The key

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Laying next to each other and panting, Levi gets up and starts putting his clothes on, he turns to you whilst doing up his trousers and says "if you're wondering how I got in here, I still have a key from the last owner, I'm sorry, it won't happen again brat" he takes the key out of his pocket and places it on your bedside table, as he's about to leave, he turns to look at you again and says "hey brat, tomorrow I want you ready by 07:00pm, I'd like to take you out", you gulp, still in shock by everything that just happened and finally respond "yeah sure". He leaves and you jump out of bed, you clutch the key in your hand and run out the door in your duvet, "Levi wait" you shout, as he's about to enter his apartment, "what's up now brat", "umm, keep it, it felt nice seeing you in my apartment when I got home from work and I'd like to think it'd happen again" you say while you toss it down to him, he catches it and says "I'll see you tomorrow, you beautiful brat" and he goes into his apartment.

A silly smiling you strolls back in your apartment and closes the door, you lean your back against it, look up and whisper "fuck" and stupidly smile to yourself.

----Levi's P.O.V----

"Levi wait" you hear, you turn to spot (y/n) standing at the top of the stairs in nothing but her duvet 'she's so cute' you think to yourself. "What's up now brat" you say, trying to contain the butterflies rushing and bouncing off your stomachs edges as she stands there looking so adorable, "umm, keep it, it felt nice seeing you in my apartment when I got home from work and I'd like to think it'd happen again" (y/n) says in a sweet innocent tone, (y/n) throws the key down to you, you catch it and respond with "I'll see you tomorrow, you beautiful brat", you walk into your apartment and lock the door behind you. You look down to the key in your hands and smirk "she's so cute" you whisper to yourself.

--time skip to nighty night time--

'Urghh, why can't I sleep, she's still on my mind, after everything earlier, I thought the thoughts would calm down but they've only gotten worse, craving her more' you move your hand down and touch yourself again, going hard and fast, you imagine yourself with her and what happened earlier on in the day, the thought of that causes you to climax, you get up, get cleaned up and sit on the edge of your bed with your elbows on your knees and your head in your hands "I need her, how is she doing this to me, my body, my mind, what's happening, why can't I stop thinking about her" you whisper to yourself.

---time skip, and back to your P.O.V---

'Shit' you rush up the stairs as you had to stay till 05:00pm today as the café was busy, you rush into your apartment and start to strip while speeding towards the bathroom, you stop dead in your path and see a (f/c) dress on the bed and a note which reads
"I know you're running late, I'm picking you up at 07:30, I also got you this that I'd like you to wear, I hope you like it, brat.
-Levi xx"
You kiss the paper and then realise you were on your way into the shower, you hop in, wash, shave, jump out and brush your teeth. You head into your room and blow dry your (h/c) hair and style it, you place on your (f/c) matching, sexy undies and slide on the dress Levi got you, slide on your shoes and sit down for a few minutes for relaxation before hearing a knock "pfft, what an idiot, he'll enter when I'm not in here but when I am, he won't, strange man" you walk over and open the door to find a well suited Levi, with his Raven hair slicked back, 'fuck he's handsome' you think to yourself as he grabs your hand and kisses it. "You look stunning, I almost feel like I can't call you a brat anymore" you smile and say "are we going, brat" and you let out a little giggle. 'He's blushing, whatttt' you think to yourself. "I will make you pay for that. Let's go gorgeous" and you both head out to his car.

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