the wall as you moan with each thrust, he gets faster and you push against him each time to get it deeper, 'ahh, it feels so good, but I'm close again, I can tell' his thrusts pound into you and you can feel him getting faster and sloppier, you gasp and let out a moan while you climax again, "Levi, fuckk", "ahh (y/n)" he moans out as he does the same, he continues to ride out the orgasm, his head leant agains your back, you can feel his deeps breathes against your wet skin. He pulls out and kisses your neck, you turn, both still out of breath, and kiss him while the shower water runs down both of your faces. Biting his bottom lip as you pull away, you giggle and say "very good showering skills" he kisses you again and tickles you saying "well you're gunna have to properly join me now, hot stuff". You both shower and go back into the room and spend the evening watching (favourite genre) films and cuddling.

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